Minecraft Health-BAR

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by HappyBear123, Feb 1, 2017.

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    Hello. My name is HappyBear123, I'm a fan of RPGs in minecraft: probably you know a server like WynnCraft?
    I think that, Yes, I am interested in: How to make so-called "Health-Bar" with WynnCraft?
    Screenshots of the Health bar:
    In advance thank you very much, I hope you can help.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @HappyBear123 Do you want to make it yourself using code or do you want a plugin to do it for you?
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    I want to do it myself using the code
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Moved to plugin development.
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    Store your custom "health" and convert PlayerDamageEvent's to your own custom health. (maybe editing them directly)
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    If that is a hotbar message, you can use this util to send that message. If that is a message that floats over an entities head, set the entities displayname.
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