[MISC/INFO] Dynmap-WorldGuard v0.60 - Add WorldGuard regions to Dynmap maps [1.6.2-R1.0+]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by Mike Primm, Nov 20, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Hi, happy new year and thanks for all your hard work! This is a wonderful mod :3

    I'm having a small problem where the regions shown on my maps are inaccurate - you can see my maps at http://www.sogc.com.au:8000

    All the worlds, except for 'The Lonely Island' seem to show their spawn regions incorrectly.
  2. Still the zone white appearing info bubbles (when clicking a zone) shows empty on IE9
  3. Offline

    Mike Primm

    Are you accounting for the fact that the default Y coordinate of the outline is 64, so the locations in the mountains will be "above" the outline (so will appear offset downward on the iso maps, but not on the flat maps). The new release allows you to specify the 'y' for regions using the 'custstyle' settings, although you need the development build of dynmap 0.29 for it to work.
  4. Offline


    Ok thank you very much ^_^ the flatmap shows the regions correctly anyway, so for now we'll look there for correct worldguard mapping...

    Thanks for your wonderful work! Looking forward to 0.29!
  5. Offline


    Im not sure if its to do with this plugin but whenever i type in /region define PixlVille it comes up with Unknown command ive tried it with //region and ///region but its always the same thing
  6. Offline

    Mike Primm

    We don't handle any commands, so I don't see that we could impact this.
  7. Offline


    Here's an NPE (not sure of the cause):

    21:29:36 [WARNING] Task of 'Dynmap-WorldGuard' generated an exception
            at org.dynmap.worldguard.DynmapWorldGuardPlugin.handleRegion(DynmapWorldGuardPlugin.java:183)
            at org.dynmap.worldguard.DynmapWorldGuardPlugin.updateRegions(DynmapWorldGuardPlugin.java:215)
            at org.dynmap.worldguard.DynmapWorldGuardPlugin.access$000(DynmapWorldGuardPlugin.java:34)
            at org.dynmap.worldguard.DynmapWorldGuardPlugin$WorldGuardUpdate.run(DynmapWorldGuardPlugin.java:88)
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat(CraftScheduler.java:137)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(MinecraftServer.java:493)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:425)
            at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:457)
    I'm also wondering what the correct procedure is for forcing a re-read and re-draw of regions if the WorldGuard regions file changes for any reason? Does /dynmap reload work for that? I'll read some of the older comments to see if this was discussed. Thanks :)
  8. Offline


    Mike Primm

    Just a side question not related to this really but how do you get dynmap to look like that in image? and not blocky?
  9. Offline

    Mike Primm

    What code are you running? The line numbers don't match up with the current RB.
    In any case, the regions should automatically update - there is an update period that controls how often we check (5 minutes is default).

    In configuration.txt, setting 'deftemplatesuffix' to 'hires' will turn on a high resolution set of default maps. They take a while to render on a big world, so be prepared for the fullrender to run for hours (even days on a big server).

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2016
  10. Offline


    Sorry, that was CB 1610. I'm onto a new build now so I'll let you know if I see anything again.

  11. Offline

    Mike Primm

    I mean the Dynmap-WorldGuard code version - was it 0.13? Line numbers didn't match up, so I was trying to figure out what code it was.
  12. Offline


    Ewps. It was .11. I usually mark my .jars with version number but I missed that one and for some reason assumed it was the latest. I'll update and report back if I have any further trouble. Sorry >.>
  13. Offline


    Mike Primm

    Thanks but your image looks much better still(have you used some image editing?)

    Im using this template:
    - name: nature
          - class: org.dynmap.kzedmap.KzedMap
              - class: org.dynmap.kzedmap.DefaultTileRenderer
                prefix: t
    But this one looks more 90 degree down or nearly, your map looks more like its looking one the side of objects.
  14. Offline

    Mike Primm

    Ugh - nasty old KzedMap. If you look in templates/normal-hires.txt, those are the hires HDMaps. Normally, just editing configuration.txt and changing deftemplatesuffix to 'hires', reloading, and running fullrender will get you there. I promise - I NEVER juice up my images - what you see is what you can get :) In fact, if you want to get silly, you can go even further than the 'hires' stuff (but it'll eat huge amounts of disk space, and take a long time to render) - here's a sample:


    No trouble - just wanted to make sure you were good :) Let me know if any other problems crop up!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2016
  15. Offline


    Oh thank you, i was able to do this now! :)
  16. Offline


    Hi, I've got this installed and what looks to be configured ok (the regions show on the map) but I don't get anything showing in the popup info. Eg I have a region I've set with name, a couple of flags and a list of players. But the popup window is just a small white bubble with an X to close and nothing in it. I'm using mc 1.1 with the dev builds of bukkit and 30.x dynmap(also tried with 29.2 before updating). Anything else I should look for or info I need to provide to hunt this down?

  17. Offline

    Mike Primm

    Which browser?
  18. Offline


    IE9... and you just prompted me to try with another, so tested with chrome and that works...
  19. Offline

    Mike Primm

    Yep - known bug in dynmap with IE9 - it'll be a dynmap update to fix it.
  20. Offline


    thanks, was just making sure it wasnt me :)
  21. Offline


    Great plugin thanks ! one thing I don't understand:
    Having a cityregion, and within this area there the homeregions. Who does that wildcard thing works, so that every homeregion (regionname "H<username>" get's automatical the color defined in the customsection of the config after creation? That "|" character don't work, I can't define regions called H|<username>....Worldguard says "invalid" char in regionname. Can you tell me the right syntax in config and the regionname ?

    (using dyn-worldguard 0.13, dynmap 0.29.2)

    update: ok, i understand :) the wildcardentry for example is "h|:", so all userregions like "huser1", "huser2" etc. will get the specified colorscheme...:cool:
  22. Offline


    Bonjour, j'ai un problème avec le plugin. Quand je défini une régions dans une autre en précisant le Setparent (et même sans le mettre) j'ai fait le test, la région la plus grosse gagne le terrain... Quand je clique sur une petite région qui ce situe dans une grosse, nous ne pouvons pas voir les informations de la petite car lors du clique il ne prend en compte que la grosse :'(

    J’espère que quelqu'un auras la solution,

    Cordialement Mortibus.
  23. Offline

    Mike Primm

    Yes, this is a current limitation of the library being used by dynmap for the outlines - the stacking order of the layers is difficult to control, at present. I'll look in to trying to correct it in a future release, but it will definitely involve a dynmap update (and possibly a Dynmap-WorldGuard update, as well).
  24. Offline


    D'accord, merci beaucoup pour cette réponse je pensais que c'était un bug de mon navigateur, ou de mon côter.
    Merci pour votre réponse.
  25. Offline


    Should this work in 1.1-R3?
  26. Offline

    Mike Primm

  27. Offline


    I tried enabling the 3D view of Worldguard Regions in isometric view mode and the bounding boxes were way off of the plots they protected. Is this normal or am I doing something wrong?
  28. Offline

    Mike Primm

    The problem with 3D mode is that the 3D range of the boxes is based on the top and bottom Y values, which have nothing to do with where the local "ground level" is, which leads to the perception that its off - big part of why I don't turn them on by default.
  29. Offline


    It might be a good idea to use a different box colour for the boundaries above ground versus below, ie red box above ground, green or yellow or blue box below. That colour difference might provide the visual relief need to perceive it properly in 3-space. Thanks for the quick reply. I'm a new server mod running a small box for my kids & their friends, and sometimes the whole MC ecosystem can be a little overwhelming.
  30. Offline


    btw I understand what you said about the 3D overlay not appearing to line up correctly, but I would at least expect an intersection with the boundary box lines and the plot corners. I'll check it tonight from home and perhaps post some screens.

    Alright, cancel the red alert. It was a simple case of the stupids. It would probably work better for me if I put the low value in the Min setting and the high value in the Max setting, instead of the other way around. My boundary boxes were going downward from ground, which made it look as if they were wayyyy off.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2016

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