Minecarts and boats disappear!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by ThorSve33, Apr 7, 2011.

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    I have recently encountered a seemingly unfixable problem where, when placed, minecarts and boats simply disappear. I am running the following plugins: Essentials, EssentialsSpawn, MagicCarpet, iChat, Permissions, LWC, WorldGuard, WorldEdit, and SpawnMob. I'm running CraftBukkit 670. I've tried upgrading my CraftBukkit version, uninstalling and installing different minecart plugins...nothing works. PLEASE HELP ME!

    EDIT: I'm not getting any errors in the console either...
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    I am having the exact same problem. Any help here?

    Making Progess: found that the cause of the problem is World Guard, no specifics yet
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    THANK YOU FOR MAKING PROGRESS!!!! Please post your updates on this thread!
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    I went on the WorldGuard IRC and they told me how to fix it before I could even finish explaining the problem.. haha
    The command is:
    '/region flag __global__ vehicle-place allow'
    (TWO underscores on either side of 'global')

    Thank @wizjany for the help on IRC
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