Inactive [MECH] MultiInv V2.4.1 - Per World Inventories [1060]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Pluckerpluck, Feb 17, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    tremor, set it up so plucker can see first hand. Often, seeing the problem happen making resolving them easier.
  2. Not sure if you can do this... but is there any chance you can try on a blank server. Using just my plugin and multiVerse? Just in case...

    Edit: I'm glad this was fixed. Note that from now on I will always recognise this problem if another, less able, person hits the problem and gives me little information. So I'd say this was useful.
  3. Offline


    Problem solved thanks pluckerpluck.. and a note to other admins, check you dont have the same plugin loaded twice.. oh geebus. I have multiinv1.5.0.jar and multiinv1.5.2.jar both loaded
  4. Offline


    the file is named MultiInv_1.5.2 and i maybe stopping with /stop its a rented server so i suppose and your old MultIinv_1.5.0 works great and im using version 670

    and i tried re d/ling 1.5.2 to no avail but i re d/led 1.5.0 and it works

    finally on 1.5.0 it never saves until the players log off
  5. Ya, with 1.5.0 it only saved then the tped across worlds of logged off. Now it should save all the time (when the worlds save hopefully)

    but I just asked the other devs and they're sure the jar file has got corrupted. Neither them nor me can think of anything else to do other than say re-download. <- try that link. Same file but different place and different name.

    Other than that I can't think of any other problem.

    What Operating System are you on... maybe that is contributing (unlikely... not much changed in those 2 versions really)
  6. Offline


    Its not working with the new MV and CB 670!
  7. Offline


    ok ill get back to you on it thanks!
  8. Thanks for the great insight into your problem. Using my amazing "plugin dev mind reading powers" (which all devs have btw) I can accurately diagnose the issue you are facing.

    ... If you didn't realize that was all a lie/sarcasm. If you really need help with the plugin you will need to tell me about what the error is (especially as there are others it is working for). And it shouldn't matter what MultiVerse you are using as this plugin is independent of how you change worlds. The CB build number was useful though.
  9. Offline


    I lol'd at your sarcasm. Well whenever my users log in the inventories go away and when they go to a different world they still have the same inventory as the other world.
  10. My internet is currently dying... I did reply to this earlier.

    Is there any error in the console when people log in or when the server starts up etc. Also, have you tried deleting the and letting it create a new one? And what are the names of the worlds? They don't have any odd symbols in them do they?
  11. Offline


    I deleted the inventories data and now it works great thanks for the help!
  12. Offline


    2011-04-09 12:45:47 [SEVERE] Could not load 'plugins\MultiInv.jar' in folder 'plugins': error in opening zip file
        at Method)
        at<init>(Unknown Source)
        at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(Unknown Source)
        at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(Unknown Source)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugin(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugins(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.d(
    im on Version 670 (Sad Panda T.T)
  13. Offline


    @Pluckerpluck could you calculate a md5 or sha1 of the MultiInv.jar and post it please?
    @Avous are you using a proxy or some firewall like ZoneAlarm or such?
  14. Hm.... trust one person to get an error that makes no sense.

    The problem is that normally it would have said invalidPluginException first like in these two cases:

    But sadly you don't seem to get that.

    I'll ask around more in IRC and see if I can find anyone who knows something about this. But here are the only suggestions that I can think of now:

    1) Try it on another "blank" bukkit server using only my plugin. Just see if it loads

    2) Try re-downloading bukkit 670 and try the blank server with 617 if 670 didn't work.

    3) Are you using IE to download my files? If so try using another browser.
    This is quickest, do this first if you use IE.
    I know someone who couldn't download .docx or .xlsx because IE kept converting them to zip files...

    4) Try and get another link from someone who has the plugin working... that way you know the jar file is definitely working for someone
  15. Offline


    strangely enough ive done all of these i tried d/ling on chrome and firefox ive made a clean bukkit server because i just need this plugin to open up multiworlds and i tried it with 617 before i updated to 670

    @MrChick nope nothing like that. all plugins but this and chestlock work
  16. @MrChick
    MD5: 0fd244121b3fb2d42a808d226acd8d35
    SHA1: ec3293572008328b6987c4ae12c8c279ade993d8

    @Avous Is chestlock the same problem?

    Edit: I'm assuming MrChick wants you to compare the checksum btw.
  17. Offline


    ya exact same error
  18. Offline


    i cant i rent a server from a host but i can post the logs and it only does this with multiinv for this.. -snaps fingers- version

    2011-04-09 12:45:46 [SEVERE] Could not load 'plugins\ChestLock.jar' in folder 'plugins': error in opening zip file
        at Method)
        at<init>(Unknown Source)
        at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(Unknown Source)
        at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(Unknown Source)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugin(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugins(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.d(
    2011-04-09 12:45:47 [SEVERE] Could not load 'plugins\MultiInv.jar' in folder 'plugins': error in opening zip file
        at Method)
        at<init>(Unknown Source)
        at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(Unknown Source)
        at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(Unknown Source)
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugin(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugins(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.d(
  19. Offline


    Have you taken this up with your server provider?
  20. Offline


    not yet because it works on everything besides these two plugins at their current version
  21. Offline


    I got a suggestion for this that could be really cool.

    Right, we use MultiVerse for multiple worlds (in which, you can set an area that when walked into, will teleport you)

    The area to teleport to the new world, its the cabin of a space shuttle, but the rest of the shuttle will not teleport you.

    IS there a way, to have a multiworld "Chest" - two chests that are linked and display the same inventory, so you could deposit in one world and collect in another?
    (And if so, a seperate config for it so you could have a world where chests can be linked, but inventories cannot)

    That way, a player could put their items in the "storage" of a shuttle, then board and collect the items at the other end :)
  22. Offline



    Do you have _ANY_ possibility to get this jar from your server to your pc? FTP or HTTP? Cause I'm REALLY interested if your checksums match
  23. Offline


    This works between my worlds that I'm NOT sharing if I use a MultiVerse portal. However, if someone dies and then spawns back to another world or uses a portal to go back, they have lost the inventory in that world.


    In world1, I have a diamond sword. I portal to world2. I have no inventory. I gather some items there. I die. I go back to world1 and have no inventory. If I were to go back without dying, I'd still have my sword.
  24. I wouldn't mind creating another plugin to do this (I think it would be better if it was a separate, linked chest, plugin) But I don't think it's possible... we need better inventory hooks. When they the right hooks I might make this.

    Have you updated to 1.5.2? I thought I'd fixed this problem in 1.5.2 but it definitely exists in 1.5.0. If it doesn't work I need to fix that because respawning doesn't call a teleport event and I had to work around the fact that any inventories I get set are still blanked.

    Did you still have the inventory in world2? As if you hadn't died?
  25. Offline


    Had 1.5.0 but I installed 1.5.2 and it does the same thing. Yes, I have world2 inventory as if I didn't die.
  26. Offline


    I have some weird messages in logs.

    Were getting this message about non existent worlds on a restart or server load and the thing is they do exist and multiinv is working fine on the worlds.

    2011-04-10 03:11:59 [INFO] [MultiInv] shares.txt contains minor non-existant world nether
    2011-04-10 03:11:59 [INFO] [MultiInv] shares.txt contains minor non-existant world mining
    2011-04-10 03:11:59 [INFO] [MultiInv] shares.txt contains major non-existant world creative
    2011-04-10 03:11:59 [INFO] [MultiInv] Failed to load shared worlds
    2011-04-10 03:11:59 [INFO] [MultiInv] Plugin on standby until new worl

    test, nether, mining
    In our main bukkit folder we have these world directories.


    This is my multiverse worlds file.yml

            animals: false
            spawn: 363:67:177:-178.25043:15.99999
            price: 0.0
            mobs: false
            environment: NORMAL
            pvp: false
            alias: ''
            worldBlacklist: ''
            playerBlacklist: ''
            playerWhitelist: ''
            animals: true
            spawn: 0:68:6:-1.9500011:5.4000006
            price: 0.0
            mobs: true
            environment: NETHER
            pvp: true
            alias: ''
            worldBlacklist: ''
            playerBlacklist: ''
            playerWhitelist: ''
            animals: true
            spawn: 309:64:73:36.44996:2.400001
            price: 0.0
            mobs: true
            environment: NORMAL
            pvp: true
            alias: ''
            worldBlacklist: ''
            playerBlacklist: ''
            playerWhitelist: ''
            animals: false
            spawn: 14:64:15:115.923805:8.434978
            price: 0.0
            mobs: false
            environment: NORMAL
            pvp: false
            alias: ''
            worldBlacklist: ''
            playerBlacklist: ''
            playerWhitelist: ''
            animals: true
            spawn: -166:65:-134:13.499907:4.9500074
            price: 0.0
            mobs: false
            environment: NORMAL
            pvp: false
            alias: ''
            worldBlacklist: ''
            playerBlacklist: ''
            playerWhitelist: ''
            animals: false
            spawn: -311:64:226:-808.5003:6.750011
            price: 0.0
            mobs: false
            environment: NORMAL
            pvp: false
            alias: ''
            worldBlacklist: ''
            playerBlacklist: ''
            playerWhitelist: ''
            animals: false
            spawn: -101:66:-90:-3420.437:0.30000377
            price: 0.0
            mobs: false
            environment: NORMAL
            pvp: false
            alias: ''
            worldBlacklist: ''
            playerBlacklist: ''
            playerWhitelist: ''
    This appears to be a bug and it is spamming console abit with the failed to load shares messages.

    Dunno if its addressed in the latest version we haven't installed yet, if not I hope this helps.
  27. Hm... I see the problem if you have a lot of worlds.... the problem is that I can only spot them once worlds load. So after each world loads it checks and outputs this status. I'll try and remove it for the next version using a timer for world loading.

    Note: Later on it probably says "Shares.txt loaded"
    I'll have to look into this. It's been a long running bug (respawning in a different world that you die in). And I've had to try a hackish way to overcome it (as there's no proper bukkit method from what I know). A temp set-up is to respawn in the world you die in, but I don't like asking people to change their server so I'll look into this.

    Edit: Which plugin do you use for spawning? I need to look into that and see how they set spawning across worlds.
  28. Offline


    sorry if it was already discussed, but could you please also add independent health levels for each group of worlds, so healing in creative world won't heal you in survival? Or would you recommend me any other plugin to do the job?

    Btw, thanks for this plugin...
  29. I can't see another plugin that does it... I think I'll add this actually... Just need to do some working making sure that converting from the old inventories files works... I think I'll make it so each player has a data folder... would work much better that way I think. You've given me a reason to do this as well. Nice idea.
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