middle Age Nations. Advanced team work idea.

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by RushCuttle, Feb 28, 2016.

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    Plugin category: Roleplay

    Suggested name: Middle Age nations or World of Nations

    What I want: Re-do the PvP mode. Create an free city first and after you had grown your area you take the status of dutchy, kingdom and Empire.

    Systems that i want to be implemented in this plugin: Map modes (borders of the kingdom will show on map,). Like cultures map mode. (to start). If you upgrade your rank you will get more claim slots.

    Free city and land development theory: When you start the game, you will need to set your free city and claim the region that you live. After you have more than 50/50 claims (1 claim it is like and area of 10X10 blocks). Land development, each free city will have an level of development, it will be calculated dividing your free city´s money by the amount of claim that you have.

    PvP concept: Only people that you have set war will be affected. You can set what will spawn or enter in your claimed land. (like in towny plugin). If you stand at your enemy´s land you will get 2.5% of war score (you will see at the map what claim chunk you have dominated) than you will need to move at other claim. If you kill an enemy you will get 15% war score. When the war end (100% of war score) an gui or something will appear, you will need to make an peace offer. You can take land (if it is not to far of your land), money (35% free city´s deposited money). Each chunk of claim (15 claims slots, you can chose where you want to take from your enemy), will cost 35% of war score. You wil need to chose what you want, land or money.

    Map mode:
    The map item in-game will be drawn with nation´s borders. You will need to chose what map you will see (spawn an map of broders or cultures).
    Culture concept: What it does. It will bring more bonus development. If you have an claimed land that was recived by war it will have other culture. To convert it to your culture you will need to have culture points, that is recived over time (1h of gameplay without land lose).

    Land development concept: Its impossible to imagine an world without it. Its simple, it will give you more items (number of seeds, decrease the grow time of plants), and rise the war score for that land. How to grow my claim development ? invest in your province.

    Province: An land that occupies 2 chunks. It can be invested and grow.

    Ideas for commands:/Fcity create (name), /Fcity setculture (name),/Fcity landdevlevel (number of dev level),/fcity inv,/fcity join (name),/fcity job,/fcity setowner, /fcity set job (assistent, farmer, miner), /fcity war (name).

    Ideas for permissions:
    Fcity.setculture (able to change or create the culture´s name)
    Fcity.upgrade (is able to upgrade the city´s level to Kingdom, dutch...)
    Fcity.war (is able to city´s go to war)
    Fcity.Worldwar (all city or upgraded cities will be at war with everyone)

    Ps: If someone get this project please tell me.
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