Inactive [MECH/FUN/RPG] DarkBrotherhood v1.5.1 - climb walls, assassinate players, and more![1060]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by skeletonofchaos, Aug 12, 2011.

  1. Offline


    I would like to point out I am no longer supporting this plugin. If a reputable developer would like to take this over I will gladly let them assuming they contact me first.

    DarkBrotherhood: climb walls, throw shuriken, assassinate players, and more!
    Plugin Version: 1.5.1
    Server Version: /version: git-Bukkit-0.0.0-905-g9277096-b1000jnks (MC: 1.7.2)
    Download: DarkBrotherhood

    Thanks to Lyiin for the idea of climbing walls!

    • Climb up walls!
    • Assassinate other players/mobs!
    • Throw shuriken!
    • Perform leaps of faith!
    • Poison weapons!
    • Pick locks!
    climbing (open)
    To climb right-click any block that is considered climbable(you can change this list in the config) while not holding anything. You must be holding shift to stay on the wall, upon releasing shift you fall to the ground.

    assassinating (open)
    To assassinate any mob simply attack them while you sneaking and you are behind them.

    shuriken (open)
    To throw a shuriken left click with a piece of flint in hand. Each shuriken does 1 heart of damage; however on a successful assassination it will do up to 4.5 hearts of damage.

    Leaps of Faith (open)
    Hold shift upon landing and it will negate fall damage, assuming you have the proper permission nodes

    Lock-picking (open)
    Right click any chest with the lock-pick tool (configurable, by default string) if the chest is locked you have a configurable chance of opening it if you fail you take a configurable amount of damage.

    Poison (open)
    To poison your weapon simply right click with the poison item in hand (configurable, by default red mushroom) The next entity you hit will be poisoned. The poison then lasts for a configurable amount of seconds each second doing a configurable amount of damage.

    Video Tutorial (open)
    A little outdated not much though:

    A neat combination (open)
    Combine this plugin with EffectiveArrows! this will yield the ability for varying arrow types allowing your players to perform neat combinations. Such as using smoke arrows to cover their escape! Or maybe do a little flaming arrow ambush.

    Permissions (these are Super Perms!):
    These permissions are only used if the usePermissions value in the config is set to true otherwise it is op only.
    • DarkBrotherhood.climb-allows the player to climb.
    • DarkBrotherhood.assassinate-allows the layer to perform assassinations.
    • DarkBrotherhood.use.shuriken-allows players to throw shuriken.
    • DarkBrotherhood.roll-allows players to perform leaps of faith.
    • DarkBrotherhood.use.poison-allows players to use poison.
    • DarkBrotherhood.use.lockpick-allows players to use lock-picks.
    • Add an assassin guild style thing. With rewards for murdering players.
    • Add Spout support and corresponding dash ability (thinking it will activate when some button is pressed). (done not sure if I want to implement it though)
    Fixed for RB 1060.​
    Added poison and lock-picking.​

    Previous changes (open)

    Added shuriken, and leaps of faith!​
    Released plugin!​
  2. Offline


    This works with the Bukkit-integrated super permissions. This means you must use a permissions handler such as bPermissions (my personal favorite) or PermissionsBukkit (I think that's what it is called) therefore these permissions will not be compatible with the old method of handling permissions such as third party solutions like Permissions 3.x
  3. Offline


    Okay...I'm going to have to use the OP only setting for now than. What about the issue I edited into my last post about not being able to climb tree blocks even after adding it to the config?
  4. Offline


    Lemme check that quick.

    No it works you just have to make sure you click a minimum of three blocks off the ground otherwise it does nothing.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  5. Offline


    Trying. Nope, still not working for me... At least with blocks other than the default blocks. For example, works with cobblestone
    Edit: Nevermind, had to change both config files, Assasincraft and DarkBrotherhood.
    Working now. The glass block doesn't go away when I fall off and/or stop sneaking though...Don't even need to hold the sneak button
  6. Offline


    You have to update to the latest version and delete both assassincraft and darkbrotherhood (jars and folder).
  7. Offline


    for the shurikens, implementing item for it would be best, since spout allows client side modifications. I like the assassination idea, good job.
  8. Offline


    Updating then. Though I've never had assassincraft, Darkbrotherhood created the folder for it...
    Also, the glass block started disappearing again.
    Edit: Updated, Assasincraft folder got put in again.
  9. Offline


    I did not believe that Spout allows for client side items already does it? I thought the deadline for that was 2 months.

    The old version of DarkBrotherhood was called assassincraft until i realized that there was a sp mod by the same name.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  10. Offline


    im not positive about it, but i thought it did because mywolf have been able to implement backpacks onto why not equipment?
  11. Offline


    Odd apparently it still creates assassincraft no clue why though.

    I believe for my wolves it moves around a couple of existing pieces instead of creating a new item.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  12. Offline


    This is what I get when I boot up my server, if it helps clarify anything
    [INFO] While loading AssassinCraft (plugins\Darkbrotherhood.jar) found
    old-data folder: plugins\Darkbrotherhood next to the new one: plugins\AssassinCraft
  13. Offline


    Turns out it is a safety mechanism built into Bukkit how nice (and what a pain spent time trying to find an error in perfectly fine code). Oh wel a silent fix will be up in like 3 minutes.
  14. Offline


    Please link to old versions :(
    1.3 Was working great on #RB 1000 but 1.4 Throws an "Is it up to date" exception :S
    Thanks in advance ! Great Plugin!

    I solved all my problems and got it working, I'm just a noob in this :p
    Great plugin and hoping to see more Assassin features soon! :)


    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  15. Offline


    Um no clue v 1.4 is working fine for me and I'm running the exact same build.

    Stop and restart server

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  16. Offline


    Looks like it's fixed, nice work!
  17. Offline


    Thanks :)
  18. Offline


    You're welcome, and thank you for the plugin
  19. Offline


    Np please post ideas that you think would be neat for me that's the hardest part.
  20. Offline


    If I think of any, you'll be the next to know. Oh wait! Poison?
  21. Offline


    On todo list :)
  22. Offline


  23. Offline


    How should I handle it though? How should poison be applied?
  24. Offline


    Hmm.. Could go with the Snow White approach and hit people with Apples? XD
    Or maybe hitting people with slime balls to apply poison?
  25. Offline


    I think I'm going to make it that if you left click with a mushroom (red) the next time you damage an entity it poisons them.
  26. Offline


    That's even better
  27. Offline


    How will the lock pick work?
  28. Offline


    after reading the ''to do'' list, this plugin is just getting cooler and cooler :D
  29. Offline


    permission support for permissions 3+?
  30. Offline


    No plugin developers as a whole are trying to convert to the Bukkit integrated permission system... sorry.
    You must be holding the lock pick item (by default string, configurable) You hava a configurable chance of picking a lock and if you fail you take a configurable amount of damage. (As soon as Spout gets far enough for me to implement this I want to do a fallout-style lock pick minigame).
    By the time I'm done with this plugin it is going to be feature-packed.
  31. Offline


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