[MISC/FUN/CHAT] PeeMer v0.1.8 - PM'ing Improved [1.0.0-R1][1597]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by iPhysX, Dec 7, 2011.

  1. Offline


    I was a little bored, and it was requested on my server that we should have a simple PM'ing plugin that was better than just using the basic /tell or /msg.
    This plugin has been tested and confirmed working on all Recommended builds between 1337 and 1565, however i haven't tested every single one, but this shouldn't be a problem.

    Download from BukkitDev
    Link to BukkitDev: here

    This plugin isn't really jam-packed full of features to be honest, it just improves on what was already there.
    You will be able to see both sides of the conversation instead of only incoming messages.
    You don't have to type in the full name of the person you are PM'ing.
    Unavailable/Available modes
    Custom Login Messages
    Custom Prefixes
    Color Coding

    Upcoming Features [Awaiting RB]
    I will be adding permissions, so you can control who can send and receive messages.
    Offline messaging will be a priority of mine, I think that would be a good addition.

    * Not accepting messages mode, for players who don't want to be bothered. * DONE
    * Customized Login messages * DONE
    * Player Prefixes * DONE
    * More Color Coding * DONE

    Just type this into chat, remember you don't have to type the full username like i did, it just needs a match.
    Because I have no friends and I was testing alone, i could only give this example, of me... talking to myself. But you get the idea, it's as simple as that.
    Change log
    06 December 2011 - 0.1.2
    Fixed a NullPointerException whilst looking for a player that doesn't exist.​

    07 December 2011 - 0.1.3
    Confirmed working with build 1565​
    Release of plugin​
    Changed layout so it looks different to normal chat, even with most Chat plugins enabled.​

    09 December 2011 - 0.1.8
    Confirmed working with build 1572​
    Added /pm toggle​
    Changed login messages​
    Added Prefixes, unsure if they will work with other chat plugins?​
    Added more Color coding.​
    Cleaned up code, general optimizing.​
    Problems, Bugs or Errors
    If you receive an error, or encounter a bug, it's most likely an easy fix. I would much rather that all your errors and stack-traces etc. were not posted here, but either PM me on this forum, or send one to me on the BukkitDev site. I will also be making a plugin page for this on there, if it's easier for you, then just go ahead.​
  2. Offline


    i dont get it what is the difference (im new at this)
  3. Offline


    Just a few subtle changes, I prefer it to the default.
    Makes things easier.
  4. Offline

    Luke Zwekii

    This is really neat. You should add a feature that allows you to have an.. Ignore list, or a way to block people anyway. That would sell it for me.
    iPhysX likes this.
  5. Offline


    I have added this in the version i will be releasing today.
    You can set your status to unavailable so people cannot contact you :)

    Type /pm toggle to change if you are available or not.
    Type /pm list to see a list of players, (Shows if they are available or not).


    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 22, 2016
  6. Offline

    Luke Zwekii

    Sweet, but I meant like.. Say Juniper147 was exploring, and CreepyGuy777 sent her a PM, asking for her details. She didn't want to talk to him, but she didn't want to go offline just to avoid CreepyGuy777. Like a per player block, if you get my drift. Although I do like the ability to change if your available, I was going to suggest that too =P
    iPhysX likes this.
  7. Offline


    Probably add this in the next release :)
    Luke Zwekii likes this.
  8. Offline

    Luke Zwekii

    Awesome man :)
    iPhysX likes this.
  9. Offline


    Latest rb please
  10. Offline


    It is, just forgot to edit the title :)
  11. Offline


    Are there permission nodes? Also thanks, the default /tell drives me up a damn wall but I've been to busy to make my own plugin!
  12. Offline


    There are not, I will integrate them in the next version for you!
  13. Offline


    Thanks alot!

    Also I'm not sure if you are aware but when ever someone logs in to a server (Mine) its says:

    [^] null

    But there is not error or output in the log, can you get rid of that? Thanks once again.

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