DeathDrop - Control Drops on Death Version: v1.0.1 Allows you to select what you want players to drop on death. Created from this request. Features: You can select if you want the player's inventory to drop or not You can select an item for the player to drop You can select the amount of that item Download Changelog: Version 1.0.1 Config file is now created Version 1.0 Release
Exciting, What about iconomy support and the ability to recover items when you die but lose some items?
Just tested, works fine. You should add something like drop percentage so player on death can drop one item from config file according to it's drop percentage, if its not hard to you.
Nice plugin Can you also add an option to make player drop 3 or 4 items instead of ther whole inventory? That would be nice.
So theoreticly i should not drop my items on death, not? that doesnt work. I have this config: item-drop: 15 item-quantity: 9999999 inventory-drops: false So if i die I lose all my items and get 9999999 Iron Ore(15) I use RB1337 Spout 510 Spoutcraft718 ... May you tell me what I am doing wrong?? thanks a lot
could you make iconemy support? would be awsome and download link is broken but you are probly fixing it EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Would this allow me to configure so you lose all items on death? Like youre inventory gets wiped and you cant recover the items?