Metric [Plugin Warning]

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by imN8, Sep 30, 2014.

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    I wanted to create this thread as a PSA to server owners.

    It was just reported to me and my co-workers that a malicious plugin named "Metric2.0" is being spread around and has very bad side effects to any server that uses it. If you see this plugin, do not install it on your server. This is not be confused with "Plugin-Metrics" which is used to track usage of plugins and data like that. This plugin as far as I know it, is just called "Metric".

    I have heard that players will go onto servers saying "You should install Metric, it will make the server 20% faster. Here's the link." Do not install plugins from un-trusted sites. I especially advise those hosting servers(commercially) to warn your clients.

    This plugin will allow players to ForceOP, Delete Plugins/Worlds, Stop the Server, and more. Here are the commands we've found in the plugin:

    Upon further investigation, we found that the plugin does exactly what is listed, and is not a trolling plugin. The command "##manyfolders" did create 500,000 folders. D:
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