[MISC] BukkitSpeak - Connect Minecraft and Teamspeak3 [BukkitDev]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by Firedroide, Mar 18, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Well, as long as your TS3 server is up most of the time, there shouldn't be too many connect / disconnect messages in my opinion. I know that if the TS3 is down, there are quite a lot of messages, one every 5 minutes to be exact, which can be quite annoying.

    Are there really more connect / disconnect style messages than just the two when starting the server and one when stopping it?
  2. Offline


    My fault for leaving some ambiguity. Let me try to make myself a little clearer. (By the way, thanks again for providing this plugin, I really do appreciate it!)

    I have the config option mentioned set as:
    LogChatInConsole: false

    I used the wording "connect / disconnect" messages.
    This is from my being used to TS3.
    I should have used the wording "join / left" messages.
    Such as:
    07:42:10 BukkitSpeak: whisper-er has joined TeamSpeak
    07:42:14 BukkitSpeak: whisper-er has left TeamSpeak
    I really want an option to disable THOSE messages (from being displayed in the console, but remain displayed in-game), because there are quite a lot of THOSE messages unless my ts3 server is totally unused!
    Thank you for your time!
  3. Offline


    Aah, right, now I understand what you mean!
    Yes, that's a bug, or at least I would call it that way.
    Will be fixed in the next version, I promise.
  4. Offline


    Need some help please :/

    I have 2 ts3 servers through multiplay and a hosted minecraft server

    I have the relevant bukkit build and plugin version, I have followed the setup procedure exactly and triple checked. Tried doing it on both TS3 server I have, correct ip's server query, etc

    Still no joy, this is the error I get even though all inforamtion in the config is correct

    2012-08-14 10:30:32 [SEVERE] [BukkitSpeak] Could not connect to the TS3 server.
    2012-08-14 10:30:32 [SEVERE] [BukkitSpeak] Make sure that the IP and the QueryPort are correct!
    2012-08-14 10:30:32 [SEVERE] [BukkitSpeak] (Exception connectTS3Query(): java.lang.NullPointerException)

    Sometimes when I try /tsa reload I get this error

    2012-08-14 10:34:37 [INFO] [BukkitSpeak] reloaded.
    2012-08-14 10:34:37 [SEVERE] java.lang.NullPointerException
    2012-08-14 10:34:37 [SEVERE] at net.but2002.minecraft.BukkitSpeak.ClientList.asyncUpdateAll(ClientList.java:52)
    2012-08-14 10:34:37 [SEVERE] at net.but2002.minecraft.BukkitSpeak.ClientList.<init>(ClientList.java:25)
    2012-08-14 10:34:37 [SEVERE] at net.but2002.minecraft.BukkitSpeak.QueryConnector.run(QueryConnector.java:84)
    2012-08-14 10:34:37 [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.scheduler.CraftWorker.run(CraftWorker.java:34)
    2012-08-14 10:34:37 [SEVERE] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:722)
  5. Offline


    Check the wiki and look up especially this page for reasons why there could be connection problems.
  6. Offline


    This plugin worked fine for a long time with my TS3 server. Changed TS IP, and now it's not connecting anymore. The thing on the wiki don't work, any idea how to fix this? Do you have skype?
  7. Offline


    No, unfortunately I don't have skype.
    Is the Minecraft server IP really whitelisted on the TS server?
    This seems to be the most common issue people have when setting up the server.

    We could also meet in TeamSpeak if you could give me the IP of your TS.
  8. Offline


    Where can i find whitelist.txt? I'm hosting at multiplay, so i got limited acces to the files from the TS.
  9. Offline


    Well, if there's a GUI to manage your TS, search for something that sounds like a whitelist :D
    I'm really sorry, I know quite a lot about bukkit and java stuff, but I don't know every single TS interface out there.
  10. Offline


    But everything was fine with my other teamspeak..
  11. Offline

    Bradley Hilton

    Is there any chance you can integrate this with herochat? That way we can set it so that only chat in a certain channel in Herochat is put to the Teamspeak server?
  12. Offline


    Well, you should consider looking at the response I wrote on GitHub, where you've already posted an issue.
  13. Offline


    Hello everybody, I need your help!
    It was suggested that I should implement Factions, so only public Factions chat would be directly sent to TeamSpeak. Unfortunately, I really don't know this plugin very good and I don't know what other functions should be added besides from pulbic-chat-only.
    If you're in charge of a Factions server that runs BukkitSpeak, please send me a PM so we can get in contact,
    and so you'll get exactly the functions you want!
  14. Offline


    So.. this plugin is perfect, except for the fact that it fails to connect to the correct Virtual Server, and eventually times out. I'm looking to link it to a GameServers TS server, however they have multiple servers running on the same IP.

    TL;DR: Please add 'virtual server id' to the config.
  15. Offline


    Already in, but the function is... somewhat hidden :)
    Usually, one virtual server has one single port assigned to it, so the plugin usually works with the port config setting.
    You can, however, set the TeamspeakPort to the negative virtual server ID, then it tries to connect to the TS3 using the ID.
    e.g. TeamspeakPort: -550

    About the time-outs, that one is new to me! There is a keep alive thread which runs every 60 seconds to prevent time-outs, so that really shouldn't happen. Did you change the time-out delay in the configuration of your TS server?
  16. Offline


    Well, this is my issue.

    11:09:53 [INFO] WizardCM issued server command: /tsa reload
    11:09:53 [INFO] [BukkitSpeak] reloaded.
    11:10:14 [SEVERE] java.lang.NullPointerException
    11:10:14 [SEVERE] [BukkitSpeak] Could not connect to the TS3 server.
    11:10:14 [SEVERE] [BukkitSpeak] Make sure that the IP and the QueryPort are correct!
    11:10:14 [SEVERE] [BukkitSpeak] (Exception connectTS3Query(): java.lang.NullPointerException)
    Though I know for certain the port, queryport, IP AND Channel ID are correct, it is still having issues connecting, and it doesn't tell me the exact reason (making it hard to troubleshoot, and this is in debug mode).

    Also, I just tried your suggestion of the negative TeamSpeak Server ID, that also didn't work.
  17. Offline


    Okay, no idea why that's happening. Could you send me your config.yml, so I can check if there's something wrong with it? Another thing you could try out would be to set debug: true in your config and reload the plugin again. This will show a complete stack trace in the console if an error occurs, what should help a lot in this case.
  18. Offline


    The config works because if I change the IP, ports and password, it connects perfectly fine to a different server. And that's WITH debug mode on, not getting any useful errors with it.
  19. Offline


    Well, then there's something wrong with the IP, that's the only possibility left. If it's a non-numeric IP, so something like http://yourserver.com/whatever, be sure to put it into the config like TeamSpeakIp: 'yourserver.com/whatever'

    If that doesn't help either, you should really send me your config.yml in a PM.
    Of course you can take out the QueryUsername and password, I don't need to know that.
  20. Offline


    Here's the latest error I've seen. Also, check your private messagesF Firedroide. :)

    18:45:32 [SEVERE] java.lang.NullPointerException
    18:45:32 [SEVERE]      at de.stefan1200.jts3serverquery.JTS3ServerQuery.connectTS3Query(JTS3ServerQuery.java:525)
    18:45:32 [SEVERE]      at de.stefan1200.jts3serverquery.JTS3ServerQuery.connectTS3Query(JTS3ServerQuery.java:452)
    18:45:32 [SEVERE]      at net.but2002.minecraft.BukkitSpeak.QueryConnector.run(QueryConnector.java:26)
    18:45:32 [SEVERE]      at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:722)
    18:45:32 [SEVERE] [BukkitSpeak] Could not connect to the TS3 server.
    18:45:32 [SEVERE] [BukkitSpeak] Make sure that the IP and the QueryPort are correct!
    18:45:32 [SEVERE] [BukkitSpeak] (Exception connectTS3Query(): java.lang.NullPointerException)
  21. Offline


    I have an idea for a new feature. There should be a special permission node. If you added it for a group like "Member" it should automatically set that rank on the teamspeak server. Like there is a new guy and I just added him to the group Member and he joins the teamspeak he should automatically have a special rank on the teamspeak. Is that a possible feature?
  22. Offline


    Something like that has already been suggested, and unfortunately, this is very difficult to implement, so I never really got to add it. There are quite a lot of problems in fact, e.g. how to "link" a Minecraft player with a TeamSpeak client. Seems easy enough, isn't it? Yeah, but just "comparing" the IPs of every single client with every single player whenever someone joins isn't really a nice option. So, what else? I could add a command to link a player to a client. Well, that's exploit-prone, as well. Someone could give a wrong client his permissions.
    Another problem is actually giving out the permission. First of all, not every TeamSpeak has the permission to do that set for the ServerQuery. And should the Query add this server group to the client, or should it set it? Adding it isn't really a good option, clients being in two server groups can lead to misbehaving permissions. But setting it isn't right either, it would just override everyone's server group for who has the permission on the Minecraft server. (There's also no methods in the ServerQuery API to do that, just to point it out.)

    And other than that, I'm actually asking myself if this effort is really necessary.
    Can't you just password-protect a channel, and let the server send this password to whoever joins, e.g. by adding it to the welcome message?

    Well, that's my point of view for this suggestion.
    If you have ideas how to resolve those problems stated before, please tell me.

    And sorry that it took so long to answer to this comment, I was somewhat busy lately.
  23. Offline


    I already knew about this answer, but people kept asking me on my server if that would be possible. I started wondering for myself, but it clearly is a hard-to-make feature. Holidays just have started for me and I had more time for my server, so I asked some users what they want plugin-side. Suggestions like this make me ask myself if this is actually possible. So good to know it doesn't work so I can tell my users that it's not a possible feature. :p

    Thanks for the answer though. - Phil

    EDIT: Something else to mention, if I use the fakequit mode on AdminCMD it obviously doesn't show that I logged out in the Teamspeak Server. A lot of people knew they'll get caught because I was still online and that's a problem. May you fix that?
  24. Offline


    hello their i have this plugin installed and my sever says it is enabled but i seem to be doing something wrong as i can not get anything to come up in my ts3 sever can some one please help me out with this issue either threw here or join me on my ts3 sever http://www.teamspeak.com/invite/beals.forbesthosting.com/?port=9930 thank you for your time beals
  25. Offline


    I can't fix that myself, you'll need to contact the author of AdminCMD.
    He'll need to download the newest version of BukkitSpeak from my Jenkins, then he basically needs to add something like that into his plugin.
            Plugin p = Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("BukkitSpeak");
            if (p == null) {
                /* 404 - BukkitSpeak not found */
                return; // or whatever
            ChatListener cl = ((BukkitSpeak) p).getChatListener(); // Get BukkitSpeak's chat listener
            cl.onPlayerQuit(new PlayerQuitEvent((Player) e.getSender(), "A Quit message"));
    Of course he can't just copy-paste this into his plugin, but that should be clear.
    However, this will send a quit message as if it was real.
  26. Offline


    Thanks then. I will ask him to do this.
  27. Offline


    do i need to add http://forum.teamspeak.com/showthread.php/51054-WIP-JTS3ServerQuery-Java-Server-Query-Library t to my ts3 sever noob here if so were do i place it can anyone tell me
  28. Offline


  29. Offline


    Hey man Thanks for all your Help And this Great Plugin i Was Able to get with the Host And Got it The Settings i Needed
  30. Offline


    Cool, great to hear that!
    I moved to BukkitDev, by the way, if you want to check out the updated documentation. ^^

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