[MECH/WGEN/MISC] uCreate 2.1 -Improve Notch's Creative! [1185]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by DrAgonmoray, Jul 15, 2011.

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    Old Post (open)
    uCreate 2.1
    - Where creativity meets reality!​
    Old Post (open)

    What is uCreate?
    uCreate is a plugin that allows you to transform any world (or your entire server) into a game similar to Minecraft Classic. Each aspect of uCreate is configurable, letting you have every feature you want, and none that you don't.

    Features: (all totally optional)
    • Automatically activates Notch's creative mode
    • Drop disabling (fixes notch's silly bugs)
    • Weather disabling
    • Creature spawning disabling
    • Time disabling (day or night)
    • Flat map world generator
    • Homes
    • Teleporting
    • Item spawning (/i or /item)
    • Explosion disabling
    • Block physics disbaling
    • Liquid spread disabling
    • Fire spread disabling
    • Permissions
    • ..And more!
    uCreate won't lag your server.

    "But uCreate has so many features, it will lag!"
    Nope. If you don't want a certain feature, uCreate won't even register the listener. Meaning, any feature you don't want, you literally won't have.

    Screenshots, Videos, and Tutorials
    (Video) Tutorials (open)
    Videos (open)
    Wanna make one? :D
    Screenshots (open)

    uCreate 2.0 had it's config totally redesigned. It's a lot to take in, so to help you figure it out, I made this neat little chart:
    (as of 2.1, the config was trimmed a lot, due to Minecraft 1.8)
    noFireSpreadtrue/falseDisables fire spreading and damage.
    noLiquidSpreadtrue/falseDisables lava and water spreading.
    noBlockFalltrue/falseDisables sand and gravel physics.
    noExplosionstrue/falseDisables tnt and creeper explosions.
    itemSpawningtrue/falseAllows players to spawn items with /item or /i
    teleporttrue/falseAllows players to teleport to others with /tp
    homestrue/falseAllows players to set their home (/sethome) and go to their home (/home)
    wooltrue/falseAllows players to use the /wool command.
    clearinvtrue/falseAllows players to use the /clearinv command.
    defaultStackSizeAny integer (whole number)The default stack size players will get when using /i or /item
    worldsList of world namesWorlds that will implement uCreate features.
    flatMapHeightAny integer (whole number)How many layers the flatmap should be.
    permissionstrue/falseShould we check for permissions (true) or let everybody do everything(false)?
    noWeathertrue/falseDisables weather.
    noCreaturestrue/falseDisables creature spawning.
    stopTime'off'/'day'/'night'Stops time changing.
    noDropstrue/falseBlock drops (little items) will not spawn. (also fixes bugs in Notch's creative creative)
    breakBedrocktrue/falsePlayers can break bedrock(true)/players can't break bedrock(false)
    Default Config (open)
        noFireSpread: true
        noLiquidSpread: false
        noBlockFall: false
        noExplosions: true
        clearinv: false
        itemSpawning: false
        teleport: false
        homes: false
        wool: false
        permissions: false
        defaultStackSize: 64
        worlds: world1, world3, etc
        flatMapHeight: 3
        noWeather: true
        noCreatures: true
        stopTime: 'off'
        noDrops: true
        breakBedrock: false

    Syntax: /command OR /command [required] (optional)
    Using permissions in uCreate is totally optional. In the config (under 'settings') is an option called 'permissions' If set to false, no permissions will be used, so everybody can use all the features. If it's set to true, only people with specified permissions will be able to do certain things.
    Supported permissions: SuperPerms/PermissionsBukkit, Permissions 3.x, Permissions 2.x, *PermissionsEX (*needs confirmation)
    ucreate.*Gives acess to all of the uCreate permissions. (default Op)(works with SuperPerms)
    ucreate.notchGives players access to the features of Notch's creative mode.
    ucreate.itemspawnAllows players to use the /i and /item commands.
    ucreate.homesAllows players to use /home and /sethome.
    ucreate.teleportAllows players to use the teleport commands.
    ucreate.adminAllows players to bypass teleport requests.
    ucreate.woolAllows players to use the /wool command/
    ucreate.clearinvAllows players to use the /clearinv command.

    How to make your worlds generate a uCreate flatmap:
    Just follow these instructions to make specific worlds generate a uCreate flatmap. This will not overwrite existing worlds, however newly generated chunks will be flat.
    1. Edit "flatMapHeight" in the config.
    2. Decide which worlds you want to be flat ('flatworld' for this example)
    3. Open your bukkit.yml file (in your server directory) with a text/yaml editor.
    4. Add this to your bukkit.yml (where 'flatworld' is the name of your world):
                      generator: uCreate
    5. Enjoy your new flat map!
    Download uCreate 2.1

    What happened to the old uCreate?
    With the release of Notch's creative mode, some features of uCreate have become obsolete. Some features like the insta-break blacklist are no longer available due to the way Notch's creative is coded. Go yell at Notch :)

    Version 2.1:
    • Implemented Notch's 1.8 creative mode
    • Scrapped obsolete features
    • Deleting your config and re-doing it is HIGHLY recommended, but not required.
    • Don't expect any more updates after this.
    Version 2.0.4:
    • Added /wool command
    • Added /clearinv command
    • Both commands have corresponding permissions and configs
    Version 2.0.3:
    • Added ucreate.admin permission. Currently just bypasses teleport requests.
    • Made the ItemInventory support up to 10 pages which are choosable by pressing number keys.
    • Implemented 2.0.2 config auto-updater.
    • Added SpoutInventory.yml file to configure the ItemInv. (Read more in the OP)
    Version 2.0.1:
    • Fixed Spout dependency
    • Fixed infinite item painting bug, thanks @Lathanael
    • Added config option "useSpout" under "spout"
    • Update your configs manually. AutoUpdate coming soon.
    • Improved startup efficiency
    • IF YOU HAVE 2.0 UPGRADE TO 2.0.1!
    uCreate 2.0:
    • Many many many features added.
    • Bug fixes (thanks @Lathanael for helping with the "wrong item bug") and for using Github the way it was meant to.
    uCreate 1.0-1.5:

    • Initial release
    • Awesome updates
    • uCreate stolen
    Want to buy me a soda a car?​
    Lead2Life, Jobsti, ArmyHill01 and 3 others like this.
  2. Offline


    Lol, you're welcome. I hope you enjoy it.
    M1sT3rM4n likes this.
  3. Offline



    If I use a Lighter, I became 2 Fire.... So my user could craft the Chain Armor.
    ps: bb works ;)

    Request: item/block-blacklist, to prevent the use or placement of an item/block. Possible?
  4. Offline


    :confused: Thanks for that info. I'll fix that soon.
    Thanks for the bb info too. :)

    I'll also add that request soon. :D
    M1sT3rM4n likes this.
  5. Offline


    Hurra thanks ;)
  6. Offline


    Did you also get my post about doors, diodes, and redstone wire giving improper items back?

    Also, I'm getting null pointer exceptions if the config file isn't perfectly formed (or if I don't disallow any blocks).

    12:34:13 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling uCreate v1.1 (Is it up to date?) : null
            at net.livecraft.DrAgonmoray.uCreate.Config.loadkeys(Config.java:94)
            at net.livecraft.DrAgonmoray.uCreate.Config.configCheck(Config.java:29)
            at net.livecraft.DrAgonmoray.uCreate.uCreate.onEnable(uCreate.java:22)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:126)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:878)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:272)
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftServer.java:162)
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(CraftServer.java:146)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(MinecraftServer.java:284)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:271)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(MinecraftServer.java:148)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:335)
            at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:422)
  7. Offline


    Okay, yeah, I tested it and BigBrother logs it just fine.

    I put the other plugin back in and disabled instaMine though because it makes every tool/block into an instant destruction tool and I'd rather the bugs the other plugin has than to not be able to assign it to a tool (and being able to turn it on/off is nice too). I understand that's not the way it functions in actual classic/creative, but only one of the people on my server ever was on classic (that I'm aware of) so it's more a matter of there not really being a reason to make people adjust to a new circumstance if I don't need to.
  8. Offline


    Can you post the config?
    M1sT3rM4n likes this.
  9. Offline


    worlds: world, world_nether, flatlands
    instaMine: false
    noDrops: true
    godMode: true
    infiniteBlocks: true
    or simply omitting the last line causes it, too.
  10. Offline


    Ok I know what the problem is when omitting the blacklist. Until I fix it, put some random numbers in the blacklist like..
    instaBreakBlacklist: 123,456
    M1sT3rM4n likes this.
  11. Offline


    I just used 0, actually.
  12. Offline


    That'll also work, since you can't break air anyway.
    M1sT3rM4n likes this.
  13. Offline


    Flint and steel is also not replaced properly; when lighting a portal using flint and steel, it gets replaced with a portal block.
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  15. Offline


    A lot of this type of plugins have said problems. Redstone wire usually is replaced with the ugly, ID 55 version, repeaters have the same for their counter parts, and the data value for wool is usually set back to 0 no matter what.
    That being said, Idk if your plugin is like that.
  16. Offline


    I'm not sure about wool, but this plugin certainly acts like that for repeaters, wires, and doors.
  17. Offline


    No, it shouldn't do that for wool or wood, but rather items that have 2 or more IDs. I'll see if there is a pattern, and fix it.
    Sorry I've been lacking updates, I'm working on a huge plugin.
    M1sT3rM4n likes this.
  18. Offline


    The pattern seems to be that it replenishes your inventory with the item placed, rather than the item taken from the inventory.
  19. Offline


    Bug request:

    If I go with my tools to the Creativeworld an hit any block with the tool, it's completely repaired.
    Possible to fix this?
  20. Offline


    I don't understand.
    M1sT3rM4n likes this.
  21. Offline


    Normal World: Some Mining.... the pickaxe has 30% durability.
    I go through my portal in the creative-world and I hit a block, the pickaxe is repaired = 100% durability.

    Big sorry, my fault. It was WorldGuard..... *grml*

    Is the AutoHeal from your plugin? If yes: request to disable it.

  22. Offline


    All features are disable-able via config, so probably not.
    M1sT3rM4n likes this.
  23. Offline


    Signs also give the other id when dropped.

    Also is is deliberate that is someone gives them self an item and I have no drops the item is not given to them?
  24. Offline


    Hey @DrAgonmoray
    I cant seem to /give or /i on my "Creative" worlds. I have permissions and Essentials installed. Are they affecting?
    Then, what commands are in uCreate?

  25. Offline



    Have you got drops enabled?
  26. Offline


  27. Offline


    It works like this then (i think)
    If drops are not enabled, how can the item spawn on the ground if it counts as a drop entity thing and that's been disabled?

    EDIT: What I mean is spawning items counts as a spawning a drop. How can this appear then if drops are disabled
  28. Offline


    I meant giving myself items. (When I'm not an op and I'm a normal builder)
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    do you have essentials?
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  31. Offline


    From what you have said I think it must be permissions.
    Make sure you triple check your permissions

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