[MECH] DeathControl v2.1.0 - Take control over item deaths [BukkitDev]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by Bone008, Jun 22, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Just what I was looking for, nice work! Is it possible to make the player drop one or two random items when killed by certain causes, because, when my players die from PVP, i don't want them to keep EVERYTHING, maybe lose something? Configurable would be cool. Thanks, awesome plugin btw.
  2. I'm glad you like it :)
    Your idea sounds great, I just have to puzzle out a good structure of the configuration file to still keep it understandable (everything needs to be configurable IMO :cool:). I'll definitely look into this.
    Thank you for your feedback!
  3. Offline


    I request a item whitelist to be added.
    The player should be able to keep the armor and some other stuff like tools, and the rest of his stuff will be thrown away/dissapear/cost money.
  4. Offline


    A command to get the stuff back would be nice, cause i think not everyone want the auto "rebuy" of their items.
    Cause if i have only dirt in my inventory, i dont want it back and when i die it take the money away.
  5. Nice idea, if I figure out a good way to implement this as an optional feature, I will add this.

    I thought of this too while I was developing this plugin. A problem is the drops of the player. It's really hard if not impossible to keep track of the dropped items and remove them when the player buys them back.
    But there could be a timeout for the player to buy stuff back, if he doesn't do it in that period the items will be dropped. Would that be okay with you?

    God, this is getting complicated ;)
  6. Offline


    Well, thank you very much, i'm looking forward for the update ;D!
  7. Offline


    Yep thats good =)
    Would be awesome if you could add it.
    I love this plugin
  8. Just wanted to give you a quick WIP status report:
    Giving items back with a command is done (toggleable per cause).
    Configuration design and code structure for random drops and whitelist/blacklist is also finished. It shouldn't take long to do the actual functionality for them.

    Expect the update soon!

    Edit: almost forgot: everything should work with the new RB. There is the global issue with iComony 5, but that's not due to this plugin.
  9. Offline


    something happen, when my player disconnect (due to end of stream?) the inventory of my player just banished.. he tried reconnecting and click the slots in his inventory but with no luck..
  10. So far nothing special happens when the player ragequits or loses connection otherwise. But when he logs in again, he should see the "Game Over"-screen and be able to click respawn. Then he should get back his items.

    However, if the server reloads or crashes in the period between dying and respawning, the items are lost.
    I realize I should save the inventory somewhere on the hard drive. I'll get into that ...
    morizuki likes this.
  11. Offline


    thanks for that :D i'll be waiting for you updates..
  12. Offline


    is it possible to have an option that just lets you keep all your items upon any death what so ever
    for example:
    keepall true/false

    itll be pretty neat and convenient.
  13. Offline


    Good job!
    Does it support TombStone? It would be very great if when player's inventory is saved it would also prevent tombstone from appearing :)
  14. Yes I already thought about that. I think it won't make it to the next update, but in 1.2 I'll do it for sure, since it's something I also need for myself. It will be a permission I think.

    It shouldn't interfere with Tombstone (this listens on Priority.LOWEST and tombstone does on Priority.MONITOR, so it should work). If Tombstone is programmed that it won't create anything if the drops are empty (which it should be), everything should work fine.

    Thank you for your feedback, the update will hopefully be finished today (timezone: CET), if I don't run out of time :)
  15. Offline


    When you said next update 1.2 i thougth "Oh yeah, finally i can whitelist items because of the new update!!!", then i watched the thread post and was like "NOO!!! WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME?".
    Looking forward!
  16. Offline


    is there any way to support death by being buried in this plugin, like if there's a bad teleport, like from some nethergate plugin it'll restore on that too, it doesn't seem to restore if that happens.
  17. Seriously, I feel so dumb right now. I just totally overlooked that DamageCause.
    The cause for being stuck in a block is SUFFOCATION, but I must have skipped that one by accident, so it's not available for my plugin ...

    The update should come very shortly, and of course I will add it.
    Damn it, how could I not see it missing all the time :eek:

    EDIT: What the f****, now I'm even more blind. I actually coded support for it, but I only forgot to mention it in the reference. Sou you are able to use SUFFOCATION as the death-cause.
    *Added to the list*
  18. Offline


    Confirmed compatibility with TombStone. Tomb is not created if this plugin activates :)
  19. Finally the update! I didn't have enough time to finish everything completely, but here is a working pre-version of the plugin.

    • Added CREEPER-cause for creeper-explosions.
    • Added SUFFOCATION-cause to reference list
    • Added possibility to get back the items on command (/death back)
    • The command can have a timeout, after that the items will be dropped at the death location
    • Improved the display of currencies
    • A couple of bugfixes
    [EDIT: use newer link in the OP]

    UPDATE INFORMATION: to display the new explanations for the config-file, please delete or rename your config.yml before updating. Then a new one will be created.

    I just wanted to finally give the new version out to you ASAP. If you don't mind waiting for another day or two, you can wait for the full release with more of the requested features.
    Sorry that I can't stick to the promised release time, I'm pretty busy right now.

    @m0dulus @crysis992 Your requests are implemented, I hope you enjoy :)

    Good to hear, at least one thing I don't need to bother about ;)
    Thanks for testing.
  20. Offline


    I want the select-able item whitelist so bad. I was waiting for it on a mod called Scavenger, but it seems to have stopped being updated. What I want is for my players to keep tools and armor, but loose anything else. Or, everything else to drop like normal at least.
  21. You will get your whitelist very soon. I am really busy right now with school, but I hope I will be able to release the update in a couple of days
  22. Offline


  23. Offline


    This sounds great, but before i get it could you make an option so that people keep a percentage of their items every death for free?
  24. It's possible. But since there is no default death-cause for everything yet you would need to set it for every single one (copy and paste helps you ;)). Just set "loss-percentage" to the wished amount.

    I just realized that I should update the op ... Forgot about that.
  25. Offline


    so if i want them to lose 85% i would just type "loss-percentage 85" for each death cause?
  26. Yup, exactly like that (well, of course put a : between, because it's a yaml-config).
    Detailed instructions are included in the config file, so all your options can be found there.
  27. Offline


    So i downloaded it and set up my config file

    # ====== Settings for DeathControl ======
    # IMPORTANT: Do NOT use tabs in this file! Only use spaces!
    # Formatting works like that:
    #    {CAUSE}:
    #        keep-inventory: {BOOL}
    #        cost: {NUMBER}
    # For {CAUSE}, insert one of the following words (if seperated with / they are aliases and mean the same):
    #  - CONTACT
    #         when died from a cactus
    #  - FALL
    #         when died due to fall damage
    #  - FIRE
    #         when died of fire
    #  - FIRE_TICK
    #         when died because player was burning
    #  - LAVA
    #         when died in lava
    #         when died because player drowned in water
    #         when an explosion killed the player (for example TNT, Ghast's fireball)
    #         NOTE: this is not called at a creeper explosion! (see MOB-cause below)
    #  - VOID
    #        when player died in the void
    #  - PVP/PLAYER
    #        when player was killed by another player (pvp)
    #  - MOB/ENTITY
    #        when player was killed by a mob (creepers included)
    #  - UNKNOWN
    #        should never be called. don't use this
    # NOTE: capitalization doesn't matter!
    # For {BOOL}, insert true or false; usually true :P
    # FOR {NUMBER}, insert any number; decimal numbers are allowed if your economy-plugin supports them
    # NOTE: costs are ignored if the player has the permission deathcontrol.free
    # NOTE: You can also define only keep-inventory or cost to make keeping items free or
    #       to make deaths cost money without keeping the items
    # See the examples below on how finished results could look like!
            keep-inventory: true
            cost: 25
            keep-inventory: true
            loss-percentage: 15
            keep-inventory: true
            loss-percentage: 15
            keep-inventory: true
            loss-percentage: 15
            keep-inventory: true
            loss-percentage: 15
            keep-inventory: true
            loss-percentage: 15
            keep-inventory: true
            loss-percentage: 15
            keep-inventory: true
            loss-percentage: 15
            keep-inventory: true
            loss-percentage: 15
            keep-inventory: true
            loss-percentage: 15
            keep-inventory: true
            loss-percentage: 15
    so is this what you meant or am i doing it wrong, because the only one that works is void?
  28. Make sure you download version 1.09 since loss-percentage was added there. Delete the config file again and redownload the new version.

    Also, an "alias" means that they can be used instead of eath other, but you mustn't write them both as your cause.
    So only write MOB: and don't write both (MOB/ENTITY:) as well as the other causes with multiple names.

    And previously you stated that you want 85% of the items to be dropped. Now it's 15% ...
  29. Offline


    Yes earlier what i meant was 85% kept and can i just copy and paste that into the new config file?

    EDIT: and also it would be nice if you could add ability for a message for each death such as:

            As you die you manage to keep a hold on all of your items but noticed 25$ missing!
            As you die you manage to keep a hold on 85% of your items!
            As you die you manage to keep a hold on 85% of your items!
            As you die you manage to keep a hold on 85% of your items!
            As you die you manage to keep a hold on 85% of your items!
            As you die you manage to keep a hold on 85% of your items!
            As you die you manage to keep a hold on 85% of your items!
            As you die you manage to keep a hold on 85% of your items!
            As you die you manage to keep a hold on 85% of your items!
            As you die you manage to keep a hold on 85% of your items!
            As you die you manage to keep a hold on 85% of your items!
            As you die you manage to keep a hold on 85% of your items!
            As you die you manage to keep a hold on 85% of your items!

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