[MISC] PlgDisableCmd v2.0 - disable given commands [1.4]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by Plague, Feb 28, 2011.

  1. Offline


    PlgDisableCmd - Disable given commands
    Version: v2.0

    Since there was some demand to disable some commands without the use of permissions, I come to the rescue :)
    Just create a file "plugins/PlgDisableCmd/disabled.txt" and put commands (without the / character) you want to disable there on separate lines. That's it!

    Can disable any command, including hardcoded bukkit /help and /plugins or minecraft /give.

    Download (source code in the .jar)
    Download OP version (OPs can still use those commands)


    Version 2.0
    • updated to new bukkit API
    Version 1.3
    • More aggressive code, should truly block all commands, even for plugins not respecting the right way to handle commands.
    Version 1.2
    • Craftbukkit 600 compatibility
    Version 1.1
    • Fixed a bug - plugin was not case-insensitive
    Version 1.0
    • Initial release
  2. Offline


    Requesting update.
  3. Offline


    should work
  4. Offline


  5. Offline


    Great Plugin. Could could add a optional custom message saying that the user is not permitted to use the command?
  6. Offline


    if i would disable the /give command is it disabled for the server cmd too? or just the players?
  7. Offline


    I think it's the console too, but console is always OP so the OP version does not have that limitation
  8. Offline


    y but I want to disable /give commands for op's :D
  9. Offline


    Love it! Please update this to new versions!
  10. Offline


    Hey Plague,
    I appreciate all of your efforts in making this plugin, I just recently found it while scouring the bukkit forums and minecraftforums while looking for exactly this tool, I had installed it and everything, and then I ran it, but even though I have the text file in the appropriate section (plugins/PlgDisableCmd/disable.txt) it still says I have no commands to be disabled. Can you help me troubleshoot this? am I missing something? it is running before my other plugin DeadMansChest, so I don't see why it shouldn't work.
  11. Offline


    It says that in the server console when starting? In that case the order is not important yet. Looks like it really cannot get to the file. Are you on windows maybe and they added a second extension (.txt.txt)?
  12. Offline


    wow, you're fucking good. lol thanks a lot!
  13. Offline


    Hmm great plugin but can you make so you can do an area where the given command is disabled?
  14. Offline


    That would really be complicated for such a simple plugin
  15. Offline


    Still working on 1368 and very well indeed.
    I dont think anything should be changed, :) Its perfect as it is. Hopefully it wont ever break :D
  16. Offline

    Deleted user

    Looks great, but one thing:
    Can I get a copy of the .jar for this plugin that's compatible with RB 1185?
  17. Offline


    it's the same for like few hundred revisions
  18. i am using this plugin http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/plugins_info/ which uses /plugin or /pl to show the plugins.
    I was able to disable /pl with CommandBin, but still the /plugins command works.
    So i tried disabling it with this plugin, but unfortunately it still works :/
    Am i doing something wrong ?
    I've added
    on my disabled.txt

  19. Offline


    The only thing that comes to my mind is to check that my plugin is loaded before the plugins_info
  20. hmmm if i remember correctly that thing happens inside your .jar file right? I dont remember exactly how to do it...can you elaborate some more ? Thanks
  21. Offline


    Nono, you should be able to do that via bukkit.yml IIRC.
  22. Offline


    Still working great on 1611 :)
    +1 to you @Plague
  23. Offline


    I have finally come to a halt and the plugin has broke :(
    The breaking point happens with WorldEdit's recent changes:
    Please take a look if you can, maybe come up with a solution for your/their plugin. I need WE, yet I aswell need this plugin :p
  24. Offline


    Looks like the dynamic command registration. But my current code works on a simple level, so I'd need to rerite it and I don't see time for it in near future :/
  25. Offline


    Thanks for the response.
    I will be using bukkit.yml for now as I've moved everything over to there.
    I shall miss the OP ability to use the commands however :(, was truly a great plugin while it lasted for me and served me well! Thank you :)
  26. Offline


    Your issue is odd. This plugin looks like it registers its events at Priority.Monitor which really shouldn't have worked for canceling WorldEdit commands, since WorldEdit hooked PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent at a lower priority for command handling. WorldEdit's dynamic command registration system works by getting the server's SimpleCommandMap and using its register() method, which is what normal plugins use (through the SimplePluginManager), which should have allowed this plugin to work.
  27. Offline


    Is there any way in future versions there might be an exeptions list? So lets say i i have RandomGuy and for his permissions it says - '*' but for some reason it wont let him use some cammands. But me being an OP it will. But if i make him op don't want him to be able to use all the server commands but if i block them on the Disabled.txt then i wont be able to use either. I need RandomGuy to be an OP so he can do things, but i dont want him to have all.
  28. Offline


    there is a way but I'm not going that way. This plugin is simple.
  29. Offline


    Hey guys, I've been having a problem With my Factions. People are using /f bypass to Get into other people's Bases. So Naturally, I seek to remove it.. Permissions has failed me, so I found this.. I've tried every variation of /f bypass to make it Block it. But None have worked. These are the ones I tried
    f bypass
    -f bypass

    Any Help would be appreciated.
  30. Offline


    the plugin disables whole commands. So you would have to disable /f. You have to use permissions to do what you ask for.
  31. Offline


    Thanks, great Plugin anyway :D

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