Minecart Minigame

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by jakemaster2003, Dec 21, 2015.

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    I have a server that have train carts and i wanna make minigames with that

    i want a Diamond shovel that use a snowbal to shoot on block like: Emerald Diamond Iron Gold but they need to aim at it them selfs but everyblock has a special amount of points like Emerald 10 points Diamond 5 points gold 3 points and iron 1 point there need to be a highscore to for every game you need to have the possibilty to make more games they have all their own config sectionyou can change and add more blocks to each game in the config oh and you need to can activate the game with a command block oh and i you shot a block they regen after 5 seconds to use again and you can name the games in the command block the config should look like this:

    # Minecart MiniGame
    # Author: (The who is gonna make this pl)
    # Version: (version of the pl)

    - 1 (Name) Points
    - 2 (Name) Points
    - 3 (Name) Points
    - emerald_block:
    points: '10'
    - diamond_block:
    points: '5'
    - gold_block:
    points: '3'
    - iron_block:
    points: '1'

    - 1 (Name) Points
    - 2 (Name) Points
    - 3 (Name) Points
    - emerald_block:
    points: '10'
    - diamond_block:
    points: '5'
    - gold_block:
    points: '3'
    - iron_block:
    points: '1'
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