Inactive [MECH] Lampstone/Timeblock v1.0 - Automatic night-time ANYTHING [1060]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Izze, Mar 4, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Lampstone - Automatic night-time lamps ANYTHING
    Version: v1.0

    This plugin lets you place any block which turn into another block type in the morning, and then turns back into the first block type in the evening. This lets you build nice looking lamp posts which turn themselves off in the morning and stuff like that.

    • Adds the /lampstone command, which enables and disables lampstone mode
    • Use any block type for both day and night.

    Screenshots taken with a modified version of Painterly pack, to match glowstone and glass texture.

    Download Lampstone v1.0 here!

    1. Download above
    2. Open
    3. Place everything inside in your plugins folder. This should include: Lampstone.jar and a folder called Lampstone, with the files called lampstoneLocations.yml and lampstoneProperties.yml inside.
    4. If you want to change the default properties, open up lampstoneProperties.yml.
    5. In lampstoneProperties.yml, change numbers behind blockDay and blockNight to your liking. (It should be block IDs, default is 20 (glass) in the day and 89 (lightstone) in the night.)
    6. Save lampstoneProperties.yml (if you changed it) and run the server
    7. To enter lampstone mode, enter "/lampstone" in the chat
    8. When in lampstone mode, place a block of the type you specified as blockNight in lampstoneProperties.yml anywhere. If you didn't change any properties, this is a glowstone block. A message in the chat should tell you that a lampstone block has been created.
    9. If you want to use another block combiantion than the defaults (the ones in the configuration file), you use the command like this:
      /lampstone [blockDay] [blockNight]
    10. To exit lampstone mode, simply enter "/lampstone" in the chat again
    • Lampstone.create (self-explanatory)
    • Lampstone.break (self-explanatory)
    Version 1.0
    • You can now select any block type for both day and night.
    Version 0.8
    • Fixed a lot of bugs reported by xGhOsTkiLLeRx.
    Version 0.6
    • Checks if the chunk is loaded before it tries to change the block type of a lampstone.
    • Tells you how many lampstones that were loaded at server startup.
    Version 0.5
    • Console outputs a message if it fails to load a block from the lampstoneLocations.yml file. This is for bug catching purposes.
    Version 0.4
    • Fixed bug where properties didn't work. Thanks to SuperThaTom for telling me.
    • Checks so that your properties are valid on initialization.
    Version 0.3
    • Fixed bugs
    • Files creates themselves
    • Warning: BREAKS YOUR V0.2 LAMPSTONES!!
    Version 0.2
    • Added lampstoneProperties.yml
    • You can now choose which blocks should be lampstones
    Version 0.1
    • Initial release
    Known bugs:
    • If you forget to create or remove the contents of lampstoneLocations.yml, the plugin will fail to initialize. Help needed and appreciated! Fixed with help from Nohup! Many thanks!
    • Breaks after a while for some people.
    Emiya Shirou, nova779 and MuttsNuts like this.
  2. Offline


    I love this plugin :D
    Never stop updating it.
  3. Offline


    Multiworld could work. I haven't tried it. The only issue that may arise is that I don't know if it's possible to set the type of a block which isn't in a currently loaded chunk.
  4. Offline


    I'm having an issue.

    I have some lampstones in two different places in my world. Several chunks away. The ones near my spawn seem to work normally but the ones far away will work 1 or two night cycles then get stuck as lightstone, and wont turn back to glass. A bit odd .... not sure why. I had TimeShift installed but removed it because it breaks this mod.

    Any thoughts? Bukkit Ver. 531
  5. hi i have edit the lampstoneProperties.yml that i have Pumpking in day and Jack-O-Lantern at night.
    But it doesn't detect the location, if i place it after /lampstone.
  6. Offline


    I'm trying to track this one down. Someone said that updating to a newer Craftbukkit build solved some problems. I don't know if it solves this problem though.
  7. Offline


    Lampstones are working erratically for me.

    I get this error at server startup using bukkit 556

    14:52:43 [INFO] Lampstone version 0.4 is enabled.
    14:52:43 [SEVERE] null loading Lampstone v0.4 (Is it up to date?)
            at se.Izze.Lampstone.SaverAndLoader.loadBlocks(
            at se.Izze.Lampstone.Lampstone.onEnable(
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.d(
    /lampstone works in game to place the blocks and they work for a while, but eventually they just stay stuck as glass.
  8. Offline


    Can we have multiple lampstones? So we could gave glass -> glowstone alongside pumpkins -> lit jackolanterns and water -> lava?
  9. Offline


    Have you removed any of your worlds recently? I thank that's what's causing that error. I don't really have time to fix this right now. :(
    And @Incendia , no, not right now. Maybe I should put it on my to-do list.
  10. Offline


    @Izze , please do :3 It should be something simple like a comma separated list, where 1=1, 2=2, etc etc
  11. Offline


    Very Nice it looks Good My Server- Keep it Up!
  12. Offline



    it seems, that multi-world aren't working right...
    here is my log
    (Lampstone v 0.4; craftbukkit #556)

    2011-03-24 18:02:47 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version Beta 1.3
    2011-03-24 18:02:47 [INFO] Loading properties
    2011-03-24 18:02:47 [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on
    2011-03-24 18:02:47 [INFO] This server is running Craftbukkit version git-Bukkit-0.0.0-544-g6c6c30a-b556jnks (MC: 1.3)
    2011-03-24 18:02:47 [INFO] Preparing level "Welt mit ALLEN neu"
    2011-03-24 18:02:47 [INFO] Preparing start region
    2011-03-24 18:02:48 [INFO] [Permissions] version [2.5.4] (Phoenix) was Initialized.
    2011-03-24 18:02:48 [INFO] AppleTree activated.
    2011-03-24 18:02:48 [INFO] [Bandages] Found Permissions Plugin!
    2011-03-24 18:02:48 [INFO] [Bandages] Enabled! Version:1.2.1 by bekvon
    2011-03-24 18:02:48 [INFO] BedrockControl version 1.2 is enabled with permissions!
    2011-03-24 18:02:48 [INFO] [ColorMe] v1.3 has been enabled.
    2011-03-24 18:02:48 [INFO] CraftBukkitUpToDate version 2.1.5 is enabled!
    2011-03-24 18:02:48 [INFO] [Permissions] version [2.5.4] (Phoenix)  loaded
    2011-03-24 18:02:48 [INFO] CButD: CraftBukkit is up to Date
    2011-03-24 18:02:48 [INFO] [DeathTpPlus] 5 Kill Streaks loaded.
    2011-03-24 18:02:48 [INFO] [DeathTpPlus] 5 Death Streaks loaded.
    2011-03-24 18:02:48 [INFO] [DeathTpPlus] Using Permissions
    2011-03-24 18:02:48 [INFO] [DeathTpPlus] version 1.82 by lonelydime is enabled!
    2011-03-24 18:02:48 [INFO] [DiscoSheep] version 0.3 is enabled!
    2011-03-24 18:02:48 [INFO] [DiscoSheep] Permissions plugin detected!
    2011-03-24 18:02:48 [INFO] EggPlugin version 1.1 is enabled with permissions!
    2011-03-24 18:02:49 [INFO] Loaded Essentials build 2.0.300 maintained by Zenexer, ementalo, Aelux, Brettflan, KimKandor, snowleo and ceulemans.
    2011-03-24 18:02:49 [INFO] Fabulous version 0.1 is enabled!
    2011-03-24 18:02:49 [INFO] FakeMessage version 0.4 is enabled!
    2011-03-24 18:02:49 [INFO] [FishPeople]  version 1.2 is enabled!
    2011-03-24 18:02:49 [INFO] [HeroSneak] enabled.
    2011-03-24 18:02:49 [INFO] [iChat] Using Permissions 2.5 (2.5.4) for permissions
    2011-03-24 18:02:49 [INFO] iChat (v2.2.0) enabled
    2011-03-24 18:02:49 [INFO] Lampstone version 0.4 is enabled.
    2011-03-24 18:02:49 [SEVERE] null loading Lampstone v0.4 (Is it up to date?)
        at se.Izze.Lampstone.SaverAndLoader.loadBlocks(
        at se.Izze.Lampstone.Lampstone.onEnable(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.d(
    2011-03-24 18:02:49 [INFO] LastSeen: Enabled
    2011-03-24 18:02:49 [INFO] MobRider enabled
    2011-03-24 18:02:49 [INFO] MobRider - Permissions Plugin Detected
    2011-03-24 18:02:49 [INFO] PorteCoulissante plugin version 1.1.0 by Captain_Chaos enabled
    2011-03-24 18:02:49 [INFO] [SendGift] version 1.2 by lonelydime is enabled!
    2011-03-24 18:02:49 [INFO] [SkyPirates]: Permissions enabled.
    2011-03-24 18:02:49 [INFO] [SkyPirates]: version [1.2] (Caribbean) loaded
    2011-03-24 18:02:49 [INFO] [SpawnMob] Permission system found, plugin enabled
    2011-03-24 18:02:49 [INFO] Unknown Command version 1.3 is enabled!
    2011-03-24 18:02:49 [INFO] Done (0,225s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
    2011-03-24 18:02:58 [INFO] CButD: Plugin-Update-Check started

    and it isn't working with cb #560 builds!
  13. xGhOsTkiLLeRx
    Whilst I don't dispute your posted console output, I was actually put off from installing this plugin because of your post about not working on build #560 - since that's what I'm using. However, after trawling through the other plugins, there is no other plugin that does exactly what this one does - certainly not in the way I wanted it doing, so I decided to give it a try.
    So far, on build #560, and using the latest download version of Lampstone, I've found it works perfectly for me.
    I tried a couple of lamps in 1 world, and a couple in another - all are working OK. Since I've only had the plugin installed for a couple of hours, its early days, but at the moment, all I can say is, it works, and I hope the plugin author updates when the next recommended build comes along ............ thanks for a good plugin !
    All I can suggest for you is to try deleteing the version you currenly have, and delete the Lampstone folder in your plugins as well, and try redownloading ......... a fresh install may solve your problems ....... (maybe :confused:)
  14. Offline


    I think I'm having the same issues as in post #68. Lampstones worked fine for about a week, then it started giving this error on server starting and since then, old placements don't change, but placing new ones do.

    18:12:03 [SEVERE] null loading Lampstone v0.4 (Is it up to date?)
            at se.Izze.Lampstone.SaverAndLoader.loadBlocks(
            at se.Izze.Lampstone.Lampstone.onEnable(
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.d(
    The only change I can recall is updating the jar in the mcMMO mod.
  15. Offline


    I've done a small update to help me track down this bug. Download the latest version and try again. It should output a message telling you which lampstone block is broken. If you then search for the name (should be a random number sequence like '837462323') in the lampstoneLocations.yml, and copy the whole
    - x
    - y
    - z
    - worldName

    and post it here or send it to me. Please check if maybe the world name is wrong, or if it is empty. That could be the problem.


    I also tested it with latest CB build (602), and it worked fine. For me, at least. :)
  16. Offline


    08:40:48 [SEVERE] BLOCK_PLACE loading Lampstone v0.5 (Is it up to date?)
    java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: BLOCK_PLACE
            at se.Izze.Lampstone.Lampstone.onEnable(
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManage
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.d(
    No messages about block location.
  17. Offline


    hey Izze, any chance I could sweet talk you into posting links for the older versions. I have a server running on cb556 and just can't update yet due to required plugins with my users. I have an admin that forgot to backup the old version before he updated and needless to say.. we're really missing our lampstone plugin. :) TIA
  18. Offline


    Which build are you using? I think they changed an event name from BLOCK_PLACED to BLOCK_PLACE in some update. Try it with the latest recomended build.

    Sure, I still have them! :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2016
  19. Offline


    you are the greatest! Thanks again Izze.
  20. Offline


    I put in a newer CraftBukit (605) and it listed all these lampstones not found in the world "Anarchy".

    I can't keep the newer CB either because nearly all the other mods break.

    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13026502823
    09 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13015022955
    88 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13025215606
    45 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13027393513
    25 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13016486736
    77 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13028213917
    81 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13030114496
    39 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13024861404
    80 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13028398411
    26 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13027172447
    48 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13027313067
    87 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13029758367
    68 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13023961952
    73 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13023802911
    77 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13032166843
    29 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13019406338
    22 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13031161213
    94 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13015635449
    80 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13029107442
    99 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13029470146
    70 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13025341260
    64 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13015724851
    35 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13012947062
    84 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13028824458
    57 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13030579206
    41 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13018486753
    26 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13020399765
    41 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13022778299
    45 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13022109269
    13 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13025629854
    86 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13020433560
    52 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13031420283
    03 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13016362460
    72 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13018020423
    89 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13017466245
    64 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13012958177
    93 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13015080308
    18 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13033329099
    07 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13031073633
    09 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13028963005
    74 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13020847256
    81 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13021451208
    20 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13019910600
    32 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13014211037
    70 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13017537430
    86 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13025291492
    21 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13020891876
    87 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13033095514
    67 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13015106616
    88 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13027912035
    28 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13033481363
    07 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13016658069
    08 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13015393845
    20 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13014461336
    29 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13016000430
    96 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13027031339
    96 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13014437746
    17 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13017284781
    88 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13023798605
    41 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13018536429
    39 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13017762480
    14 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13017238280
    55 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13032230443
    68 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13020972594
    75 from world Anarchy.
    21:50:23 [INFO] [Lampstone] Failed to load lampstone block with name 13018261751
    90 from world Anarchy.
  21. Offline


    CURIOUS-REQUEST: could you make a ( /lights on ) and a ( /lights off ) chat command for the people that want to use lights anytime as well? **this new command could also be useful for making magic structures IE: like toggling the change of a wood-house into a stone-house, since you included a properties file allowing for block ID changes** EXCELLENT Plugin BTW
  22. Offline


    I have a theory:

    My world Anarchy is fairly new and things stopped working recently. I have also noticed that sometimes, during the day on "world", that lampstones are in glowstone mode and sometimes glass and sometimes glass at night. Now, I'm wondering if Lampstones has latched on the day/night cycle of the other world and is changing with it, instead of the world I'm in. The day/night cycles are totally different in different worlds.

    BTW, I removed all references to lampstones in the world "Anarchy" and replaced version 0.4 and now there are no errors starting up. I verified that it is working now too. So possibly this is a multiple worlds issue?
  23. i don't want to be a jerk but ehm... it doesn't work i get th same error just like th others and i have ranning on bukkit build 556
  24. Offline


    That sounds like a good explaination, but it would be very strange if that was the problem. I've programmed it so that a separate thread runs every 40 server ticks, I think. This thread goes through a list with all saved lampstone blocks. Through the method "block.getWorld().getTime()" it checks how much the time is in the world where the block is located. So if it gets the time from the wrong world, there is something wrong with Bukkit, which I doubt.

    I really have no idea what the problem might be... I'll have to keep looking! Thanks for helping out, by the way! :)
  25. Offline


    Isn't it odd that removing all the entires to the alternate world fixed the problem completely?
  26. Offline


  27. Offline


  28. Offline


    Ummm....Craftbukkit has been 1.4 compatible now since early this morning EST. It was compatible on RB 612 and they even upped the RB to 617 now. Get with the times man lol
  29. Offline


    Ummm... According to the numerous posts in the official thread, a lot of people are experiencing tons of problems with the new version. Not sure I want to risk it if all my plugins break. I'll run some tests.

    And oh yeah... Some of us actually have jobs.
  30. Offline


    Most people I see are doing fine.

    And oh yeah... Some people have days off. :p
  31. Offline


    Well, I download the recommended build and all the updated plugins and "only" have 12 severe errors and 3 warnings on starting my server. Not bad.

    Not to mention I can't connect to the server because it still says "Outdated Server".

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