[MECH/ECON]Pathogen Player Lives v1.5 - 1up! Save your inventory! [BOSE+iConomy+Spout Support][1000]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Pathogen David, Apr 3, 2011.

  1. Offline

    Pathogen David

    I will no longer be updating the forum topic on a regular basis. Please watch the new BukkitDev page for updates!

    playerLives - Pathogen Player Lives [Download] [Source on BitBucket]
    Version: v1.5.0
    Like this plug-in? [Donate]

    Hey everyone! Sorry I got super inactive over the past 2.5 or so months! For some reason I stopped getting watch messages and did not realize how active the topic had gotten during my absence. I'm going to make more frequent releases, especially with the magic that is Spout renewing my interest in Bukkit.

    This plug-in adds lives to players. When you die a life is subtracted, but when you respawn you will still have your full inventory. If you had no lives, you stuff is dropped as normal where you died and you spawn with nothing.

    • Players can keep stuff if they die.
    • Use iConomy or BOSEconomy to buy lives! (iConomy 4 AND iConomy 5 compatible)
    • Optional punishment for dying (Loose money in the economy.)
    • Infinite lives option
    • Optional Spout notifications
    • MySQL or Flatfile storage engine
    • PermissionsBukkit support
    • A great way to make your server creative and still have a challenge!
    [Download Pathogen Player Lives]
    [Source Code on BitBucket]

    Version 1.5.0
    • Upgraded to Bukkit 1000!
    • New death handling! No more missed death events from /kill commands!
    • MySQL Support!
    • BOSEconomy Support!
    • (Optional) Basic Spout notification support!
    • Supports new PermissionsBukkit system! (Old school Permissions is still supported.)
    • More exclamation marks!
    Version 1.4.1 (Preview)
    • MySQL Support!
    • Permissions bug/nag fixes
    Version 1.4.0 (Preview)
    • iConomy 4 support (Auto detects 4 and 5!)
    • Support for MySQL underway! (Target: 1.4.1)
    • Support for alternate economies now easier to do. (However, currently no target for other economies.)
    • Major source code overhaul
    Version 1.3.0 (Preview)
    • iConomy 5 (iConomy 4 now broken)
    • Permissions!
    Version 1.2.0
    • Added infiniteLives option (Off by default)
    • Added verbose option (Off by default - no more console spam!)
    • Added player name resolution
    Version 1.1.1
    • Fixed bug with player's loosing lives on server restart
    Version 1.1.0
    • Added iConomy support
    • Added iConomy death punishment
    Version 1.0.0
    • Initial Release
    • iConomy support (To buy more lives)
    • Permissions support
    • MySQL/SQLite support
    • Reload command
    • Unlimited lives
    • Player auto-complete (and case-insensitivity)
    • Remove some debug spam (Add Verbose property)
    • Fix lag+no items bug (Can be fixed with disconnect and reconnect for now. Bug in Minecraft.)
    • Plugin activate/deactivate
    • Gold/Diamond/Other to buy lives
    • Investigate /kill command bug (Lose all lives or all drops)
    • Multiworld Support
    • Other plugin support: (Maybe)
      • Wars (Disable death in war zones)
      • Sign Shop Support (For now, SignCommands works.)
      • BOSEconomy
    Command Usage:
    • /lives [player]
      Display your or other's lives.
    • /buylives [count]
      Buy yourself some lives.
    • /givelives [player] [count]
      (Default op) Give lives to the specified person.
    • /takelives [player] [count]
      (Default op) Take lives to the specified person.
    • /setlives [player] [count]
      (Default op) Set the lives of a person explicitly.
    • lifeCost (100.0): Price of a life for iConomy.
    • defaultLives (3): The number of lives new users start with.
    • minBalanceForPunishment (100.0): The minimum amount of money a player must have to be punished for dying. (Set to 0.0 to disable.)
    • deathPunishmentCost (0.0): The amount of iConomy money a player looses for dying. (Set to 0.0 to disable.)
    • verbose (false): If verbose is true, more detailed information will be outputted to the console for debugging purposes.
    • infiniteLives (false): If true, the lives database will be ignored for deaths. (Players will not loose lives and the system will treat them as if they had at least one.)
    • dbDriver ("flatfile"): Selects which database driver to use. (Currently: flatfile or mysql)
    • dbHost ("localhost"): The database server to connect to (if applicable.)
    • dbPort (3306): The port the database server is listening on (if applicable.)
    • dbUser ("root"): The database access username (if applicable.)
    • dbPassword (""): The database access password (if applicable.)
    • dbDatabase ("playerlives"): The database to use (if applicable.)
    • dbTable ("playerlives"): The table to use (if applicable. Included to allow multiple instances in one database.)
    • playerlives.*: Enables all playerlives permissions (Maps to all permissions as true. PermissionsBukkit only!)
    • playerlives.canuse: Determines if the player can use player lives at all
    • playerlives.checkself: Determines if the player can check the number of lives they have
    • playerlives.buy: Determines if the player can buy lives with the economy.
    • playerlives.checkothers: Determines if the player can check other people's life count
    • playerlives.change: Determines if the player can change their or other's lives (This applies to set, add, and subtract.)
    Other notes:
    Currently, Flatfile only saves when the server is stopped (properly) or reloaded, so a crash can cause lives to go back to when the server started.

    Any comments or questions are highly appreciated!

    KragTheDark likes this.
  2. Offline


    I really like the idea, but I want my players to be able to play without the need to type commands, so it would be awesome if they could buy lives when clicking a button, maybe with a sign above it with [Buy lives] on the first line and the price on the second one, or something like that.
  3. Offline


    ok is there any permission hooks? for easy permissions setup
  4. Offline


    love it..
    but can you add buying lives via sign
    i like to make my server as command/chat free as possible

    or make a option to have lives be a unattainable item like leaves.. so they can be bought though shops
    then make it so if you place the leaves they auto-destroy and spawn a pet wolf
  5. Offline


    I donĀ“t know if someone already posted this, but i think i found a bug. When i do the /kill command, all my lives are gone at once. When i get killed "normally" everything works fine. Just wanted you to know... ;)
  6. Code:
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] [pathogenPlayerLives] Player Muck is gonna die! Save their stuff!
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] Saving inventory...
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] [pathogenPlayerLives] Player Muck is gonna die! Save their stuff!
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] Saving inventory...
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] [pathogenPlayerLives] Player Muck is gonna die! Save their stuff!
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] Saving inventory...
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] [pathogenPlayerLives] Player Muck is gonna die! Save their stuff!
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] Saving inventory...
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] [pathogenPlayerLives] Player Muck is gonna die! Save their stuff!
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] Saving inventory...
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] [pathogenPlayerLives] Player Muck is gonna die! Save their stuff!
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] Saving inventory...
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] [pathogenPlayerLives] Player Muck is gonna die! Save their stuff!
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] Saving inventory...
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] [pathogenPlayerLives] Player Muck is gonna die! Save their stuff!
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] Saving inventory...
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] [pathogenPlayerLives] Player Muck is gonna die! Save their stuff!
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] Saving inventory...
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] [pathogenPlayerLives] Player Muck is gonna die! Save their stuff!
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] Saving inventory...
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] [pathogenPlayerLives] Player Muck is gonna die! Save their stuff!
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] Saving inventory...
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] [pathogenPlayerLives] Player Muck is gonna die! Save their stuff!
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] Saving inventory...
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] [pathogenPlayerLives] Player Muck is gonna die! Save their stuff!
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] Saving inventory...
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] [pathogenPlayerLives] Player Muck is gonna die! Save their stuff!
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] Saving inventory...
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] [pathogenPlayerLives] Player Muck is gonna die! Save their stuff!
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] Saving inventory...
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] [pathogenPlayerLives] Player Muck is gonna die! Save their stuff!
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] Saving inventory...
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] [pathogenPlayerLives] Player Muck is gonna die! Save their stuff!
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] Saving inventory...
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] [pathogenPlayerLives] Player Muck is gonna die! Save their stuff!
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] Saving inventory...
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] [pathogenPlayerLives] Player Muck is gonna die! Save their stuff!
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] Saving inventory...
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] [pathogenPlayerLives] Player Muck is gonna die! Save their stuff!
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] Saving inventory...
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] [pathogenPlayerLives] Player Muck is gonna die! Save their stuff!
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] Saving inventory...
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] [pathogenPlayerLives] Player Muck is gonna die! Save their stuff!
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] Saving inventory...
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] [pathogenPlayerLives] Player Muck is gonna die! Save their stuff!
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] Saving inventory...
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] [pathogenPlayerLives] Player Muck is gonna die! Save their stuff!
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] Saving inventory...
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] [pathogenPlayerLives] Player Muck is gonna die! Save their stuff!
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] Saving inventory...
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] [pathogenPlayerLives] Player Muck is gonna die! Save their stuff!
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] Saving inventory...
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] [pathogenPlayerLives] Player Muck is gonna die! Save their stuff!
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] Saving inventory...
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] [pathogenPlayerLives] Player Muck is gonna die! Save their stuff!
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] Saving inventory...
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] [pathogenPlayerLives] Player Muck is gonna die! Save their stuff!
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] Saving inventory...
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] [pathogenPlayerLives] Player Muck is gonna die! Save their stuff!
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] Saving inventory...
    2011-04-13 19:19:08 [INFO] [pathogenPlayerLives] Supressing drops for Muck
    2011-04-13 19:19:09 [INFO] Restoring inventory...
    hello, is this ok? you wanted logging like this? If so, i will edit console output by myself, if dont. Can we do something with that? Same as posting ammount of lives for each player at server loading is terrible. Thanks for addon, i like it! ;)
  7. Offline


    No player named [Player Name] for myself or anyone else. when i type /lives or any other command.
  8. Offline


    Does it have permissions support? So only specific players are affected by it and not everyone.
  9. Offline


    I'm trying to use it.. but it say "No Player named (Playername)"
    What am i Doing wrong?

    Minecarft_Server: 1.4_01
    Bukkit Build: 677
    iConomy: 4.6.5
    Pathogen player lives: 1.1.0
  10. Offline


    Use SignCommands plugin. Works great.
  11. Offline

    Pathogen David

    Hey everyone! I have not forgotten you all! A lot of unexpected stuff has come up in my life apart from Minecraft so I have a loss of time. I will be integrating many people's requests in a future update, but at this time I have no idea how soon it will be.

    Also, I have been able to replicate the bug with the inventory not reappearing on the private server my friends play on. It seems to happen if the new inventory gets sent before the "You're alive!" packet. I guess Minecraft does not check the UDP packet order across smaller packets or something.

    ~Pathogen David
  12. Offline


    can we please remove the player live count for each player in the console when server is loaded..
  13. Offline

    Pathogen David

    Yeah, I'll add an option (off by default) to disable it. It was there to test the data storage way back when and I forgot to turn it off.

    Current running to-do list, let me know if anything said so far is missing!
    - Remove some debug spam (Add Verbose property)
    - Fix lag+no items bug
    - Add infinite lives
    - Permissions
    - Reloading
    - SQLite + MySQL support
    - Player name auto-complete/non case-sensitivity
    - Plugin activate/deactivate
    - Gold/Diamond/Other to buy lives
    - Investigate /kill command bug (Lose all lives)
    - Investigate bug with players not getting added to database. (Avous/SulimirCular)
    Other plugin support: (Maybe)
    - Wars (Disable death in war zones)
    - Sign Shop Support (For now, SignCommands works.)
    Imma try and get a few of these done this weekend. So expect an update!

    Did you just reload the server or restart it completely (Stop and start again)?

    Same to you, and what other plug-ins do you have?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  14. Offline


    got it.. had to restart my server completely, i had just reloaded plugins after install ^^
  15. Offline


    Hey there, this plugin is a great idea and thank you for all the time you put into developing it, however you need to remove all the horrible console spam as I think you already know it's bothering myself and others on here. The startup lives is unnecessary and what on earth is that horrible spam of text repeating itself when a player is 'about to die' haha! :)

    Apart from the console spam, the plugin works great. You should add Permission Nodes so only certain groups can have lives. Thanks for reading David, and if you could release a patch that doesn't run up a huge log file we will be ever so grateful :)

    Check out sign commands dude. It's a good piece of kit although admittedly I've not used it in a while, so I'm not sure about 733 Support!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  16. Offline


    Thanks for the info, I'll take a look at it :).
  17. Offline

    Pathogen David

    New version is out!
    @Aiquen @DannyCare Added verbose option (off by default) no more console spam!
    @Itssnowing @Arno00 Added infiniteLives option (Just love lives, don't like the economy?)
    @buckeT.de Added player name resolution (No more /givelives Pathogen_David 100, just /givelives path 100!)

    New for todo:
    Add commands to toggle the infiniteLives option.

    See op for download, etc.

  18. Offline


    Perfect, bravo! Player Resolution is so handy and my server log is now much cleaner. Have some cake [cake]

    Thank you :)
  19. Offline


    For some reason, my lives are restored to the default amount on server restart. I have the current version and bukkit build 733. Anyone know why?
  20. Offline

    Pathogen David

    OM NOM NOM. Thanks!

    Hmmm, is the jar named anything other thank "playerLives.jar" ? I think that would cause Bukkit to get pissy about where the database is located and cause it to reset all the time.

    Do you see "[pathogenPlayerLives] Config does not exist, populating with default..." during the Pathogen Player Lives startup in your console?
  21. Offline


    My file is named playerLives.jar, yes. As to the second question, no. All I get is this:

    [Info] [pathogenPlayerLives] Loading Pathogen playerLives
    [Info] [pathogenPlayerLives] Load config...
    [Info] [pathogenPlayerLives] Done loading Pathogen playerLives.
    [Info] [pathogenPlayerLives] Successfuly linked with iConomy
  22. Offline

    Pathogen David

    Make sure the livesDb.properties is writable. You might also want to check it and see if

    Can you try:
    - Stopping the server
    - Deleting the playerLives config folder
    - Starting the server

    And see if the problem persists?

    If that doesn't work. Try setting (or adding)
    verbose: true
    and join your server.

    You should see something like
    (Where 3 is the number of lives you have.)

    If it says
    Then something went wrong with loading the database.

    I'd also check during the startup:
    It should be printing out every player and the number of lives they have.

    EDIT: Also, what is your minecraft username? I don't think any of the possible ones will break the database, but the thought crossed my mind. (EDIT EDIT: Yeah checked mc.net and only A-Za-z and underscore are allowed. Nothing I'd think be breaking it.)
  23. Offline


    This is like Bioshock :D
  24. Offline


    @Pathogen David
    I had problems with other plugins too, so I just saved all my plugins, deleted my server, and made a new one. It seems the problem went away. I think it was an issue with a bukkit file or something. Thanks for being so helpful, and sorry if I wasted your time.
  25. Offline

    Pathogen David

    Sadly I never played the Bioshock series much. but thanks :)

    No problem, glad you got it sorted out!
  26. Offline


    With the new version of iConomy, your plugin broke.

    16:38:56 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PLUGIN_ENABLE to playerLives
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/nijiko/coelho/iConomy/iConomy
            at com.pathogenstudios.playerlives.playerLives.onPluginEnable(playerLives.java:457)
            at com.pathogenstudios.playerlives.plServerListener.onPluginEnable(plServerListener.java:10)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader$34.execute(JavaPluginLoader.java:408)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(RegisteredListener.java:59)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(SimplePluginManager.java:257)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:633)
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:218)
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftServer.java:116)
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(CraftServer.java:94)
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.reload(CraftServer.java:287)
            at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap$ReloadCommand.execute(SimpleCommandMap.java:201)
            at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(SimpleCommandMap.java:85)
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(CraftServer.java:247)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.b(MinecraftServer.java:394)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:379)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:285)
            at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:394)
    Bukkit version: 740
    iConomy version: 5.0
    PPL version: 1.2
  27. Offline

    Pathogen David

    Thanks for reporting this, I probably would not have noticed for some time.

    Looking at the iConomy changelog, it looks like there were lots of API changes and some other cosmetic changes. So it should be an easy upgrade (might have to modify a bit for the major/minor currency stuff.) For now, you can just use the old iConomy version. Mine is labeled 4.65 http://mirror.nexua.org/iConomy/4.6/5/ (Or if you need 5.0 for some reason, you can just wait until I push out an update.)
  28. Offline

    tha d0ctor

    does this supporty permissikons yet and if so what is the node? because I would like it so only my VIP donors cna use this, thanks!
  29. Offline

    Pathogen David

    No permissions at the moment, but it is next on my list!
  30. Offline


    I am getting errors with iconomy5 :( says could not pass even plugin_enable to playerlives
  31. Offline

    Pathogen David

    @Noxturno See that ^^

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