[MECH] Safe Creeper - Control creepers, Enderman, TNT, Fireballs and more!

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by Tim Visee, Jul 8, 2011.

  1. Offline

    Tim Visee

    The Safe Creeper project page has been moved. Go to one of the two pages bellow to get to the Safe Creeper project page, with the newest download available:​
    You can view the orriginal page in the spoiler bellow. It's highly recommended to visit one of the above sites, to view the up-to-date pages.
    Orriginal Page (open)

    InstallationBasicsAdd-ons and Support
    DownloadsCommandsSupported Plugins
    Direct downloadPermissionsAdd-ons
    Bugs & IssuesAPIDonate

    What is Safe Creeper
    Control creepers, Withers, EnderDragons, Enderman, TNT, Fireballs and a lot more!
    With Safe Creeper you can control creeper explosions and other things like, fireballs, TNT, Enderman and a lot of other things, you can set if a creeper explosions destroys blocks. You can set if Zombie's can break down doors. You can also set a lot of other things, the possibilities are almost endless! A few other examples are that you can set up if players are able to use TNT blocks, if creepers will explode above the surface and underneath they wont, set if Enderman can place and break blocks, even if they can clone blocks, explosion sounds, smoke effects and a lot of more things. The plugins is fully configurable and it has multi world support. This is a must have for most server administrators.

    Example Video
    This is an video witch explains the config file system of an older version of Safe Creeper, it should work very similair with the current version. This video also shows you some features from Safe Creeper:

    This is a small list of features witch Safe Creeper can provide for your server. If you want to see the full list, and a list of planned features, visit this page: Page: Features
    • Added auto updater, to automaticly install new updates!
    • Added new, more stable, update checking system.
    • Added ability to 'Spawning.ZombieType' to make giants spawn in the ZombieControl.
    • Added 'CanCreateSnow' to the SnowmanControl to disable the Snowman from creating snowlayers.
    • Added feature to make mobs drop skulls inside 'CustomDrops.Skulls', players can drop their own head too. (Available for CreeperControl)
    • Added 'AlwaysAngry' to the PigZombie control
    • Added auto updater settings to config file to disable auto updates, notifications or update checks.
    • PlayerControl, SkeletonControl and ZombieControl)
    • Updated LikeABoss usage methods.
    • Changed default values for 'CanPickupItems' to false for most mob controls.
    • Fixed world config files not converting properly.
    • Fixed live statics returning wrong values.
    • Fixed issue in the config core which caused equipment don't work properly.
    • Fixed withers breaking stuff when they are stuck when DestroyWorld was disabled.
    • Fixed live statistics causing the server to crash.
    • Fixed flying blocks from spawning when destroy world was set to false.
    • Fixed errors caused by unknown mob types.
    • Build against Bukkit-1.5.2-R1.0
    Connections to the outside
    Safe Creeper does setup connections to the outside, to other servers than the server Safe Creeper is running on. In the current versions (v1.3.6 and above) Safe Creeper does connect to the following servers; The first connection Safe Creeper sets up is a connection to the update servers of Safe Creeper. This update server is a separated server hosted by timvisee.com (developer of Safe Creeper). The connections to the update servers are made on each start up, and each hour while the plugin is running. These connections can be disabled inside the config file of Safe Creeper underneath the node 'updateChecker'. Because of the update checker and the auto updater Safe Creeper does also setup a connection to dev.bukkit.org to download the newest plugin versions. Other connections are made to the servers of mcstats.org, this is a service Safe Creeper uses to add live statics, like the amount of servers running Safe Creeper, these statics are fully anonymous. Connections to mcstats.org and live statics usage can be disabled inside the Safe Creeper configuration file.

    Bugs & Issues
    Please go to the following page to see how to report a bug, this page also contains a list with all known bugs in the current Safe Creeper version.
    Page: Bugs

    Please donate some money so I can buy some coffee to make better plugins and even update my old ones :) , I really like it if you give any donation! You could go to a donation page using the button bellow or the donate button above the search-box.
    Valdifer, Mercury, Jeroeny and 3 others like this.
  2. Offline


    sweet man and ty for the really quick reply
  3. Offline


    They are completely banned. You can't use them in any way.

    Ad.fly links are banned. Using another URL service to hide ad.fly links doesn't matter - they are still ad.fly links.
  4. Offline

    Tim Visee

    Yes, ok I understand, but you must know that the URL i use (j.gs) is also from the adf.ly service (you can select 3 different URLS while creating an adfly link)! But as I said I will remove them, is it OK I do it when the new version came out? It will came out soon, I hope withing 2 days or something!
  5. Offline


    So what are the commands to actually use the plugin?
  6. Offline

    Tim Visee

    Currently there arent no commands, you also don't need them. You have a config file where you can set a few things, if creepers will damage the world, if enderman can break and place blocks and things, so you only need that config file, and dont need any commands.
    So why do you want any commands?
  7. Offline


    is it possible to make it so that there is a restriction on certain blocks the enderman can pickup?
  8. Offline


    not to argue it or anything, but is there some sort negative response to ad.fly in the community?

    cool an enderman black/whitelist :p
  9. Offline


    Great plugin. Thank you very much for your work.
  10. Offline


    I'm going to try this plugin on my SMP server right now. I just updated it to 1185 and I have to say, these endermen already messed up our downtown area quite badly. So I'm glad you came up with this kind of plugin. I was looking for an already out plugin that controls the spawning of monsters, but the ones I know are not up to date and do not offer the endermen option.

    I agree with a previous comment, allowing us to use it with some plugins that deal with permissions on SMP servers would be great too.

    Thanks for your work!

    For about 15 min I've spawned a lot of endermen in a deserted portion of our server and checked their behaviour. They don't seem to pick any block. Just what I wanted.

    Here is what I used, for those who might have a problem configuring it, if they want the same behaviour:

        Enabled: true
        CanPlaceBlock: false
        CanPickupBlock: false
        CanCloneBlock: false
        ClearHandsOnPlace: true
            Enabled: false
    So thank you very much. Until Notch applies his future nerf, or give us the ability to CHOOSE the behaviour we want, I guess your plugin will be on my list!

    I would like to request a feature though: could it be possible to add the choice of disabling the spawning of each mob? Like having "spawning: false" under "EndermanControl"? It would be a great addition. Thanks in advance!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  11. Offline

    Tim Visee

    Yes, im writing the new version right now with a lot of new features, you can also find this feature in it, (comming soon!)

    Thanks! :)

    Yes, thats also a feature in the new version of the pluign, it came out soon, you can even say if ghast and creepers can spawn. Btw, thanks for the great reaction :).
    Btw, is suggest to put the 'CanCloneBlock' on true, because the enderman look more real. So if they want to pickup a block its blocked because 'CanPickupBlock' is false, but if that 'CanCloneBlock' is true they will get the block in there hands but they don't break/destroy it from the world (so that's more real!), otherwhise they never get a block in there hands, and I think its a more fun if they have, and if you do this you also 'need'(suggestion) to put the 'ClearHandOnPlace' on true, as you did, so if they want do place a block and they can't because of 'CanPlaceBlock' equals false (as you did) they don't place the block because they "cant" but the block in there hands dissapears. I hope you understand this, and mu suggestion is to put the 'CanCloneBlocks' on!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  12. Offline


    I think he likes it that they don't pick any block at all :p

    ps. cloning is awesome
    Tim Visee likes this.
  13. Offline


    I agree, my players will feel that "nearly nothing" has changed, this way. They will just be able to say: "What do you mean, people? We don't have huge holes on OUR server..." ;) So you're right, I'll toggle this option on.

    You're welcome for the insight, I guess forum users could be a little more thankful sometimes, or give the plugins authors some thoughts on their plugins... but, when a good one comes in handy, it's the least to say thanks!


    Edit: @xsolar66
    Yes, I should have written that more clearly, I meant "from my 15 minutes testing, it seems that they are not grabbing blocks anymore, so that's fine by me, since I won't have deep holes in the ground/walls/art/goddam-huge-towers..." hehe!
    But I agree, the cloning feature is neat!
  14. Offline

    Tim Visee

    Hehe, Thanks! If you need anymore help, tell me.

    He will :p
    btw, thanks!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  15. Offline


    I was a bit tired yesterday, so in fact, what I meant (and that might be interesting for other users) is that disabling the cloning option first let me check if the endermen really did not pick any block. Since for 15 min they didn't have any block in their hands, I was sure about that. Then, when I saw they didn't at all, I could safely enable the cloning feature. I now know these are fake blocks they carry around! (We never know, Bukkit is sometimes stubborn! So testing is a must do to me!)
  16. Offline

    Tim Visee

    Great isn't it? :)
  17. Offline


  18. Offline


    I've tried everything, but I just can't get this to work. I have the latest Bukkit, I've configured the files so many times, but no matter what I do, creepers still blow huge holes in the ground. Even with the default settings.
  19. Offline

    Tim Visee

    First of all, if you start the server, check in the console if the plugin sais its enabled, you must know that this safe creeper plugins sais a message like '[Safe Creeper] Safe Creeper v0.3.2 started' BEFORE the world preperation, just for safety. If it didn't the plugin doesn't start and thats the problem.
    First of all try it with ONLY a global file, if you did, send me the global file just in this forum thread as a reply and I will check your settings.
    If that's correct its probably another problem, but yes, send me the global.yml file first.
  20. Offline


    Hey great plugin, I just can't to seem to get the Enderman thing to work. I meet all the requirements. Just wondering if all I have to do is put this:
        Enabled: false
        CanPlaceBlock: false
        CanPickupBlock: false
    inside the config.yml file
  21. Offline

    Tim Visee

    You did 2 things wrong, dont put anything inside the config file, you need to set the global things in the global.yml file (config.yml does nothing with this plugin version). If you want to set something for s special world, go into the worlds folder and checkout the examples.
    You also need to put the 'Enabled' to true, otherwhise you disable the enderman control and nothing else inside the nederman conrol works...!
  22. Offline



    Now it seems every time I change Enabled: false to true it just resets back to false once I save and close the file.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  23. Offline

    Tim Visee

    I maybe know why. Shutdown your whole server and restart it, don't use the /reload command. if you do
  24. Offline


    I have not touched the global.yml file i just upload it and start my server and it does not load. What gives? :(
  25. Offline

    Tim Visee

    So you're really sure you also looked BEFORE the world preperation if the plugin loads, I did this before the world preperation with a cool trick to make your world safe while generating the world and adding the mobs.
    Have you added ALL the files from the downloaded .zip file into your server?
  26. Offline


    Hey, I'm getting an error for
    No idea what's going on here

    Show Spoiler
    # This is the global settings for all the worlds, if a world have his own settings file it will overwrite these settings for the world.

    # Creepers
    Enabled: true
    DestroyWorld: false
    EnableExplosionSound: true
    EnableExplosionSmoke: true
    PowerdByLightning: true
    # Only enable these settings if you are between two levels (you must enable 'EnableBetweenLevels' to use it).
    Enabled: true
    MinLevel: 64
    MaxLevel: 127

    # Fireballs (from ghasts)
    Enabled: false
    DestroyWorld: true
    EnableExplosionSound: true
    EnableExplosionSmoke: true
    # Only enable these settings if you are between two levels (you must enable 'EnableBetweenLevels' to use it).
    Enabled: true
    MinLevel: 0
    MaxLevel: 127

    # TNT blocks
    Enabled: false
    DestroyWorld: false
    EnableExplosionSound: true
    EnableExplosionSmoke: true
    CanPlaceTNT: true
    # Only enable these settings if you are between two levels (you must enable 'EnableBetweenLevels' to use it).
    Enabled: true
    MinLevel: 0
    MaxLevel: 127

    Enabled: true
    CanPlaceBlock: false
    CanPickupBlock: false
    # If an endermen wants to pickup a block, and he can't, don't break the block but the endermen get a clone of that block in his hands
    CanCloneBlock: true
    # If an endermen wants to place a block, and he can't, don't place anything but remove the holding block out of his hands
    ClearHandsOnPlace: true
    # Only enable these settings if you are between two levels (you must enable 'EnableBetweenLevels' to use it).
    Enabled: false
    MinLevel: 0
    MaxLevel: 127

    Enabled: false
    DestroyWorld: true
    EnableExplosionSound: true
    EnableExplosionSmoke: true
    # Only enable these settings if you are between two levels (you must enable 'EnableBetweenLevels' to use it).
    Enabled: true
    MinLevel: 0
    MaxLevel: 127
  27. Offline

    Tim Visee

    I know what's wrong on line 65 your first character is a TAB, you can't use TAB's inside .yml files and you need to replace the TAB with 4 spaces. You can't use a TAB anywhere in a .yml file.
    Hope this helps :)
  28. Offline


    I have FTP uploaded all files and reloaded my server -- How do I check if it loads before world preperation? All I know is it does not appear in /plugins command the other plugin i uploaded worked but this one wont.
  29. Offline


    This works great! Thanks so much!
    Tim Visee likes this.
  30. Offline

    Tim Visee

    :) No problem

    Chech youre server console when you start the server. Every time you start the server it starts bukkit and preperate the default worlds 'Prepereating world: 3%' or something. If you run Safe Creeper and probably also with Permissions those plugins will run BEFORE the world preperation. So bukkit starts, Safe creeper starts, you see a message in the console, the world are preperating, all other plugins start and the server is done.
    If you can't see the server console, start te server, let it run for a little while and shut it down and check the server.log file which contains all the text that's printed in the server console.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016

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