Plugin category: Mech, rpg, fun Suggested name: light "level"/ Heat in the cold What I want: this is a post for a friend he needs: block your standing/head level on light level measured (1 high-15 low) the number set into your exp "level" not bar but the number Ideas for commands: /lightlevelreload Ideas for permissions: light.level.use/ heatlevel.use light.level.notuse/ heatlevel.notuse When I'd like it by: when ever? i found plugins that do similar things (level # usage) (light measure) any way of combining these? EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
thank you so much! once it's approved my friend and i will test this and hope that no plugins break each other? clone z has a function that uses the exp level number as thirst hope that if disabling that wont interfere
Version 0.1.0 has been released! Feel free to file a ticket for any bugs that you encounter or feature requests!