Inactive [MISC] bShortcut 1.1.0 - define Shortcuts for Commands [1000]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by beecub, Apr 29, 2011.

  1. Offline


    bShortCut - Shortcuts:
    Version: 1.2.0
    Download bShortcut

    You dont want to type long commands or messages?, you wanna have a shortcut?
    This is your plugin.

    • define shortcuts for commands or messages
    • use variables
    • type one command, perform several
    The commands are not from this plugin.
    They are only examples!, You can set up every plugins commands here.
    /fc [item] instead of /fullchest [item]
    /clean instead of /item 1 64
    /wl [name] instead of /weather lightning [name]
    /trules instead of Rules are on our website. go there and read them

    Permissions for all commands are obtained. Someone who does not have the permission to use /item also cant use /item.

    /bShortcut - reloads config file (use it after changes in your config)

    &args - All arguments given to the command
    &player - Name of player whos performing the command
    &[number] - One of the given arguments. Example: &2
    &system - As first parameter in your perform message to write as "system". Example:
    - '&system&args'
    &onlineplayers - Somewhere in your perform message to use this replaced for every player online
    &permissions - Use this as single perform message to show the plugin you want to check the permission for this command. Permission will be bShortcut.user.[YourShortcut] (Example: bShortcut.user./test)
    Any suggestions?

    Show Spoiler

    The commands are not from this plugin.
    They are only examples!, You can set up every plugins commands here.

    Example - files:
    Show Spoiler

    Example 1:
    - /give &1 &2 &3​
    - /m &1 there you got &3 of &2 from me.​
    - My name is &player​
    - Iam &1 years old​
    /t: /time &args​
    /cleanstone: /item 1 64​
    /breload: /bShortcut reload​

    Example 2:
    /gi: /give &args​
    /mp: /manpromote &args​
    /md: /mandemote &args​
    /fc: /fullchest &args​
    /rd: /remove drops &args​
    /tell: /m &args​
    /lbp: /lb player &args​
    /lba: /lb area &args​
    /lbrb: /lb rollback &args​
    /li: /lightning &args​
    /inv: /invsee &args​
    /clear: /clearinventory &args​
    /plugins: /ttttt &args​
    /v: /vanish &args​
    - '&4 Attention! Serverreload several seconds lags. Dont move or press any key to stay logged in!'​
    - /save-all​
    - /reload​
    - '&4 Attention!, stopping server!'​
    - /save-all​
    - /stop​

    Version 1.2.0
    • More Wildcards (Variables)
    • Permissions support, not necessary
    Version 1.1.0
    • Variables
    • type one command, perform several
    Version 1.0.0
    • Initial Release
    Request?, i wanna do it. Give me Feedback. I want to hear your opinion. Thanks a lot :).
    Witek094, Mahagon, r3Fuze and 10 others like this.
  2. Offline


    Awesome - working flawlessly so far. Thank you!
  3. Offline


    Thanks :)
    Needed it for my servers, so i published it for everyone :)

    Forgot to say that there is a command to reload your config, updatet first post.
    /bShortcut - reloads config file (use it after changes in your config)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
  4. Offline


    Nice plugin ! Thanks !
  5. Offline


    Thanks! Just what I was looking for.
  6. Offline


    It would be nice if it could work with WorldEdit and other plugins.
  7. Offline


    What do you mean?
    It should work with WorldEdit and most other plugins commands.
  8. Offline


    Could you add an option to set per player comamnds?
    and commnads to be set ingame? (+Permissions)

    Variables would be nice too
    /g:/give %Player%
    /g 1 64=>/give myplayername 1 64

    Variables which i would like to have
    %player%(the own playername)
    %oplist% (the names of all ops online: /faq->"Ask %oplist% or visit website for help")
    %position% (the current position: /p ->"I'm here: %Postion%")
  9. Offline


    My must have, take this!

  10. Offline


    going to add something here :).
    doing this today, or the next days.

    next version will include plugin developer features.
  11. best plugin ever:)
  12. Offline


    Well, I typed in in the config,
    //set: /s
    when I tried to used it, it said unknown command.
  13. Offline


    Try to use this:
    /s: //set
    My problem are,
            /unlock m: /lvl unlocks m
            /unlock r: /lvl unlocks r
            /unlock w: /lvl unlocks w
            /unlock e: /lvl unlocks e
            /unlock c: /lvl unlocks c
            /unlock d: /lvl unlocks dx
    (Commands from LevelCraft)

    But when I try it i just get unknown command :S
  14. Offline


    Going to check it out :)
  15. Offline


    That works
  16. Offline


    So I'm fairly new with my server. Running bukkit 740. I don't seem to have the /item command so we have to use /give <username> 1 64. Is this a mod that gives the /item command?
  17. Offline


    no, i dont give any commands, in the first post above are only examples!
    you can set up commands from every plugin in your config!
  18. Offline


    Awesome plugin! Variables would be very nice. And maybe add the option to assign multiple commands to one shortcut?
    /example: /doThisFirst %1 %2;/andThenThis %1 %2
    Where %1 and %2 are the first two arguments of the /example command.
  19. Offline


    So I want to set up a shortcut for giving players titles, so how would I set this up in the config?

    /user -setinfo u:[playername] i:suffix s:[title]

    Thanks for the help.
  20. Offline


    Variables working fine in my current dev version, have to test all new functions, release today or tomorrow.
    Kiim likes this.
  21. Offline


    Thank you, this plugin is exactly what I needed.
  22. Offline


    @Pasukaru: Both done, Variables and more commands than one to perform.
    Update to newest version and use it like this:
    To your config:
    /u: /user -setinfo u:&1 i:suffix s:&2
    Then type ingame:
    /u beecub God
    Command that will be performed:
    /user -setinfo u:beecub i:suffix s:God
    Should be what you want to do :)

    Please have a look at the examples above, you have to change your old config file a little bit.
    Any suggestions for more variables? Post them.

    Version 1.1.0
    • Variables
    • Type one command, perform several

    Edit: Notice to myself: Create a wiki for your plugins!!!
  23. Offline


    Works awesome! Much appreciated!
  24. Offline


    Thank you so much :)
    This is a awesome plugin, keep up the good work.
  25. Offline


    Up to 766
  26. Offline


    Love you
  27. Offline


    Download doesn't work.
  28. Offline

    The PC Tech Guy

    Maybe you could add a way to create shortcuts in-game? I would like to add shortcuts as I perform commands.

    Also getting a 404 error on your website for the download link.
  29. Offline


    Download does not work and im killing to get this plugin!
  30. Offline

    The PC Tech Guy

    Only works if you download via IE 8. IE 9 redirects to, with a file not found error.

    Ok, I've added a dropbox link for those who can't get it. I'll remove it once this gets fixed...

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016

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