[MECH] CreativePlus v1.2 - Make your server like a creative server [953]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by captainawesome7, May 18, 2011.

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    CreativePlus - Creative Server Elements in Beta!
    Version: 1.2
    CreativePlus is a plugin that is very similar to my other plugin, CreativeBuild. BUT, CB is made mainly for a server with multiple worlds, and one of them is a CB world. C+, however, is geared more towards servers where Creative Minecraft elements are a large part of playing.​
    Other Plugins:
    Because this plugin does certain thins, it is very helpful to have these two plugins:​
    MultiInv (If you have two worlds and one with CB, players can give items and not have them in the regular world)​
    SimpleGive (You can use this to give yourself items)​
    • Optional Permissions supports!
    • If no permissions, manually define which users can use C+
    • Infinite items (toggleable)
    • Instant Block Breaking (toggleable)
    • Item Drops are Toggleable (to avoid inventory flooding when using instabreak)
    • Multi-world support (Define which worlds can use C+)
    • Inventory Block/Item menues!
    • Option to disable fall damage
    • Option to disable all player damage
    • Option to disable fire
    Config (open)

    A file called Config.txt will appear in /plugins/CreativePlus. The file will contain this:
    #This is the Creative+ config file.
    #Set some general config options below:
    #Define your worlds in which Creative+ are enabled below:
    #If you don't use permissions, add Usernames that are allowed to use creative build below:
    C+ will automatically detect permissions, and use it, but if you have Permissions and set UsePermissions to false it will use the user list in the Config.txt. If you don't have permissions, it doesn't matter what value you put for UsePermissions. If you block Player Damage, obviously it will block Fall Damage for players as well. If BlockFire=true, fire will be put out in ~.5 seconds. You can put as many worlds and users as you want. If EnableOnJoin=true, and the player is in a world that does not use C+, it will not be enabled, and obviously, if they don't have permission, it won't be enabled either.

    Commands + Permissions Nodes:
    Cmds+Perms (open)

    General Commands:
    • /cleari - creativeplus.clear - Clears your inventory
    • /con - creativeblus.all - Enables all aspects of C+
    • /coff - creativeplus.all - Disables all aspects of C+
    • /dropson - creativeplus.drops - Turns on block drops
    • /dropsoff - creativeplus.drops - Turns off block drops
    • /ibon - creativeplus.instabreak - Turns on Instant Block Breaks
    • /iboff - creativeplus.instabreak - Turns off Instant Block Breaks
    • /itemson - creativeplus.infinite - Turns on infinite items
    • /itemsoff - creativeplus.infinite - Turns off infinite items
    Inventory Commands:
    • /cblocks - creativeplus.blocks - Gives you the Blocks inventory menu
    • /cblocks2 - creativeplus.blocks - Gives you the overflow Blocks menu
    • /cores - creativeplus.ores - Gives you the Ores blocks/items menu
    • /cfood - creativeplus.food - Gives you the Food items menu
    • /cwool - creativeplus.wool - Gives you the Wool blocks menu
    • /cdyes - creativeplus.dye - Gives you the Dyes items menu
    • /cred - creativeplus.redstone - Gives you the redstone related blocks/items menu
    • /cfight - creativeplus.redstone - Gives you the fight/combat items menu
    • /cmisc - creativeplus.misc - Gives you the Miscellaneous items menu

    Video By @loalbertmartinezrds:
    Video (open)

    The source code is included in the .jar (/me/captain/CreativePlus/)

    Planned Changes
    Version 1.3
    • Any Ideas?
    Version 1.2
    • Fixed the bedrock breaking bug, now bedrock is once again not able to be broken!
    Version 1.1
    • Added inventory menus!
    • *NOTE* When you type a new inventory command it will clear everything BUT your quickbar
    Version 1.0
    • Release!
    If anybody wants to make a quick video about how this plugin works/how to use it, I can put it in the OP for you and give you a shout-out :)
    KragTheDark, CoolOppo, xydra and 2 others like this.
  2. Offline


    @Teteros I think I can handle that, but IDK if I want to outright copy voxeldoop...
    Teteros likes this.
  3. Offline


    Erm, so how would I make that multi-world compatible?

    I don't see a feature in SimpleGive for a multi-worlds within the config.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2016
  4. Offline


    @GeekPlaya Sorry, but are you retarded?
    Did you somehow forget that Permissions is MULTIWORLD? That in your permissions file for EACH WORLD you define what permissions they have, so if they don't have permission in the world with C+, then they can't use /give for that world.

    BTW, I finished this, it's called SimpleReplace (lol). I am working on it a little bit more, but when I'm done I will give you a link :)

    Here you go :p

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2016
  5. Offline


    So i know you said you won't turn drops off by default, but could you turn the rest of the plugin on by default? I have to use /con in my creative world whenever I restart the server.
  6. Offline


    @crazydog um, there is an EnableOnJoin property in the config... As far as I know that works..
  7. Offline


    Derp, thought I turned that on, turns out I didn't. My bad!
  8. Offline


    Can you make

    Be selectable by world so if:
    the block will only work in MC4Creative
    not in my other world MC4FunSurvival
  9. Offline


  10. Offline


    I had a feeling that you were a bit sour from your first few posts.
    You seem like a genuine jackass, and I truly mean it.

    I know there is a feature for that, but when you use WorldWarp (plugin) to go to a world, it does not render a config for the new world, it keeps the config for the old one.

    Most plugins will have a config built in for multiple worlds. In my opinion, you are just a bit lazy.

    By the way, BetaClassic has many more features than yours, and once he adds multi-world permissions, it will knock this plugin out of the park. Good luck [jackass].

    Moderation does a great job of defending developers *laughs

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2016
  11. Offline


    Moderation does a great job doing what they are supposed to do, like giving idiots that dont understand the concept of Permissions and that use multiple curse words infractions.
  12. Offline


    Moderation deals with people who act like they're entitled to plugins and/or bukkit itself. Everything you see here is free and opensource. No one has to do what they do on here, they do it because they find programming enjoyable or they like to supply the community.

    Quit acting like we owe you anything.
  13. Offline


    You are blind my friend. He is still calling names for me just misunderstanding a plugin.

    You should be doing your job: moderating, not being a power control. But look, you will be offended and ban me or something extreme because you are unwilling to understand what is going on.

    "Sorry, but are you retarded?"
    " they are supposed to do, like giving idiots that dont understand the concept of Permissions"

    Maybe that will open your eyes. And thanks for letting him or YOU delete his post to hide his actions -.-

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2016
  14. Offline


  15. Offline


    Can you add a simple command /paint for paint a block on an other block :D ?
  16. Offline


    @Shooty I was going to add a /splaace that would work like /sreplace but it would place a block that you selected with the right click.

    You call this misunderstanding a plugin? How in the world can you expect me to create a multi-world permission system inside of each of the plugins I release when I can hook into Permissions in about 1 second and just use that? Nobody owes you anything, and somehow I don't see the above as "misunderstanding a plugin". I said you were retarded ecause you are, not because I'm a jackass. And no posts were deleted, what are you talking about?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2016
  17. Offline


    Thanks a lot ! You'r amazing :D
  18. Offline


    I know someone who is mentally challenged, and you my friend, are indeed a jackass and premature to be throwing those words around. Please stick to your coding. I code myself, and I know around one hundred other coders, none of them are as idiotic as you.
  19. Offline


    @GeekPlaya Is that person that you know actually you? You say that you are a coder, but apparently
    So you can code, but can't make a simple command based plugin that integrates with Permissions? Really? You call me a jackass because you STILL somehow don't understand the fact that the /give command is 100% multi-world compatible, and because of your blatant stupidity regarding this you have to call me an idiot? You still don't understand that Permissions is multi-world, and I don't have to do anything at all to make it multi-world, because it already is? You aren't entitled to anything, you are asking for features that already exist but that you're to stupid to take advantage of, so please do everybody a favor and just gtfo?
  20. Offline


    @captainawesome7 Is it possible to nerf the IBB (Instant Block Breaking) when i am using OwnBlocks?
  21. Offline


    @RTRD Yes, you can just not give users the 'creativeplus.instabreak' permission and they won't be able to break instantly.
  22. Offline


    But i want to use the IBB! :p
  23. Offline


    @RTRD So you want the blocks you build with C+ to also work with ownblocks?
  24. Offline


    I want to use OwnBlocks as protection. But i want a certain group to have IBB using C+, but i dont want them to break the blocks that are protected by OB. :)
  25. Offline


    THe site doesn't work.. u got a mirror? Or anyone that can help me fix this problem >.> Wont download.
  26. Offline


  27. Offline


    Yeah.. but the site won't open.

    Do I need to use a specific Internet browser?
  28. Offline


  29. Offline


    But see, at the very beginning you could've explained how to set it up. But no, you called me a retard. Look at you, you are a pre-mature teenager that understands no boundaries and think you are all that because you know how to code a little bit.

    Dude, if I wanted to learn Java, I could in a heartbeat. But I have something called: school and exams.
  30. Offline


    @GeekPlaya Oh no! Are your feelings hurt? Do you think you will be okay after that terrible bully called you a retard on the internet? If I can code plugins and still go through school and exams I think you can too. You aren't going to win any sympathy from anybody on this forum by saying that you have school and exams. Everybody else has school and exams as well, and if they don't, they have a job, and people that have a job and program java in their free time most likely went to school did amazing on exams. When somebody makes a completely stupid statements calling me lazy because of their own lack of understanding of the way bukkit works I reserve the right to call them a retard. Why are you even trying, you got pissed off because I called you a retard because GHASP! You were being retarded. I understand no boundaries? Really? You make one of the stupidest comments in the history of Bukkit regarding permissions, and when somebody says that you're an idiot you go on a huge rant about how I'm a jackass and that you know 100 coders and you're so cool. Maybe, just maybe, you should just top trying because there is no way that you can win this argument. You should probably just cut your losses now and get out.
    nobodyshome likes this.
  31. Thx for this plugin, it really works great!!!
    But if I use any inventory related command (including /cleari) a message pops out: 'Unknown console command. Ttype "help" for help.' although it worked. And there are no pickaxes in /ctools.

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