Inactive [MECH/FUN/RPG] The Werewolf v2.2 - Become an epic Werewolf [Spout] [1060]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Dutch_Devil, Aug 16, 2011.

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    The Werewolf
    The Werewolf version 2.2
    New BukkitDev page: here
    please post your questions/suggestions there
    The Werewolf is the werewolf plug-in created to bring you the ultimate werewolf experience!

    It’s ideas are based of various myths/legends and and our personal ideas about how the plug-in should function.

    If you have any suggestions for the plug-in or need help, please tell us in the comments! We (Firemars and me) are a dedicated team and will try to read and answer every single one!

    RPGOverhead v1.0 is required for the latest version! This plugin will ensure compatibility with as many other RPG-style plugins as possible. It can be downloaded here.

    We recommend that you also download both the Spout.jar for your server and use the SpoutCraft client so you can enjoy the full Werewolf experience!

    The Werewolf features:

    Almost every feature is customisable in the config file! All the features named here are the default settings.

    • To become a Werewolf, you have to get bitten (attacked) by a wolf or Werewolf at night and contract the Wolven-infection (small chance). This infection turns the Human into a Werewolf when they step outside the next night. It can be stopped by staying inside the night after contracting the infection.
    • A Werewolf automatically turns into his Wolf-form at night.
    • A Werewolf can sprint in Wolf-form by using the shift-key.
    • A Werewolf cannot wield weapons (low damage) while in Wolf-form, but does high unarmed damage!
    • A Werewolf cannot wield Armor while in Wolf-form, but has a high natural defense! When turning in a Werewolf, the player drops his armor.
    • When in wolf-form, all wolves are friendly (unless another Werewolf controls them).
    • Prevents your wolves from being damaged while you are offline.
    • Werewolves are very vulnerable to “Silver” (Iron) weapons.
    • A recipe creates an item that cures Werewolves and turns them back into humans, when using the item, there is a 1/4th chance the user is cured. There is no way of telling wether the user is actually cured until the next night.

    Visuals & Audio [FONT=Arial](Requires Spout and Spoutcraft!)[/FONT]:
    • Achievements (Notifications):
      • [FONT=Arial][COLOR=rgb(0, 0, 0)][FONT=Arial][COLOR=rgb(0, 0, 0)][FONT=Arial]The Infection - Contract the infection[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT]
      • The Werewolf - Turn into a Werewolf
      • The Packleader - Have some wolf-companions
      • The Spreader - Infect a human
      • New Sherrif in Town - Kill a fellow Werewolf
      • The Cure - Make a Werewolfism-cure
    • When in wolf-form, character skin changes to a Werewolf skin.
    • Howling sound when a character transforms

    • thewerewolf.togglewerewolf..............allow toggling of werewolf status
    • thewerewolf.toggleself.......................allow players to toggle their own wolf status
    • thewerewolf.infectwerewolf...............allow infecting players by command
    • thewerewolf.infectself........................allow players to infect themselves
    • thewerewolf.cure...............................allow players to use the cure
    • thewerewolf.infectother.....................allow players to infect other players by hitting
    • thewerewolf.becomeinfected............allow players to become infected by hitting
    • thewerewolf.thewerewolf...................allow players to enable/disable the plugin

    Toggle Werewolfism.................................../togglewerewolf [PLAYERNAME]
    Toggle Werewolfism on yourself................/togglewolfself
    Infect player with Werewolfism.................../infectwerewolf [PLAYERNAME]
    Infect yourself with Werewolfism................/infectwolfself
    Toggle plugins on/off state........................../thewerewolf


    Look in the %server%/plugins/TheWerewolf/config.yml file for these options. I only describe the more important/harder to understand options here.
    • Modifiers.Night.Resolution changes the update cycle speed. Slower servers should insert higher numbers
    • Modifiers.Hardcore, hardcore mode makes werewolfs drop their items and disables them to talk properly
    • Files.Skin for a custom skin file
    • Files.Howl for a custom howl noise (when turning into a werewolf)
    • Disallowed.Items Insert any number of comma separated (spaces are ignored) item materials or id's here. Werewolfs can't use these items in any way.
    • Multiplied.Weapons are the weapons which do extra damage to a werewolf
    • Recipe.Materials for a custom recipe, again item name or item id, or null if spot should be skipped (going from topleft corner to the right, then the next line etc.)
    • Recipe.Result for a custom cure item
    Possible Future Features:

    • Customizeable per-player/per-group skins
    • When transforming to and from Wolf-form, the characters emits particles (similar to those of a Nether-portal).
    • Instead of damage prevention, despawn wolves while you are offline.
    • Whole new achievement screen with custom achievements.
    • Abitilies:
      • Growl - Stuns nearby hostile creatures
    • Anything else you submit!
    Known Bugs:
    • Please help with this plugin by submitting any bugs you found while playing!

    A BIG thanks to everyone who made this plugin possible! Especially the lead-designer of this plugin, Firemars. New features will be added through him!

    The test team (Minecraft Names) A-Z:
    • Daanie
    • DutchyDev
    • Firemars
    • Pimmi
    • Supershoarma
    (They also came with cool ideas for the plugin)

    The default skin:
    Beelzabeth, check him out, he makes some awesome skins!

    • v2.2 - Unnecessary update!
      • fixed tiny bug which shouldn't occur?
      • changed name of speed modifier for ppl having trouble running
      • split Speed in Speed_Multiplier and Jump_Multiplier
    • v2.1 -
      • Improved running, you won't need to use shift anymore
      • Higher jumping
      • Fixed a bug where RPGOverhead couldn't be found
    • v2.0 - bug fixes:
      • TheWerewolf would initialize faster than spout
    • v2.0 - features:
      • Extending RPGOverhead to enjoy maximum compatibility
      • added 2 commands + permission nodes to change yourself into a werewolf
    more... (open)

    • v1.5 - bug fixes:
      • armor wouldn't drop while in hardcore mode
      • angry wolves captured from other players would attack their new owner
    • v1.5 - features
      • splitted hardcore mode in chat-scramble and item-drop in config file
      • chat-scramble only occurs between wolfs and players (players get the text scrambled)
      • chat-scramble messages are now editable
      • insta-friendly of wolves can now be disabled
      • werewolfs armor will act for every damage source (also fall damage!)
        • sources can be disabled (armor won't act)
        • minimum damage of 1 even if armor would lower it to 0
      • werewolfs growl when other entities target them
    • v1.3 - Corrected tiny console bug
    • v1.2 - Implemented some user ideas:
      • Customizeable items which a werewolf receives extra damage from
      • Customizeable recipe/cure item
      • a command, /thewerewolf, to turn the plugin on or off
      • optional 'hardcore mode'
        • Werewolfs drop their items and can't pick them up
        • Werewolfs can't talk, all they do is make beastily noises
    • v1.1 - Fixed bug where players would never turn after being infected
    • v1.0 - Initial release!
    Caid, MMySlime, rezznov and 2 others like this.
  2. Offline


    Werewolf works, however all werewolfs dont seem to get the skin :l

    Is there a possibility that you can also allow permissions to let people turn into a werewolf at will? Im thinking of having a werewolf leader on my server who i want to be able to turn to a wolf even during the day, whenever he wants to.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  3. Offline

    Marcos Cosmos

    D; you shoukd find a way to include fall damage reduction.. maybe look at. The way demons are coded in snp or something? Or at lrast could you include a configurable maximum damage per collision(fall)? :D
    Marcos Cosmos
  4. Offline


    i have a request with this plugin i dont see why you would want to change back unless when you change you attack everything in a 100 block radius. then there would be a reson to get the cure
  5. Offline


    Dear Dutch_Evil when my and my friends are on my server and with the Epic WereWolf Plugin i got infected but at night i dont change my skin to wolf =((((( PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!
  6. Offline


    Can you make it were u can choose if we can wear armor as a werwolf?
  7. Offline


    Maybe you can make it so werewolfs can jump higher? and various other enhancements to the werewolfs physics :p
  8. Offline


    Spoutcraft gives you the visuals and the audio. Without it you wwont
  9. Offline


    Finnaly some one has created a werewolf plug that isn't shit :)
  10. An ability, to Call wolves back to you would be awesome. especially if they won't stop attacking a player you don't want them to XD

    Also, when changing could we have an option to hide your name above your head? so you can conceal your identity as a werewolf! :D

    Also, killing a werewolf with a silver arrow. (Iron ingot replaces flint in arrow craft) The werewolf's powers are suppressed for accouple nights or something :D

    Are you planing on doing any other Creatures like this?

    I had an idea for a Gargoyle. At night and in the nether they can fly, but during the day, if sunlight touches them, they turn to stone!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  11. Offline


    Idea: To give over players a fighting chance maybe add a option to be warned within a radius like "You here a distinct howl in the distance"
  12. Offline

    Marcos Cosmos

    I believe that's already planned.. read the response to my question about mobdisguise on the last page ;)

    Edit: Why without spout? :eek:

    I mean, I know it's a little buggy at the moment but it's a BIG change for SpoutDev from their old plugin BukkitContrib, it's only the second release of Spout and SpoutCraft and there's a lot of things they added a lot of things to it.. although they may not be obvious for the users... so you gotta give them a chance to fix things up, which they will, BukkitContrib was a really good plugin that functioned really well... be patient ;)

    Hehe, have you ever heard of MyWolf? :D
  13. Offline


    well i have troble with spout and i would like it so that you just spawn as a wolf and be a wolf (compaidble with permissions so i can make a rank for humans) i dont wat this whole get bitten to turn in to a "Werewolf" and only be one at night.
    ps can you help me with spout my plugins are
    Essentials, magic carpet, and permissions
    when i add spout it gets rid of all my other plugins
  14. Offline


    Hey guy

    got a short question: What will happen, when you play this without spout?
  15. Offline


    there will not be audio and viedo when you transform in to a were wolf
  16. Offline


    It a plugin about becoming a werewolf and not about becoming a wolf.
  17. Offline


    i know that i was wondering if the maker of this plugin could make a seprate plugin like this but insted of haveing to get "bitten" you just spawn as a wolf
  18. Offline

    Marcos Cosmos

    Well rezznov, I can't help you with spout, you'll have to post on the Spout thread for support.
    But I do know that the current RB isn't really the Recommended Build, every SpoutDev member is instructing users to use the dev builds, (there are a few major bug fixes).
    Also that's an extremely bizzare glitch, please report that ASAP! :(

    Also, if you just want to be a wolf there is MobDisguise, but you'll only look like a wolf to other people, and controls will be the same. (changing the reticle and cam height and things is impossible right now, although it may be possible to view yourself as a wolf in 3rd-person eventually, it isn't yet)
    Edit: @rezznov what exactly are you gunna do with forcing people to be wolves all the time? (just curious :confused:) I mean, are you gunna remove build permissions for them too? so all they can do is attack? are they still supposed to be able to craft for amour etc? what about light? how will they protect themselves from mobs? :3
    Edit: @Dutch_Devil would the removal of spout support/requirement have had anything to do with the problems with you tried to hook into it? :eek:

    Hope I helped,
    Marcos Cosmos
  19. Offline


    could some one pm me or reply to my post say that this plugin is compatible with the vampire one. thanks in advance!
    JackBarber likes this.
  20. Offline


    well the reason i want players to be a wolf is im makeing a wolf RPG server once i get that on i can open my server up
    (not every one is a wolf just certian players like me, wolf clans, maby admins they have a option) and the humans can adopt wolves
    ill make diffrent permissions like
    - Wolf (color codded for diffrent ranks)
    - Human (color codded for diffrent ranks)
    - Default
    so thanks for that recommend build thing
  21. Offline

    Marcos Cosmos

    Yw, also CB 1060 is pretty buggy. So if you get too many problems on your server just downgrade to 1000 until the next CB is out :)
  22. Offline


    what build do you reccomend
  23. Offline

    Marcos Cosmos

    1000 for CraftBukkit and the 1000 compatible builds of your plugins. Until theres a bukkit build higher than 1060
  24. Offline


  25. Offline


    can I disable making wolfs insta-friendly. my friend is pissed because while I was a werewolf, his wolf became friends with him.... changed loyalty... wtf?
  26. Offline

    Marcos Cosmos

    Your welcome :)
  27. Offline


    no that is not configurbal
  28. Offline


    We will make this configurable ;)

    This is kind of not at all how our vision of being a "Werewolf" should be like. Force Werewolfism, really? I do not think this is something we will implement. We can however make the time a player turns into a Werewolf configurable, then you can just use commands to turn people.

    That was our goal :D, Thanks
  29. Offline


    I've got a little problem on my server : The Werewolf plugin initializes before the spout plugin so it doesn't work fine...

    EDIT : I resolved the problem by renaming 1.Spout.jar and 2.TheWerewolf.jar
  30. Offline


    thanks,not that it matters now, my friend decided to be retarded and hit my wolf because it is easier than hitting a wild one.....

  31. Offline


    Where is Dutch_Devil ?

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