Hello everybody, I need people who is good on informations about minecraft server host and pc. I found an offer of minecaft server. It said ---> 3Gb of ram, 4gb of disk space and 999 slots. I know for 90 slots and maybe 30 plugins it's like 9Gb of ram but where is the logic of the offer if it said 3gb of ram and 999 slots?? My pc has 12Gb of ram but the questions is : does the ram of the server depends of my pc or the offer ? My server will take maybe 120 slots so i need to know the ram will depends of my pc or the offer. Good day to you and i want to have an answer fast.
i use and ftp (file zilla) so all the plugins is on my pc. The offer is on starmine the large https://www.starmine.net/ . I am sure the server run on my pc.
My french is terrible. The way it works is that they have a pc running for you (virtual). You upload everything to that machine. Your own pc can be powered off and the server will still run. What is the point of it otherwise?
:OOO seriosly ??? so now everythings is not on my pc okii and if i put 120 slots on the server it will work or not ?
You can put that many slots on it, can't tell if the server will be able to keep it. Depends on settings, worldcount, plugin count, which plugins. Only way to find out is by trying.
On my server is 30 plugins 3 world but the plugins i think it take space is group manager, essentials, bedwars rel. Or i know i'll start at maybe 80 slots and try how it'll work. Sorry to disturb you i juste have a last question does this offer will turn on the virtual pc of the hosting https://www.boxtoplay.com/fr/serveur-minecraft/location-minecraft ...(box to play) EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
I would suggest McProHososting because it is cheap and easy to use! Link: https://mcprohosting.com/?aff=70981
It is how all hosts works. Everything gets set in motion when you order it. You generally get an email when it is running and usable. Or some kind of notification at least.
okii. Thank you timtower for your help and jacktheguy i will see if the host will be ok for me thank you too. Good day