[MISC/FUN] SmiteSword v1.0 [1.2.5-R1]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by JonesyBoppa, Apr 15, 2012.

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    SmiteSword - Smiting with a click with a Diamond Sword

    Version: 0.1

    CraftBukkit: 1.2.5-R1.0

    Together, me and Ludo created SmiteSword because you can catch rule breakers and kill them instantly, if you catch someone grief, you can kill them instantly!

    OP and Permissions support


    ss.all - Permits the use of smiting by diamond sword

    NOTE: Permission nodes are CaSe SeNsItIvE!

    Features to add:
    Other commands, like Auto shotting of TNT, possible change of plugin name. Why don't you suggest some? :)

    Reported bugs:
    None yet, hopefully none D:


    Version 1.0

    Added /ss - Activates the Diamond Sword Smiting event.
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    title missing description
    and the centering is awful, I cant even read it properly
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    Some of the plugins on the GET PLUGINS page dont even have a Description, don't slate mine if you cant slate all :mad:
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    Not the right attitude if you want to have your plugin approved, buddy, not the right attitude.
    Also, it's very immature to say that, that's like saying:
    "He has a candy bar, so you better give me one too, because that's fair!"
    Deleted user likes this.
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