Mob boss fight plugin!

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by ogedi, Apr 22, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Hello im working on a massive project called Heroes of Galderon, and ive coded all of my plugins and jars, but this one has got me beat.

    Basically i need a boss fight plugin that is compatible with heroes.
    The plugin should simulate a dynamic boss fight were a mob has increased hp, damage, and special abilities like mob arena.
    Special abilities such as fireball, knockback, bind, lightning/fire aura etc.

    The boss should be spawned when an entity interacts with an area, i believe a pressure plate is the best way to go about doing this.

    If you have any ideas to improve or add on id like to hear

    Id also like for the plugin to be exclusive if possible :p

    Reward can be given
  2. Offline


    No takers? Itll be the first of its kind.
  3. Offline


    Really could use a dev for this plugin :)
  4. Offline


    u also really need that kind of plugin for my server
  5. Offline


    My server could use one like this as well
  6. Offline


    A post from April 22... wth
  7. Offline


    I still need a plugin like this... I might have found a way to do it with the combination of two plugins though...
  8. Offline


    Well you can combineVariableTriggers with to do this. Just create an area trigger and when they enter it, execute the command to spawn the boss. I don't think its compatible with heroes though, request that to the dev.
    MinopolisMc likes this.

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