[MECH] Safe Creeper - Control creepers, Enderman, TNT, Fireballs and more!

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by Tim Visee, Jul 8, 2011.

  1. Offline

    Tim Visee

    The Safe Creeper project page has been moved. Go to one of the two pages bellow to get to the Safe Creeper project page, with the newest download available:​
    You can view the orriginal page in the spoiler bellow. It's highly recommended to visit one of the above sites, to view the up-to-date pages.
    Orriginal Page (open)

    InstallationBasicsAdd-ons and Support
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    Bugs & IssuesAPIDonate

    What is Safe Creeper
    Control creepers, Withers, EnderDragons, Enderman, TNT, Fireballs and a lot more!
    With Safe Creeper you can control creeper explosions and other things like, fireballs, TNT, Enderman and a lot of other things, you can set if a creeper explosions destroys blocks. You can set if Zombie's can break down doors. You can also set a lot of other things, the possibilities are almost endless! A few other examples are that you can set up if players are able to use TNT blocks, if creepers will explode above the surface and underneath they wont, set if Enderman can place and break blocks, even if they can clone blocks, explosion sounds, smoke effects and a lot of more things. The plugins is fully configurable and it has multi world support. This is a must have for most server administrators.

    Example Video
    This is an video witch explains the config file system of an older version of Safe Creeper, it should work very similair with the current version. This video also shows you some features from Safe Creeper:

    This is a small list of features witch Safe Creeper can provide for your server. If you want to see the full list, and a list of planned features, visit this page: Page: Features
    • Added auto updater, to automaticly install new updates!
    • Added new, more stable, update checking system.
    • Added ability to 'Spawning.ZombieType' to make giants spawn in the ZombieControl.
    • Added 'CanCreateSnow' to the SnowmanControl to disable the Snowman from creating snowlayers.
    • Added feature to make mobs drop skulls inside 'CustomDrops.Skulls', players can drop their own head too. (Available for CreeperControl)
    • Added 'AlwaysAngry' to the PigZombie control
    • Added auto updater settings to config file to disable auto updates, notifications or update checks.
    • PlayerControl, SkeletonControl and ZombieControl)
    • Updated LikeABoss usage methods.
    • Changed default values for 'CanPickupItems' to false for most mob controls.
    • Fixed world config files not converting properly.
    • Fixed live statics returning wrong values.
    • Fixed issue in the config core which caused equipment don't work properly.
    • Fixed withers breaking stuff when they are stuck when DestroyWorld was disabled.
    • Fixed live statistics causing the server to crash.
    • Fixed flying blocks from spawning when destroy world was set to false.
    • Fixed errors caused by unknown mob types.
    • Build against Bukkit-1.5.2-R1.0
    Connections to the outside
    Safe Creeper does setup connections to the outside, to other servers than the server Safe Creeper is running on. In the current versions (v1.3.6 and above) Safe Creeper does connect to the following servers; The first connection Safe Creeper sets up is a connection to the update servers of Safe Creeper. This update server is a separated server hosted by timvisee.com (developer of Safe Creeper). The connections to the update servers are made on each start up, and each hour while the plugin is running. These connections can be disabled inside the config file of Safe Creeper underneath the node 'updateChecker'. Because of the update checker and the auto updater Safe Creeper does also setup a connection to dev.bukkit.org to download the newest plugin versions. Other connections are made to the servers of mcstats.org, this is a service Safe Creeper uses to add live statics, like the amount of servers running Safe Creeper, these statics are fully anonymous. Connections to mcstats.org and live statics usage can be disabled inside the Safe Creeper configuration file.

    Bugs & Issues
    Please go to the following page to see how to report a bug, this page also contains a list with all known bugs in the current Safe Creeper version.
    Page: Bugs

    Please donate some money so I can buy some coffee to make better plugins and even update my old ones :) , I really like it if you give any donation! You could go to a donation page using the button bellow or the donate button above the search-box.
    Valdifer, Mercury, Jeroeny and 3 others like this.
  2. Offline


    Thanks for the help. :p
    Tim Visee likes this.
  3. Offline


    Do you think you could explain the global.yml config (I assume it is the same config per-world also)? Like, if I put the "Enable: true/false" to true, does it enable the control of creepers, or does it enable creepers spawning? And if I have the control enabled, does that prevent spawning, or does it just enable me to use the rest of the config below it? Also, why is config.yml empty?
  4. Offline

    Tim Visee

    THere's no spawn control right now, that enable thing enables the creeper control right now, so all that stuff underneeth, if they will blow up and thins like that... btw, Of course you need to enable it to controll creepers, if it doesn't work disable that thing inside the creeper control with the MaxLevel and the MinLevel... (with the Enable option above theese two things) if it still doesn't work I think you have a speciafic file for that world with other changes, remove that and it should work. Btw, that files for a specific world overwrites the global file, so if you have only the enabled option of the creeper control on false it will disable the whole creeper control thing and if you disable the explosion sound in that file it will only disable the explosion sound for that speciafic world :)
    I really hope you understand this :)

    So does it work?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  5. Offline


    Is there any chance you could add a misc. explosion catgeory? I'm using OtherBlocks, which can (among other things) trigger an explosion when you break a particular block type. These explosion events, however, damage the landscape even when Safe Creeper successfully disables world damage for everything else. I figure this problem is more your domain than the OtherBlocks team's, but I guess I could be mistaken.
  6. Offline

    Tim Visee

    Yes, I understand, you're right, I need to add this to the plugin, currently I've only the Creeper, Fireball and TNT explosion category's, I really don't know what category OtherBlocks uses, but I will have a look and make also a function to disable ALL the explosions, I putted it on my TODO list
    But yes, be carefull with this, because Safe Creeper doesn't support OtherBlocks explosions right now!
    Rofang likes this.
  7. Offline


    So you can set how big the explosions are?
  8. Offline


    OtherBlocks uses world.createExplosion(). Was looking into creating a non-destructive one but would be much easier if you're able to avert the destruction from this.

    edit: Just remembered, I use HigherExplosives and it seems to be able to avert OtherBlocks explosions but hasn't been updated in a while (though still works for me) - perhaps the sourcecode could give some clues?
  9. Offline

    Tim Visee

    Yes, I already now OtherBlocks uses world.createExplosion();
  10. Offline


    Hi ,@Tim Visee,
    Can this plugin work to prevent 'other' explosions created from other plugins?
  11. Offline

    Tim Visee

    Yes, Im going to add this feature.. (I want it too :p)
    xsolar66 likes this.
  12. Offline

    Tim Visee

    I will try to add this feature in the evening... Probably im not finished with those things (I need to add a few other things too...) today... And also I probably add a few more functions in the world files like 'Damage players' and 'Damage mobs'.
    xsolar66 likes this.
  13. Offline


    :D Huge thanks
  14. Offline


    Thx man great job :D
  15. Offline

    Tim Visee

    Thanks :), btw, if you have any suggestion please tell me and I probably add that feature...
  16. Offline


    wel maybe an option that lava cant be picked up or placed.
    that could come in handy sometimes
  17. Offline

    Tim Visee

    K, I will try in the feature...
  18. Offline


    # Fireballs (from ghasts)
    Enabled: true
    DestroyWorld: false
    EnableExplosionSound: false
    EnableExplosionSmoke: false
    # Only enable these settings if you are between two levels (you must enable 'EnableBetweenLevels' to use it).
    Enabled: false
    MinLevel: 0
    MaxLevel: 127

    This means nothing...they haven't changed, latest of everything :(
  19. Offline


    What does this have to do with creepers or explosions?
  20. Offline

    Tim Visee

    I dont understand what you mean, can you explayn in a little bit better?

    Nothing, but with the plugin you can also control fireballs and TNT and in the feature other explosions and things, maybe this feature is handy to use...

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  21. Offline


    As in, this plugin isn't working.
  22. Offline

    Tim Visee

    So you didn't changed anything and the plugin wouldn't work...? Have you installed the plugin right? Check if you added the 'Safe Creeper.jar' file into your plugins folder and also the safe creeper folder to the plugin folder.
    Also check if you start te server if the plugin says something like '[Safe Creeper] Safe Creeer v- Started!', if not there's another plugin that has a bug that will stop this plugin working, thats is the problem most times... Also an option is to redownload your CraftBukkit.
    Btw, one question, what CraftBukkit are you using?
  23. Offline


    rb 1060
  24. Offline

    Tim Visee

    Strange, Have you tryed the things I said? I mean checked if you have installed it right, if the plugin says its started..?
  25. Offline

    Tim Visee

    I'm going to add a function for endermans, so that they cant place or break a block because its really anoying, I think a LOT of people want this feature!
  26. Offline


    That would seem to fit with the theme of your plugin nicely, yes. Personally, I'm fine with their moving anything except chests and furnaces, but I don't know how granular you want to go there.
    Tim Visee likes this.
  27. Offline

    Tim Visee

    I mean that they can place and grab any block in a protected city, for example if you have a big server with a large spawn wich is protected for greefers and people like that, and thats really anoying :p
    btw, thanks for the comment...
  28. Offline


    Just speaking for myself, I use your plugin because I find big dirt creeper craters very unsightly (and if they blow up on a shoreline, oh god, disgusting), not even counting what they do to buildings. A few wall blocks misplaced by mischievous Endermen don't bother me, but if they start ruining chests, that's reason to ragequit. I think it would be fitting if your plugin became a general-purpose limiter for what mobs can and can't do to your world, but it's your call how much trouble you want to go to to let people specify by block type. Maybe just an option to protect blocks with inventories?
    Tim Visee likes this.
  29. Offline


    I think the ender-protection would be fantastic =)

    Although, I'm still hanging out for the "other" explosion prevention...
    Tim Visee likes this.
  30. Offline

    Tim Visee

    Yes, youre right, I mean abbout that explosion thing, but today I got a school trip to france (I live in the Netherlands and Im back home 5 minits ago, its over 11:00PM right now so I don't know if I do things today on the plugin.) But im working hard do finish it!

    Im trying to add that enderman function.. but with the current bukkit API it's almost imposible, because there are not enouf events and functions. When I finished it I also add the other explosions! You can find those features and things in the upcomming version 0.3 :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  31. Offline


    Are you considering a new plugin name to go with the expanded scope? MobProofBlocks or something?

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