[MECH] Glowstone Lanterns - Make glowstone lanterns, daytime glass & nighttime glowstone

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Tim Visee, Jul 9, 2011.

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    Tim Visee

    Glowstone Lanterns - Make glowstone lanterns, daytime glass & nighttime glowstone

    The Glowstone Lanterns project page has been moved. Go to one of the two pages bellow to get to the Glowstone Lanterns project page, with the newest download available:
    You can view the original page in the spoiler bellow. It's highly recommended to visit one of the above sites, to view the up-to-date pages.
    Original Page (open)

    With this plugin Glowstone Lanterns you can make lanterns, when it's going dark the glass of the lanterns will change in glowstone and when it's daytime it will change in glass again. The great thing is that you don't need to place a full lantern but only a glass/glowstone block, so you can use it for everyting. This plugin is very usefull for a large city to light it up, that looks really cool that the lanterns will change in glowstone! You can also place prebuilt lanterns, so that's really usefull if you want to plase a lot of lanterns in a little time.
    You can enable glowstone lanterns with /gl, when you place a glass or a glowstone block it is marked as a glowstone lanterns, this block will change to glowstone if it is night and to glass if it is daytime. If you use /gl l 1 you will enable prebuilt glowstone lanterns, if you place a glass or a glowstone block there will apear the prebuilt glowstone lantern you selected right there. There prebuilt lanterns are in external files, so you can make your own prebuilt lanterns and share them with other pelople.
    Note: When you haven't permissions on your server, the plugin is avaible for all the OP's

    Official page (suggested): http://www.timvisee.com/projects/bukkit/glowstone-lanterns/
    Bukkit DEV: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/glowstone-lanterns/

    In this video you can see how the plugin works :) (Outdated Video)

    • Permissions support
    • Multi world support
    • Place prebuilt lanterns that are located in external files, you can make them and share them with other pelople
    • Posibility to create your own lanterns
    • Players can only destroy lanterns if he have permission
    • And a lot more!
    Upcomming Features:
    • Costum messages and color support
    • In-game prebuilt lanterns creator
    What are prebuilt lanterns?
    Prebuilt lanterns are a really usefull feature in Glowstone Lanterns. You could place a prebuilt lantern by enableling the prebuilt lantern mode and then by placing a glass block or any other lantern block as your usually do with the normal lantern blocks. When you done that a lantern will spawn, for example when you place a glass block a lantern will spawn with a wooden base, a wooden fence pole and a glass/glowstone lantern on it. You could also spawn other prebuilt lanterns which could be used to hang on the ceiling for example. They are just really usefull because they will automaticly create a lantern. So the basic thing why there are prebuilt lanterns are is because you could easily create any lantern you want by only placing a glass block.

    Player Commands
    /gl, /glowstonelantern or /glowstonelanterns
    - Enable glowstone lanterns
    /gl lantern <lantern-id> or /gl l lantern <lantern-id>
    - Enable prebuilt glowstone lanterns
    /gl lantern or /gl l
    - Disable prebuild glowstone lanterns​
    /gl list lanterns or /gl list l
    - List the prebuilt lanterns​
    /gl help
    - View the help
    /gl info
    - View info (see if glowstone lanterns is enabled)
    /gl save
    - Save the glowstone lanterns list
    /gl reload
    - Reload the lanterns list
    /gl verion
    - View current running verion number

    With the following links underneath you could download the Glowstone Lanterns plugin. With the first two links you could directly download the plugin. With the third link you'll go to the official download page where you could find all the download links and all the other versions of the plugin.
    Glowstone Lanterns 0.6 (hosted on dropbox.com)
    Glowstone Lanterns 0.6 (hosted on mediafire.com)
    All downloads and older versions (official download-page on timvisee.com)

    1. Download the plugin
    2. Add the GlowstoneLanterns.jar file and the folder 'Glowstone Lanterns' from the downloaded .zip file to the /plugin folder of the minecraft server. Also add the included folder 'Glowstone Lanterns' to your plugins folder.
    3. Add the permissions if you have; (Look at the permissions paragraph underneeth)
    4. Start your game and use Glowstone Lanterns!

    Allow users to place glowstone lanterns; glowstonelanterns.gl
    Allow users to destroy glowstone lanterns; glowstonelanterns.destroyLanterns
    Allow users to use the info command; glowstonelanterns.info
    Allow users to use the reloadcommand; glowstonelanterns.reload
    Allow users to use the save command; glowstonelanterns.save

    There are NO bugs found :D

    Changelog (open)

    Version 0.6 (14-10-2012)
    • Delayed lantern changes
    • Auto generating config files
    • Updated bukkit api
    • Improved the permissions manager
    • Added PermissionsEx support
    • Added Essentials Group Manager support
    • Updated Default Permissions support
    • the pagages are now renamed to com.timvisee... (instead of me.timvisee...)
    Version 0.5
    • Rewrote whole plugin, plugin is a lot faster
    • Added new bukkit event system
    • New file save/load system, made it faster
    • Glowstone Lanterns wouldn't crash the server anymore!
    • Whole new prebuilt lanterns system which works A LOT better
    • Possibility to make ANY costum lantern!
    • Some prebuilt lanterns are added and removed
    • Added new config features
    • Added a help command to see all the commands (/gl help)
    • Added a reload command to reload the lanterns list (/gl reload)
    • Added a reload command permission node (glowstonelanterns.reload)
    • Changed version command result (/gl version)
    • Changed some chat messages
    • Better user interface in the chat
    • There are some other bugs fixed
    Version 0.3
    • New 'Save' command to save the current lanterns list (/gl save), this command has a permission line (glowstonelanterns.save)
    • Better costum prebuilt lanterns support (command lines supoortend, same as YAML with a # on a line as the first character)
    • Bug fixes!
    • There's also added an config file
    • Function to turn lanterns on when it's raining
    Version 0.2
    • Added the external prebuilt lantern files, so you can make your own prebuilt lanterns and share them with other pelople. Of course you can download lanterns from other pelople (or from this forum topic) and use them in-game
    Version 0.1
    • Plugin release
    • Player commands
    • Permissions
    • Multi world support
    • Prebuilt lanterns

    How to make your own prebuilt lantern:
    How to make your own prebuilt lantern (open)

    What are prebuilt lanterns?
    Prebuilt lanterns are a really usefull feature in Glowstone Lanterns. You could place a prebuilt lantern by enableling the prebuilt lantern mode and then by placing a glass block or any other lantern block as your usually do with the normal lantern blocks. When you done that a lantern will spawn, for example when you place a glass block a lantern will spawn with a wooden base, a wooden fence pole and a glass/glowstone lantern on it. You could also spawn other prebuilt lanterns which could be used to hang on the ceiling for example. They are just really usefull because they will automaticly create a lantern. So the basic thing why there are prebuilt lanterns are is because you could easily create any lantern you want by only placing a glass block.

    The possibility of prebuilt lanterns
    You probably ask yourself what kind of prebuilt lanterns there are... There are a few build-in prebuilt lanterns, like 12 lanterns or so, which contains a lantern for the ceiling, a few lanterns to place on the ground, and even a fireplace lantern which turns on fire when its night. The possibilities are endless, you could easily create your own prebuilt lanterns and enlarge your lantern collection. You could also share your own prebuilt lanterns with other people so they could use your own created lantern.

    How do they work?
    Prebuilt lanterns are saved in seperated files (for each lantern a file) inside the 'Prebuilt Lanterns' folder inside the Glowstone Lanterns folder of your server. You could easily add another file to add other lanterns. The name of the file equals to the name of the lantern in-game

    How does the files work?
    Here I'm going to explain you how the prebuilt lantern files work so you could easily edit or make another lantern.
    In the lantern file there are different rows, every block of the lantern is on another row in the file. So if you have a lantern with contains 3 blocks your lantern file will probably have 3 rows.
    So the lanterns are saved in the file block by block. If the base block of your lantern is a wooden block you need to add a line that says that the bottom block is a wooden block, if your pole on top of it is a wooden fence you need to say that the block above that wooden block is a fence, and lastly if your lantern block above that pole is a glass block which turns into glowstone at night you need to add a line which says that that block is a lantern block which is glass when its day and glowstone when its night.
    Underneath here I'll explain how your really write this yourself.

    How to make your own prebuilt lantern file
    Here you could see an example of the lantern I was talking about, a wooden base block, a wooden pole and a lantern block on top of it.
    On every line is another block of the lantern defined, every line does look a little bit like this;
    With this example I'm going to explain how every line work.
    The first three zero's seperated with commas is the location of the current block, the first zero is the coordinate X, the seccond Y and the last Z. Those coordinates are relative, that means that 0,0,0 is the place where the player plased the glass block to place the prebuilt lantern. When you change the seccond zero to 1 that block will be above the glass block which you could set as a wooden fence block.
    The false text will tell the plugin if the current block is a lantern block, if this is set to false as shown in the example it is a regulair block, if it is set to true it's a lantern block which does mean that this block will be changed to another type of material when its going to be night.
    There are 6 more zero's behind the false text. The first and the seccond zero could be used to set the block type. So if you want to place a wooden block you need to set the first zero to 5 because the block ID of a wooden block is 5.
    If you want to make a lantern block which changed when its night you need to set true/false to true at first which indicates that that block will be a lantern block. Then you could set in the first two zero's what kind of block that lantern block will be when it's day, the third and fourth zero are the block ID and the data value of the block how it will ook like when it's night and the last two are used for the block when it's raining. With a normal block which isn't a lantern you need to set those last four zero's to 0 since they arent used because it isn't a lantern block. I hope I explaind this feature a little bit clear since it's hard to explain.
    So underneath here you'll find a little other example which shows you the thing I explained you again.
    I hope this will make it a bit more clear.
    You could also add a line with nothing on it, just a blank line to seperate two groups of blocks for example. (this doesn't affect the lantern result, its just to make it easier to read the file yourself).
    And as last thing you could also add a line which starts with the following character #, then you could type anything you want behind it. This could be used to make a comment inside the file, for example you could make a line which tells someone who looks in the file that the lantern has been made by you. Because this line will start with a # character the plugin will know that this is a comment line so it doesn't affect the lantern result. Underneath here you could also see another example.
    So here you could see you could use a line with a # character as a comment line and that you could plase a blank line anywhere in the file. As I already said a lantern which contains 3 blocks should have a file with three lines, but now you know if you place a comment or a blank line in the file the file will contain more lines.
    So one last thing, EVERY feature of the file is seperated in lines, blocks, comment lines and blank lines, you couldn't make two blocks on a single line.

    Create your first prebuilt lantern
    Now we are going to make your first prebuilt lantern. We will make a lantern which will look like this. A wooden base block, with a wooden fence pole on it. Then a lantern block on the pole which will be glass when it's day, glowstone when it's night and a jack'o'lantern when it's raining. And lastly a wooden slab on top of the lantern block. So this lantern will contain 4 blocks, three regulair blocks and 1 lantern block.
    Now open a simple text editor (notepad in windows, textedit on a mac) or any other program where you could type text in and start creating the file.
    On the first line you probably want a commant that the lantern has been made by you, for example a line like this
    Now make a blank line underneath this comment line. Then start making the blocks.
    The first block will be a wooden block (block ID = 5) on coordinate 0,0,0 since it should be on the place where the user placed the glass block, this isn't going to be a lantern block, just a regulair block so write a line like this;
    Then make the wooden pole on top of the base block (wooden fence ID = 85).
    Then make a lantern block which should be a glass block when its day, at night it should be a glowstone lantern and when it's raining a jack'o'lantern. The ID of a glass block is 20, a glowstone block 89 and a jack'o'lantern block 91. So write a line like this.
    and now the last block, the wooden slab on top of the lantern. The ID for this slab is 44 with a data value of 2, otherwise the slab will be a regulair stone slab. This is also an example for the data value usage. Now write that line like htis
    now the lantern is finished, and of course if you want to could also add some more blank lines and comment lines on the bottom, like a copyright line or something.
    Now how to save the file, open your window where you could save the file, in windows notepad you need to go to the file menu and then click Save As. Just navigate to your desktop or any other directory and name the file 'example.gllantern'. Make sure you give the file the file-extention '.gllantern' or else the plugin isn't able to open the lantern. Now just save it as 'example.gllantern' to any directory you want and close the text editor. Now navigate to the directory where you saved the file (probably your desktop as I suggested). There is your lantern file, now place that file you made in the 'Prebuilt Lanterns' folder inside the 'Glowstone Lanterns' folder inside your plugins folder of your plugin. When you done that you could start your server and start using your lantern. Please note that your lantern has been called 'example' since you saved the file with the name 'example.gllantern', if you save/rename the file to 'lantern.gllantern' the lantern will be called 'lantern'. Underneath here I will show you how to place the lantern you made.

    How to place/use your lantern?
    Now you probably made your lantern and placed it into the prebuilt lanterns directory of the plugin, if you haven't placed the lantern you want to use into that folder you aren't able to use the lantern.
    When you are in-game and when you've started your server you could use the command '/gl list lanterns' to list all the available lanterns, so the lantern you added which is probably called 'example' should be in this list too, if it is you added your lantern succesfully.
    Now use the command '/gl l <name-of-lantern>' to enable the prebuilt lantern mode with a prebuilt lantern selected. So if your lantern is called example you need to use this command '/gl l example' to enable prebuilt lanterns mode with the example lantern selected. When you have selected and enabled the prebuilt lantern mode a message should popup that you enabled this mode.
    Now select a glass block or any other block which could be used to place a lantern block or a prebuilt lantern (configurable in the config file) and place it on the ground, and your own lantern magically appears! (if your lantern doesn't appear and an error pop's up in the console you know something is wrong with your lantern file, please read this text again and try it again). Now you could easily place your own lantern anywhere you want.

    I hope you understand how everything works know, if you know how it works it;s one of the easiest things to do!
    If you still don't know how to use this, please contact me on the Glowstone Lanterns bukkit.org forum page or anywhere else so I could answer your question.
    Please also take a look at the build-in prebuilt lanterns because they could help you a lot!

    Suggestions, Ideas and bugs
    If you have a suggestion or an idea, please tell me and maybe I will add it to the plugin!
    If you found any bug please tell me I will fix it as fast as I can.

    Please donate some money so I can buy some coffee to make better plugins, I really like it if you give a donation!

    Attached Files:

  2. Offline


  3. Offline

    Tim Visee

    Hmm, I will try to fix this error!
  4. Offline


    because this error no player can join my server, after restart its fine
  5. Offline

    Tim Visee

    :O really? Creazy bug! Becouse this plugin does nothing with a player join or another player event...:confused:
  6. Offline


    i have only see the bug because a member have say to me he cant connect
  7. Offline

    Tim Visee

    I will test this on my local computer with my other account...!
  8. Offline


    Any news? and on a side note, if you disable the plugin, but not delete it, all the saved lanterns are glass but still glow like they changed... maybe a feature to keep them as glowing glass, not sure how hard it would be to put mob spawner fire animation inside the glass but only at night, but i think that would be a texture pack.
  9. Offline

    Tim Visee

    That fire like A spawner is impissible to program in bukkit. btw, I'm dutch so I don't exactly know what you mean with the first two (text) lines in your message.
  10. Offline


    let me explain better, sry, now seeing as i have had the issues with the plugin, i disabled it from loading, but the files were still there, the lanterns were on the day cycle so they were glass, and then night time came, there was no chat line in the logs about glowlanters doing anything, yet the glass was glowing like glowstone, but it looked like glass, thought it was an interesting bug, but as i cleaned out my plugins, i have removed it for the time being.

    I will try to recreate the effect and see if i can get you a screenshot of it.

    A side note.... maybe a config option to have it only load on worlds that have lanters.... I have 3 other test worlds but they are not even loaded and they are still changing the lanters on the other worlds... just a thought

    Went to try and recreate the bug, and it lagged up the server and needed a restart within a few mins... so.. no screen shots :(

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  11. Offline

    Tim Visee

    If you mean that the glass glows, that's creazy because you can't do that in Bukkit, so it also isn't a bug in my plugin... I think the glass/glowstone isn't updated on your local PC (where you play minecraft), if it happend again reconnect, I think that will fix it because that will download the terrain world again...
    (this is also why I understand you can't create the bug again)

    When I look in your server log (the error posted on message #31) I see minecraft gave an error 'doLightning', so that's the minecraft server itself... I think that's the problem of the glowing glass!

    UPDATE 0.3 - Bug fixes, new command, Config file

    The new version of Glowstone Lanterns is out.
    Underneet you can see what's added

    • New 'Save' command to save the current lanterns list (/gl save), this command has a permission line (glowstonelanterns.save)
    • Better costum prebuilt lanterns support (command lines supoortend, same as YAML with a # on a line as the first character)
    • Bug fixes!
    • There's also added an config file
    • Function to turn lanterns on when it's raining

    The folder Lanterns is renamed to 'Prebuilt Lanterns', and there also is a config.yml file added, SO UPDATE THE PLUGIN!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  12. Offline


    DLing now and testing, great thing to see first thing when i get up :D

    Now it is loading worlds that are deleted...

    Glowstone: Lanterns] Night in 'Sneaky', set lanterns
    Glowstone: Lanterns] Night in 'Sneaky_nether', set lanterns
    Glowstone: Lanterns] Day in 'TheWild', set lanterns
    Glowstone: Lanterns] Day in 'ArkLand', set lanterns

    ArkLand and TheWild were deleted and are not even in the server anymore... yet still loading, still testing, placed one and gonna let it run till an error happens, will check back later
    (seems multiverse did not get the memo that i deleted the worlds... not a lanterns issue)

    After spam changing the time to day and night, not getting any issues with a single lantern placed, going to turn back on 'Timefold' and keep testing, but so far so good

    K so after testing most of the afternoon, it works well without using timefold... maybe a conflict or something there, but yea... using the standard time cycle it works fine, maybe there is a way for both to work nice together, but or well, next thing to mess with is these patterns, tried them out but did not get far

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  13. Offline

    Tim Visee

    k, thanks for the 'update'
  14. Offline


    my server crash randomly at night here is the log. (not every night)

    and after no one can enter and everyone is disconnected :c
  15. Offline


  16. Offline


    No errors, and TritonEARTH looks that much more earthly when it lights up in style at night. Thankyou for this very simple and easy to use plugin which makes a huge difference. +1
    Tim Visee likes this.
  17. Offline


    Love the plugin. Makes the city on my server look great. Only suggestions would be so kind of integration with LazyRoad by adreide (http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/20682/), if possible, and to convert existing glowstone to Glowstone Lanterns within a cuboid.
  18. Offline


  19. Offline


    I also get this error - I suspect it might be related to lanterns/glass blocks that might have been clobbered by world edit. The plugin should check to see if the lantern is still there and if not remove it from the file (Have had the same problem with one of my plugins)

    02:37:34 [INFO] [Glowstone Lanterns] Day in 'world', set lanterns
    02:37:34 [SEVERE] java.lang.NullPointerException
    02:37:34 [INFO] [Glowstone Lanterns] Day in 'world_nether', set lanterns
    02:37:34 [SEVERE]       at net.minecraft.server.World.a(World.java:1647)
    02:37:34 [SEVERE]       at net.minecraft.server.World.a(World.java:1615)
    02:37:34 [SEVERE]       at net.minecraft.server.World.a(World.java:578)
    02:37:34 [SEVERE]       at net.minecraft.server.MetadataChunkBlock.a(SourceFile:105)
    02:37:34 [SEVERE]       at net.minecraft.server.World.doLighting(World.java:1602)
    02:37:34 [SEVERE]       at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:443)
    02:37:34 [SEVERE]       at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:361)
    02:37:34 [SEVERE]       at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:422)
    02:37:34 [SEVERE] Unexpected exception
            at net.minecraft.server.World.a(World.java:1647)
            at net.minecraft.server.World.a(World.java:1615)
            at net.minecraft.server.World.a(World.java:578)
            at net.minecraft.server.MetadataChunkBlock.a(SourceFile:105)
            at net.minecraft.server.World.doLighting(World.java:1602)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:443)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:361)
            at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:422)
  20. Offline

    Tim Visee

    I never saw this program before, I will contact to the creator of the program when I'm back at home over about 1,5 weeks!

    Is propertime a plugin? What kind of plugin is it, a auto time reset thing?
    But there's one creazy thing, I never got an error!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  21. Offline


  22. Offline


    Oh,my God this is so awesome thank you for developing this plugin!
    Tim Visee likes this.
  23. Offline

    City Builder

    Possible bugs:

    Lantern 9, when it turns back to day, one of the glowstones remains glowstone while the other one turns back to glass.

    Actually, I think there are a couple designs that do this. Could it be something that I've done wrong when placing them in our world?
  24. Offline



    On my server the permissions, for the lanterns didn't work. Is that an bug or has I made some error's?
  25. Offline

    City Builder

    Getting this error before our server locks up:
    2011-08-04 02:56:55 [INFO] [Glowstone Lanterns] Day in 'world_nether', set lanterns
    2011-08-04 02:56:55 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.World.a(World.java:1647)
    2011-08-04 02:56:55 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.World.a(World.java:1615)
    2011-08-04 02:56:55 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.World.a(World.java:578)
    2011-08-04 02:56:55 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.MetadataChunkBlock.a(SourceFile:103)
    2011-08-04 02:56:55 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.World.doLighting(World.java:1602)
    2011-08-04 02:56:55 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:443)
    2011-08-04 02:56:55 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:361)
    2011-08-04 02:56:55 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:422)
    2011-08-04 02:56:55 [SEVERE] Unexpected exception
    at net.minecraft.server.World.a(World.java:1647)
    at net.minecraft.server.World.a(World.java:1615)
    at net.minecraft.server.World.a(World.java:578)
    at net.minecraft.server.MetadataChunkBlock.a(SourceFile:103)
    at net.minecraft.server.World.doLighting(World.java:1602)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:443)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:361)
    at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:422)

    We are using extendday plugin to cause 5 days per 1 night on our world, so maybe this is what is causing the server to lockup with the glowstone lanterns?
  26. Offline

    Tim Visee

    I think you made some errors because it works on my (and other) servers.
    Look in the server console if the permissions are enabled!

    Maybe this is a bug, that's inside the design of the lantern. I will look for a fix for this problem when I'm back home over about 1 week

    Hmm when I look at the error log, it's really a minecraft.net server bug, bukkit drives on the minecraft server that give an error, that's impossible to fix I think, but if you user a time plugin to reset or speed up time that will be solve the problem (I think)

    Yes, that's a time reset/speedup plugin, because of that the plugin wouldn't work, I think it's a bukkit bug because this must not happend!

    Thanks! :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  27. Offline


    Getting read timed out spam, stops the server. Only seems to happen on day-night switch, and didn't get this error before installing.
    2011-08-17 20:25:54 [INFO] [Glowstone Lanterns] Day in 'metrius', set lanterns
    2011-08-17 20:25:54 [SEVERE] java.lang.NullPointerException
    2011-08-17 20:25:54 [SEVERE]    at net.minecraft.server.World.doLighting(World.java:1615)
    2011-08-17 20:25:54 [SEVERE]    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:444)
    2011-08-17 20:25:54 [SEVERE]    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:362)
    2011-08-17 20:25:54 [SEVERE]    at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:422)
    2011-08-17 20:25:54 [SEVERE] Unexpected exception
            at net.minecraft.server.World.doLighting(World.java:1615)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:444)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:362)
            at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:422)
    2011-08-17 17:52:02 [INFO] [Glowstone Lanterns] Night in 'metrius', set lanterns
    2011-08-17 17:52:02 [SEVERE] java.lang.NullPointerException
    2011-08-17 17:52:02 [SEVERE]    at net.minecraft.server.World.a(World.java:1660)
    2011-08-17 17:52:02 [SEVERE]    at net.minecraft.server.World.a(World.java:1628)
    2011-08-17 17:52:02 [SEVERE]    at net.minecraft.server.World.a(World.java:583)
    2011-08-17 17:52:02 [SEVERE]    at net.minecraft.server.MetadataChunkBlock.a(SourceFile:103)
    2011-08-17 17:52:02 [SEVERE]    at net.minecraft.server.World.doLighting(World.java:1615)
    2011-08-17 17:52:02 [SEVERE]    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:444)
    2011-08-17 17:52:02 [SEVERE]    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:362)
    2011-08-17 17:52:02 [SEVERE]    at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:422)
    2011-08-17 17:52:02 [SEVERE] Unexpected exception
            at net.minecraft.server.World.a(World.java:1660)
            at net.minecraft.server.World.a(World.java:1628)
            at net.minecraft.server.World.a(World.java:583)
            at net.minecraft.server.MetadataChunkBlock.a(SourceFile:103)
            at net.minecraft.server.World.doLighting(World.java:1615)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:444)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:362)
            at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:422)
  28. Offline


    I'm also getting the error which crashes my server. :/
  29. Offline


    I got exactly the same bug as all the others!! Dude, you gotta fix that, no server can run longer than lets say 6 hours without crashing because of this plugin :( I really appreciated it, but with this bug its not playable. Also the plugin wich should fix it is inactive.
  30. Offline

    Tim Visee

    I know, I'm trying to find out what's the problem but I didn't understand ... :mad:
  31. Offline


    Maybe ask someone professional, like someone of the bukkit team, maybe they know what could cause it.

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