[MECH] CreativeBuild v1.5 - Infinite Items, InstaBreak, and No Drops [928]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by captainawesome7, May 11, 2011.

  1. Offline


    CreativeBuild - Build Creatively!
    Version: 1.5
    CreativeBuild is a plugin that makes building on your Beta Minecraft server more like creative. Items are infinite, breaking is almost instant, and there are no drops (to avoid inventory flooding).​
    Other Plugins:
    Because this plugin does certain thins, it is very helpful to have these two plugins:​
    MultiInv (If you have two worlds and one with CB, players can give items and not have them in the regular world)​
    SimpleGive (Because item drops are off by default, you can use this to give yourself items)​
    Version Specific Features Below:
    1.0 (open)

    Everybody can break instantly and build with infinite items.
    To clear your inventory, type /cbclear​
    The command is accesible by everyone.​

    1.1 (open)

    Adds permissions:​
    creativebuild.build - Allows players to build with infinite blocks​
    creativebuild.break - Allows players to break blocks with 1 hit​
    creativebuild.clear - Allows players to clear their inventory with /cbclear​

    1.2 (open)

    Changes permissions nodes:​
    If you already have creativebuild.cb you will have cb enabled when you join the server. If you don't want it on, you can disable it with /cboff. You can also enable it with /cbon. Both of these commands are compatible with playernames, so /cbon captainawesome7 would enable it for captainawesome7. Also, console /cbon or /cboff is supported.​

    1.3 (open)

    Adds two more commands, to toggle block drops on/off:​
    ^uses creativebuild.cb node^​

    1.4/1.5 (open)

    Adds a config file and multiworld support. The config file will be at plugins/CreativeBuild/config.txt. It will contain:
    #This is the CreativeBuild config file.
    #Define your worlds in which CreativeBuild are enabled below (you can have as many as you want):
    To add a world, replace WorldNameHere with the world name, and if you want 5 worlds to have CB just add 5 lines, each with worldname=true. If you don't want CB support on a world, just don't add it, you don't need to put world=false.

    The source code is included in the .jar (/me/captain/CreativeBuild/)

    Planned Changes
    Version 1.5
    • Fixed Bedrock bug where you could break it if you broke a nearby block first
    Version 1.4
    • Added multi world support and a config file
    Version 1.3
    • Added commands to for block drops, /dropson and /dropsoff
    • ^Uses the creativebuild.cb node^
    Version 1.2
    • Adds commands to toggle CreativeBuild. Changes permissions nodes to:
    • creativebuild.cb
    • creativebuild.clear
    • If you have creativebuild.cb you will have cb enabled when you log in
    • Download a different version if you don't want this
    Version 1.1
    • Includes Permissions (Download v1.0 if you don't want this)
    Version 1.0
    • Release!
    If anybody wants to make a quick video about how this plugin works/how to use it, I can put it in the OP for you and give you a shout-out :)
  2. Offline


    Please update to 818!
  3. @avssois there were no api breaks between 798 and 818, it should work fine
  4. How do i give myself permissions? i rlly need to know. and do i have to make some file in the folder or something? is it the same for every plugin?

    nvm. Got it to work

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2016
  5. Offline


    Could a feature be added to disable monsters and animals?
  6. Offline


    U can do that in the server properties.
  7. Offline


    does this make ur tools invincible if not could u make it do that
  8. Offline


    Could you put some more in your config file?
    I thought about something like this:

    Show Spoiler
    #So this is what you get:

    InstantBreak = Break a block with any item will break immediately.
    InfiniteBlocks = When you place a block, you will get 64 again.
    NoDrop = If you break a block, no item will drop to pick up.
    InventoryClear = makes it possible to clear your inventory.

    I've searched for a while for plugins like this, but most of the plugins works with commands, and i don't want to let my users use commands.

    Greetings Jelle
    AS1LV3RN1NJA likes this.
  9. This is exactly what i was trying to get across earlier; thanks for laying it out so well.:D
  10. Offline


    Try CreativePlus. I most likely won't be going much further with these plugins.
  11. Wow, i'm retarded. I must've got really confused the other times i looked into C+, sorry about that.

    Personally i think that Jelle's way of doing it is better (Custom options for each world), but i'll certainly try this out.

    BTW i think your description of C+ is the wrong way round (i'd imagine it should be "BUT, CB C+ is made mainly for a server with multiple worlds, and one of them is a CB world. C+ CB, however, is geared more towards servers where Creative Minecraft elements are a large part of playing."
  12. Offline


    C+ just adds more config for things like only a few players can do this or that, but CB was just: Here is a world. It is creative. Build. But C+ has all the nodes and commands and stuff, it really goes either way :/
  13. I meant the description in the original post for C+, you mixed up C+ and CB i think.
  14. Offline


    I didn't.
  15. Offline


    You're plugin bypasses BigBrother detection ...
  16. Offline


    Geesus people. It doesn't pass through the block break event because it sets the ID to 0, cause there is no way to break a block without dropping an item, so setting the id to 0 works fine.
  17. Offline


    Now you're saying 2 different things...
    And i think my idea will be much more useful, because you're plugin is awesome, but you're forcing people to use your whole plugin, and i only want to use some parts of it.

    And CreativePlus isnt an option for me either, because CreativePlus is using commands, and i don't want to let my users use commands, because then i have to explain it all the time to them.
  18. Offline


    I never changed that from when I released the plugin. I'm not going to add features to a plugin when they are already in another one, and I don't really care that they are command activated. Deal with it. I made it with commands because I want it to be toggleable on my server, I don't really care about yours.
  19. Offline


    Hey, I was wondering. Is there a away to make CreativeBuild permanent? Like, after a server reload it is still active on all players?
  20. Offline


    No WorldGuard support ? D:
  21. Offline


    Confirmed working on craftbukkit version #928
  22. Offline

    Kevin Forte

    Most Important Thing: Add a config option to allow/deny instant breaking of certain blocks, such as doors.

    EDIT: Oh, and WorldGuard support would be awesome too.
  23. Offline


    It would also be very nice to have support for BigBrother as well. (Although BigBrother still needs to release its API sometime soon.)
  24. Offline


    That would be pretty easy, unlike
    I can't. When the block is instabroken without drops the block break event never happens.
  25. Offline

    Kevin Forte

    Sweet :) Once that happens, I'll be a happy camper (Right now, I can't create a portal with TravelPortals in my creative world because whenever I click the door I break it).
  26. Offline


    You do know that there is this thing called right clicking, right?
  27. Offline

    Kevin Forte

    As easily as I derped, everyone else on my server will derp. xD

    Oh, and another quick idea: a command (/cbstock or /cbfill or something) that fills the user's inventory with stacks of common block types, sort of like in actual classic mode.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2016
  28. Offline


    Look at creativeplus for those commands
  29. Offline

    Kevin Forte

    Alright, cool. Thanks xP
  30. Perhaps letting the Block Break event occur by dropping the item, but then deleting it before it can be picked up?
  31. Offline


    Not a good way to do that. I'm just going to leave it how it is.

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