Inactive [MECH] CommandSigns v0.9 - Issue commands using signs [953]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Fluff, May 5, 2011.

  1. Offline


    CommandSigns v0.9

    Tired of having to type out the same commands again and again? Want to allow your players to use commands only at certain places? Help is at hand!

    Feature Summary
    • Allows chat commands and chat messages to be send on right-clicking a sign.
    • Allows commands to be run on signs that players wouldn't be able to use through chat.
    • Sign usage can be limited to specific players or groups.
    • Supports 'variables' for player name and x,y,z position.
    • Won't allow users to gain access to forbidden commands without permission (secure).
    • Add a cost to use a sign, or a reward for clicking the sign!
    • Limit the number of times a sign can be used.
    • Enable and disable signs without destroying them.
    • Permissions-friendly
    • Developer API available
    User's Guide

    About The Developers

    Want to ensure your bug or suggestion isn't lost in the thread? Post it on our issue tracker.

    Command Summary (open)

    • /commandsign enable - Enables the next command sign you right-click on.
    • /commandsign enable <x> <y> <z> - Enables the command sign at x,y,z in the current world.
    • /commandsign enable <x> <y> <z> [w:]<world> - Enables the command sign in world <world> at x,y,z.
    • /commandsign enable [a:]<alias> - Enables the command sign at the alias.
    • /commandsign enable <uses> - Enables the next command sign you right-click on with a number of uses.
    • /commandsign enable <uses> <x> <y> <z> - Enables the command sign at x,y,z in the current world with a number of uses.
    • /commandsign enable <uses> <x> <y> <z> [w:]<world> - Enables the command sign in world <world> at x,y,z with a number of uses.
    • /commandsign enable <uses> [a:]<alias> - Enables the command sign at the alias with a number of uses.
    • /commandsign disable - Disables the next command sign you right-click on.
    • /commandsign disable <x> <y> <z> - Disables the command sign at x,y,z in the current world.
    • /commandsign disable <x> <y> <z> [w:]<world> - Disables the command sign at x,y,z in world <world>.
    • /commandsign disable [a:]<alias> - Disables the command sign at the alias.
    • /commandsign alias - Right-click on a block to get the alias of its location.
    • /commandsign alias <x> <y> <z> - Get the alias of the location x,y,z in the current world.
    • /commandsign alias <x> <y> <z> w:<world> - Get the alias of the location x,y,z in world <world>.
    • /commandsign alias [a:]<name> - Right-click on a block to set the alias of its location.
    • /commandsign alias <x> <y> <z> [a:]<name> - Set the alias of the location x,y,z in the current world.
    • /commandsign alias <x> <y> <z> w:<world> [a:]<name> - Set the alias of the location x,y,z in world <world>.
    • /commandsign alias remove - Right-click on a block to remove the alias of its location.
    • /commandsign alias remove [a:]<name> - Removes the alias.
    • /commandsign alias remove <x> <y> <z> - Remove the alias at location x,y,z in the current world.
    • /commandsign alias remove <x> <y> <z> w:<world> - Remove the alias at location x,y,z in world <world>.
    • /commandsign alias [a:]<name> [a:]<newname> - Set the alias of the location at <name> to <newname>.
    • /commandsign config - Lists all the configuration nodes.
    • /commandsign config <node> - Lists the configuration node.
    • /commandsign config <node> <value> - Sets the configuration node to the value.
    • /commandsign exec [a:]<alias> - Executes the command sign at the location pointed to by the alias.
    • /commandsign exec <x> <y> <z> - Executes the command sign at location x,y,z in the current world.
    • /commandsign exec <x> <y> <z> [w:]<world> - Executes the command sign at location x,y,z in world <world>.
    Syntax Summary (open)

    • [command] - use on the first line of a sign to define a command sign.
    • **[title] - use on the first line in place of [command] to customise the title of the sign
    • /command - runs a command as the player using the sign
    • /*command - runs a command as the fictional user &CommandSigns
    • /@command - elevates the player's permissions (using the permissions assigned to &CommandSigns) if necessary to run the command
    • @player/group - commands following (up to the next @) are limited to that player/group.
    • \message - prints the message to chat
    • \\message - prints the message to the player
    • <NAME> / <X> / <Y> / <Z> / <I> - replaced with the using players name/x/y/z-coord/current held item id on running.
    • $;<cost1>[;<costN>] where cost is <item id>,<item number> or <item id>:<item data>,<item number> - adds a cost to the sign
    • $$ - break evaluation of a command sign
    Permission Nodes (open)

    • commandSigns.use - Use a command sign.
    • commandSigns.create - Create, enable, or disable a command sign.
    • commandSigns.super - Create, enable, or disable a command sign using /*command, /@command, @player/group, or $.
    • commandSigns.super.cost - Create, enable, or disable a command sign using $.
    • commandSigns.super.elevated - Create, enable, or disable a command sign using /@command.
    • commandSigns.super.fakeuser - Create, enable, or disable a command sign using /*command.
    • commandSigns.super.restricted - Create, enable, or disable a command sign using @player/group.
    • commandSigns.default.<default group name> - A flag stating that the group is the default group.
    • commandSigns.config - Allows a user to manage the configuration.
    • commandSigns.alias - Allows a user to manage aliases.
    • commandSigns.exec - Allows a user to remotely trigger command signs.
    Reporting a Problem (open)
    The following bits of information are helpful to include when reporting a problem:
    1. Bukkit and plugin version.
    2. Excerpt from server log of the failed command usage, preferably with the debug configuration option set to true.
    3. Complete command sign text.
    4. Command sign configuration file.
    5. Name of plugin that the failed command comes from, preferably with a link to the plugin's forum thread.

    Recommended Plugins
    • With Annotate, you can have CommandSigns on practically any block with an almost unlimited amount of room for commands! They can even activate when pressing a button or a pressure plate!
    • With ScrollingMenuSign, your signs can look even nicer while allowing your users to scroll through a menu of commands!

    Download Latest Version
    MD5: 7f4076eea7198f2c0f17cde3f62f7c1f
    Download 0.8.1i - RB 803 and previous
    MD5: 72a60e16bfd775b3d15a03aca70e86e0


    To Everyone Asking For Redstone Support (open)

    Yes, I also think redstone support would be very cool. Unfortunately, there are some major limitations on what you can do with a redstone-controlled sign. You can read about those limitations in this post, and you can read a rationale about why those limitations exist in this post. Given those two limitations, I don't think redstone support is currently a useful feature to add, especially given what Annotate can do for you. (If you disagree, please post on the issue tracker on how you would use redstone support.) In the (not too distant) future, redstone support may will be added in a separate plugin due to the different nature of redstone command signs.

    Change Log
    version 0.9 - See Post
    • If PEX permissions work, this plugin supports it.
    • Economy redone; added Essentials Economy.
    • Localization support added.
    • Added new command: /commandsign exec
    • Events properly unregistered when plugin is disabled.
    version 0.8.13
    • Default groups should work for real.
    Older Entries (open)

    version 0.8.12
    • Added handling for default groups.
    • Added support for command aliases.
    • Added /commandsign config.
    version 0.8.11
    • Fixed @ directive.
    • Fixed '/commandsign disable' bug.
    • Added aliases.
    version 0.8.10
    • Fixed /@ permissions error.
    • Added exception handling for removing permissions from users.
    version 0.8.9
    • Added PEX and Permissions 3.0 support.
    • Added new placeholders: <N> and <I>
    • Fixed bug with regular / commands.
    • Added new directives: $$ and \\
    • Added additional debug messages.
    version 0.8.8
    • Fixed /* and /@ working without permissions support.
    • Fixed Permissions creating new users with the wrong casing.
    version 0.8.7
    • Fixed command sign creation permissions.
    • Added debug configuration option.
    version 0.8.6
    • Added Permissions checks to developer API.
    • Fixed enabling bug with /* and /@.
    • Updated to work with GroupManager and fake Permission plugins.
    version 0.8.5 - See Post
    • Fixed multi-world Permissions bug.
    • Changed @ group directive
    version 0.8.4
    • Removed support for Permissions 3.x
    • Updated to 818
    version 0.8.3
    • Fixed API bug
    version 0.8.2
    • Updated for Permissions 3.x
    version 0.8.1
    • Fixed GroupManager integration
    version 0.8
    • Added /@ to temporarily elevate a user's permissions.
    • Added developer API.
    version 0.7.1
    • Fixed item data bug - for real, this time.
    version 0.7 - See Post
    • Removed SignReadMore support.
    • Added Annotate support.
    • Added more granular permissions for advanced sign creation.
    • Removed a debug message that looked like an error.
    version 0.6.2
    • Fixed enable bug on sign creation.
    • Fixed item data bug.
    version 0.6.1
    • Fixed berating of users who can't create command signs but were just innocently putting up a sign.
    version 0.6
    • Added SignReadMore support.
    version 0.5.1
    • Can no longer place blocks directly on enabled command signs.
    • Fixed @ directive.
    • Changed fake user network code.
    version 0.5 - See Post
    • Added /commandsign commands.
    • Added finite-use signs.
    version 0.4.10
    • Fixed BOSEconomy support
    version 0.4.9
    • Supports BOSEconomy
    version 0.4.8
    • Trimming commands in hopes it fixes some problems.
    version 0.4.7 - See Post
    • Added cost signs.
    version 0.4.6
    • Hackish solution to 'items not showing up in inventory' bug.
    version 0.4.5 - See Post
    • Updated support for GroupManager.
    • Added configuration option to change the display name of the fake user.
    • Added configuration option to allow command parser to understand // commands.
    version 0.4.4
    • Fixed numerous bugs when not using Permissions.
    • Beginnings of an API for other plugin devs.
    version 0.4.3
    • Added configuration file.
    • Fixed chat command bugs.
    • Rearranged code for simpler maintenance.
    version 0.4.2 - See Post
    • BREAKING CHANGE - The fake user is now named &CommandSigns.
    version 0.4.1
    • Fixed for 740
    version 0.4
    • Bukkit team trying to break everything again
    version 0.35
    • Fixed conflict when using <NAME> in commands overriding permissions.
    version 0.3
    • Added NAME, X, Y and Z variables
    • Added permission filter
    • Allowed creation of signs that call commands user would not usually have access to
    • Allowed customisation of [command] to other text.
    version 0.15
    • Bugfix ("Insufficient Permissions" annoyance bug)
    version 0.1
    • Plugin Released
    Dimochka, c_dric, Flipp and 5 others like this.
  2. Offline


    Is anyone else having a problem with commands not being able to span multiple lines?

    I put a Geocacher find command on a sign like so:
    /geo find​
    Where "crater_spires" is the name of a geocache. When I right click on the sign, I get the results of just "/geo find" not "/geo find crater_spires".

    Perhaps it's a issue with CommandSigns' interaction with another plugin on my server. Here's my server start up info:
    151 recipes
    16 achievements
    00:35:17 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version Beta 1.7.3
    00:35:17 [INFO] Loading properties
    00:35:17 [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on *:25565
    00:35:17 [INFO] This server is running Craftbukkit version git-Bukkit-0.0.0-945-g73697a4-b1000jnks (MC: 1.7.3)
    00:35:18 [INFO] [Permissions] (Phoenix) was Initialized.
    00:35:18 [INFO] DataSourcePool [MinecartManiaCore] autoCommit[false] transIsolation[SERIALIZABLE] min[2] max[20]
    00:35:19 [INFO] SubClassFactory parent ClassLoader []
    00:35:19 [INFO] Entities enhanced[0] subclassed[2]
    00:35:20 [INFO] DataSourcePool [MinecartManiaSignCommands] autoCommit[false] transIsolation[SERIALIZABLE] min[2] max[20]
    00:35:20 [INFO] SubClassFactory parent ClassLoader []
    00:35:20 [INFO] Entities enhanced[0] subclassed[2]
    00:35:20 [INFO] Preparing level "World1"
    00:35:20 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 0 (Seed: -1784338777788894343)
    00:35:21 [INFO] MobRider 0.39 enabled.
    00:35:21 [INFO] MobRider: Integrated with Permissions
    00:35:21 [INFO] HigherExplosives: Using Permissions plugin that looks like version 2.7.4
    00:35:21 [INFO] HigherExplosives 2.0 primed and ready
    00:35:21 [INFO] xray detection enabled
    00:35:21 [INFO] WorldBorder version 1.3.0 loading
    00:35:21 [INFO] [WorldBorder] [CONFIG] Using square border, knockback of 3.0 blocks, and timer delay of 5.
    00:35:21 [INFO] [WorldBorder] [CONFIG] Border-checking timed task started.
    00:35:21 [INFO] [WorldBorder] [CONFIG] World "World1" has border radius 1024 at X: 0.5 Z: 0.5
    00:35:21 [INFO] [WorldBorder] [CONFIG] Will use plugin for permissions: Permissions v2.7.4
    00:35:21 [INFO] For reference, the main world's spawn location is at X: 0 Y: 69 Z: 0
    00:35:21 [INFO] [Landmarks] Loading /home/minecraft/minecraft-server-iconomy/plugins/Landmarks/../dynmap/web/markers.json
    00:35:21 [INFO] [Landmarks] Successfully loaded 9 markers.
    00:35:21 [INFO] [Landmarks] Landmarks 0.2 enabled.
    00:35:21 [INFO] WirelessRedstone: WirelessRedstone version 1.1 alpha is loading...
    00:35:21 [INFO] WirelessRedstone: Detected Permissions version 2.7.4
    00:35:21 [INFO] WirelessRedstone: Registering Events...
    00:35:21 [INFO] WirelessRedstone version 1.1 alpha is enabled!
    00:35:21 [INFO] [RainBucket]: V0.5 is enabled without permissions!
    00:35:21 [INFO] Snowballs Reloaded v1.0 has been enabled with these options:
    00:35:21 [INFO] Snow damage: 1
    00:35:21 [INFO] Snow range: 10
    00:35:21 [INFO] Snowballs per Block: 2
    00:35:21 [INFO] Snow douses fire: true
    00:35:21 [INFO] Snow makes ice: true
    00:35:21 [INFO] [HeroicDeath] enabled.
    00:35:21 [INFO] [ChestShop] version 3.00 BETA 11 initialized!
    00:35:21 [INFO] [ChestShop] iConomy 5 loaded.
    00:35:21 [INFO] [ChestShop] Permissions version 2.7.4 loaded.
    00:35:21 [INFO] [ChestShop] Lockette version 1.3.8 loaded.
    00:35:21 [INFO] [MineMail] v 1.3 is initializing
    00:35:21 [INFO] iConomy = false
    00:35:21 [INFO] [Permissions] version [2.7.4] (Phoenix)  loaded
    00:35:21 [INFO] [MineMail]  Hooked into Permissions version 2.7.4.
    00:35:21 [INFO] [MineMail] v 1.3 is initialized
    00:35:22 [INFO] [iConomy] Logging is currently disabled.
    00:35:22 [INFO] [iConomy] v5.01 (Eruanna) loaded.
    00:35:22 [INFO] [iConomy] Developed by: [Nijikokun]
    00:35:22 [INFO] [MineMail] hooked into iConomy v 5.01.
    00:35:22 [INFO] [iConomy] hooked into Permissions.
    00:35:22 [INFO] CommandBook 1.5.2-customized enabled.
    00:35:22 [INFO] CommandBook: Maximum wrapper compatibility is enabled. Some features have been disabled to be compatible with poorly written server wrappers.
    00:35:22 [INFO] CommandBook: 0 banned name(s) loaded.
    00:35:22 [INFO] CommandBook: 1 kit(s) loaded.
    00:35:22 [INFO] CommandBook: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permissions plugin for permissions.
    00:35:22 [INFO] BlocksOnGlass version 0.42 is enabled!
    00:35:22 [INFO] [BlocksOnGlass] Permission system detected.
    00:35:23 [INFO] BukkitContrib 0.1.7 has been initialized
    00:35:23 [INFO] SpeedSign: version 0.7.11 is enabled!
    00:35:23 [INFO] SpeedSign: Permission system detected
    00:35:23 [INFO] [LoginMessage] 0.6.61 enabled
    00:35:23 [INFO] [LoginMessage] Attempting to fill in local fields...
    00:35:23 [INFO] [LoginMessage] Unable to fill in local fields.
    00:35:23 [INFO] NaturalGiants version 1.3 is enabled!
    00:35:23 [INFO] Lockette version 1.3.8 is being enabled!  Yay!  (Core version 1.0)
    00:35:23 [INFO] Lockette: Detected craftbukkit build [1000] ok.
    00:35:23 [INFO] Lockette: Linked to Permissions plugin version 2.7.4
    00:35:23 [INFO] Lockette: Using ops file for admin permissions.
    00:35:23 [INFO] Lockette: Ready to protect your containers.
    00:35:23 [INFO] AppleTree v0.5.1 activated.
    00:35:23 [INFO] [Scavenger] Starting: v1.4.0
    00:35:23 [INFO] [Scavenger] Economy adapter attached: iConomy
    00:35:23 [INFO] [Scavenger] Attached to Permissions
    00:35:23 [INFO] Stargate v.0.5.5 is enabled.
    00:35:23 [INFO] [Stargate] Loaded 1 gate layouts
    00:35:23 [INFO] [Stargate] {World1} Loaded 3 stargates with 0 set as always-on
    00:35:23 [INFO] [Stargate] Found Permissions (v2.7.4)
    00:35:23 [INFO] [Stargate] Found iConomy (v5.01)
    00:35:23 [INFO] ZeldaChicken V. 2.01: : starting
    00:35:23 [INFO] ZeldaChicken V. 2.01: Permission system detected
    00:35:23 [INFO] ZeldaChicken V. 2.01: : enabled
    00:35:23 [INFO] PaintingSwitch enabled
    00:35:23 [INFO] Found and will use plugin Permissions v2.7.4
    00:35:23 [INFO] [Command iConomy] Loaded.
    00:35:23 [INFO] FenceStack version 1.13 loaded.
    00:35:23 [INFO] [MultiHome] Version 0.9.7 loaded.
    00:35:23 [INFO] [Tele++] initializing version [1.3.4]
    00:35:23 [WARNING] 'Help' not detected. No Help support enabled! Using internal Help
    00:35:23 [INFO] [Tele++] version [1.3.4] loaded
    00:35:23 [INFO] [TeslaCoil] version 1.4 by [Darklust] Loaded; performance boosted by GOAE
    00:35:23 [INFO] [FalseBook Core] FalseBookCore v0.87alpha DEV#3 by GeMo enabled!
    00:35:23 [INFO] Spire version 0.1 is enabled.
    00:35:23 [INFO] [Tables 0.4.1] Enabled
    00:35:23 [INFO] [Minecart Mania] Debug mode switched to NORMAL
    00:35:23 [INFO] [Minecart Mania] MinecartManiaCore version 1.2.8 is enabled!
    00:35:24 [INFO] [Showcase] Registered type [basic] (83 items loaded)
    00:35:24 [INFO] [Showcase] Registered type [finite] (0 items loaded)
    00:35:24 [INFO] [Showcase] Registered type [infinite] (0 items loaded)
    00:35:24 [INFO] [Showcase] Registered type [exchange] (0 items loaded)
    00:35:24 [INFO] [Showcase] Registered type [tutorial] (0 items loaded)
    00:35:24 [INFO] [Showcase] version 0.7.2 has been enabled.
    00:35:24 [INFO] [Showcase] Payment method found (iConomy version: 5)
    00:35:24 [INFO] [GoldenRevive] Permissions Detected
    00:35:24 [INFO] GoldenRevive version 0.4 by [Kitteh, TheDeejay] is enabled!
    00:35:24 [INFO] [GeoCacherLoot] Enabled
    00:35:24 [INFO] FalseBookIC v0.87alpha DEV#3 by GeMo enabled
    00:35:24 [INFO] WorldEdit 4.6 enabled.
    00:35:24 [INFO] WorldEdit: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permissions plugin for permissions.
    00:35:24 [INFO] [FalseBook Block] 3100 Books loaded!
    00:35:24 [INFO] FalseBookBlock v0.87alpha DEV#3 by GeMo enabled
    00:35:24 [INFO] [FalseBook Block] 2 Cauldrons successfully loaded.
    00:35:24 [INFO] Loaded CustomCrafting by nickguletskii200.
    00:35:24 [INFO] Custom recipes added.
    00:35:24 [INFO] SoupBowl v1.1.1 enabled
    00:35:24 [INFO] [AutoAnnouncer] Permissions support enabled!
    00:35:24 [INFO] [AutoAnnouncer] Settings Loaded (16 announces).
    00:35:24 [INFO] [AutoAnnouncer] Scheduled every 10 minutes!
    00:35:24 [INFO] [AutoAnnouncer] v1.3-06.25 is enabled!
    00:35:24 [INFO] [AutoAnnouncer] Developed by: [Sharkiller]
    00:35:24 [INFO] [zombieattack] Permissions enabled.
    00:35:24 [INFO] [zombieattack] 0.4 Enabled.
    00:35:24 [INFO] [AngryWolves] version 0.8 is enabled
    00:35:24 [INFO] [Minecart Mania] MinecartManiaAutomations version 1.2.3 is enabled!
    00:35:24 [INFO] [RegionMarket] [ REGION MARKET ] Found and hooked all plugins successfully.
    00:35:24 [INFO] [RegionMarket] Successfully loaded regions : [32/32]
    00:35:24 [INFO] [RegionMarket]  !!! Region Market loaded properly !! yay !!
    00:35:24 [INFO] [RegionMarket]  Loaded v0.6, by Crash Updated by Ziden
    00:35:24 [INFO] BiomeMessage version 1.1 is enabled with permissions!
    00:35:24 [INFO] RawcriticsOreObfuscationPlugin plugin enabled
    00:35:24 [INFO] RawcriticsOreObfuscationPlugin connected to the Ore Obfuscate Engine and turned it on! Using Engine: 1
    00:35:24 [INFO] Lampstone version 0.6 is enabled.
    00:35:24 [INFO] [Lampstone] 0 lampstones loaded.
    00:35:24 [INFO] [FalseBook Chat] 0 ChatRooms loaded.
    00:35:24 [INFO] FalseBookChat v0.87alpha DEV#2 by GeMo enabled
    00:35:24 [INFO] [NarrowtuxLib] v0.3.2 by [narrowtux] enabled.
    00:35:24 [INFO] Version: 32
    00:35:24 [INFO] Found Diamonds STARTED
    00:35:24 [INFO] [GeoCacher] version 1.2 is enabled!
    00:35:24 [INFO] [GeoCacher] is using Permissions
    00:35:24 [INFO] [GeoCacher] 'Help' isn't detected. No /help support.
    00:35:24 [INFO] MYSQL NOT YET IMPLEMENTED.. Fallback to FlatFile
    00:35:24 [INFO] [GeoCacher] Loaded 6 GeoCaches
    00:35:25 [INFO] SpyerAdmin has completed updating the script successfully.
    00:35:25 [SEVERE] Wrapped java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.earth2me.essentials.Console (<Unknown source>#115) in <Unknown source> at line number 115
    00:35:25 [INFO] SpyerAdminCommands module version 1.4 stable, a spying utility for administrators and moderators (CommandBook commands module), is active. Part of the Spyer package by [nickguletskii200]
    00:35:25 [INFO] Register: Payment method found (iConomy version: 5.01)
    00:35:25 [INFO] [CommandSigns] 0.9 enabled.
    00:35:25 [INFO] CommandSigns: Integrated with Permissions v2.7.4
    00:35:25 [INFO] creaturebox version 0.7.6 is enabled!
    00:35:25 [INFO] [MonsterTamer]: version [1.3.9] (Commander) loaded
    00:35:25 [INFO] [RealAdminTools] version [0.05] (tickleman) loaded
    00:35:25 [INFO] FalseBookExtra v0.87alpha DEV#3 by GeMo enabled
    00:35:25 [INFO] [Minecart Mania] MinecartManiaStation version 1.2.5 is enabled!
    00:35:25 [INFO] EasyRules version 1.0.0 is enabled!
    00:35:25 [INFO] IronPlate version 0.1 is enabled!
    00:35:25 [INFO] Rocket: Found and will use plugin Permissions v2.7.4
    00:35:25 [INFO] Rocket version 0.501 enabled!
    00:35:25 [INFO] Enabled FlamingArrows!
    00:35:25 [INFO]  - Author(s): [Geoffrey Davis]
    00:35:25 [INFO]  - Version: 1.2.2
    00:35:25 [INFO] Burner version 0.2 is enabled!
    00:35:25 [INFO] [DropPlugin] Configuration file for world World1 loaded!
    00:35:25 [INFO] [DropPlugin] v2.1 enabled.
    00:35:25 [INFO] WorldGuard: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permissions plugin for permissions.
    00:35:25 [INFO] WorldGuard: Blacklist loaded.
    00:35:25 [INFO] WorldGuard: (World1) Single session is enforced.
    00:35:25 [INFO] WorldGuard: (World1) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
    00:35:25 [INFO] WorldGuard: (World1) Lighters are PERMITTED.
    00:35:25 [INFO] WorldGuard: (World1) Lava fire is blocked.
    00:35:25 [INFO] WorldGuard: (World1) All fire spread is disabled.
    00:35:25 [INFO] WorldGuard: Loaded configuration for world 'World1"
    00:35:25 [INFO] WorldGuard: 48 regions loaded for 'World1'
    00:35:26 [INFO] WorldGuard 5.2.2 enabled.
    00:35:26 [INFO] [iChat] Found Permissions (v2.7.4)
    00:35:26 [INFO] iChat (v2.3.3) enabled
    00:35:26 [INFO] [Minecart Mania] Permissions detected. Using permissions.
    00:35:26 [INFO] [Minecart Mania] MinecartManiaAdminControls version 1.2.7 is enabled!
    00:35:26 [INFO] [Minecart Mania] MinecartManiaSignCommands version 1.2.8 is enabled!
    00:35:26 [INFO] [dynmap] Configuration of world World1
    00:35:26 [INFO] [dynmap] template: normal
    00:35:26 [INFO] [dynmap] center: org.dynmap.ConfigurationNode@7e295521
    00:35:26 [INFO] [dynmap] enabled: true
    00:35:26 [INFO] [dynmap] title: World1
    00:35:26 [INFO] [dynmap] maps: [{class=org.dynmap.kzedmap.KzedMap, renderers=[{class=org.dynmap.kzedmap.DefaultTileRenderer, name=surface, title=Surface, prefix=t, maximumheight=127, colorscheme=s4h4rk, shadowstrength=1.0}, {class=org.dynmap.kzedmap.CaveTileRenderer, name=cave, title=Cave, prefix=ct, maximumheight=127}]}]
    00:35:26 [INFO] [dynmap] name: World1
    00:35:26 [INFO] [dynmap] Loading maps of world 'World1'...
    00:35:26 [INFO] [dynmap] Loading renderers for map 'class org.dynmap.kzedmap.KzedMap'...
    00:35:26 [INFO] [dynmap] Loaded 2 renderers for map 'class org.dynmap.kzedmap.KzedMap'.
    00:35:26 [INFO] [dynmap] Loaded 1 maps of world 'World1'.
    00:35:26 [INFO] [dynmap] Web server is permitting symbolic links
    00:35:26 [INFO] [dynmap] Loaded 10 components.
    00:35:26 [INFO] [dynmap] Dynmap WebServer started on null:8123
    00:35:26 [INFO] [dynmap] version 0.19.2 is enabled
    00:35:26 [INFO] [Minecart Mania] MinecartManiaChestControl version 1.2.5 is enabled!
    00:35:26 [INFO] SpyerAdmin module version 1.4 stable, a spying utility for administrators and moderators (main module), is active. Part of the Spyer package by [nickguletskii200]
    00:35:26 [INFO] (NoCheat) Did you know? NoCheat now supports the new Bukkit-Permission system. You can activate it in the config file.
    00:35:26 [INFO] (NoCheat) Did you know? There will be a change in the near future to how movement in CraftBukkit works, which will break NoCheats moving-check(s) completely, causing tons of false positives. Be careful if you tend to run bleeding edge builds of CraftBukkit.
    00:35:26 [INFO] (NoCheat) Did you know? This version of NoCheat was written for CraftBukkit RB 1000, but may still work for some older or newer versions.
    00:35:26 [INFO] (NoCheat) Did you know? You can find detailed information about all configuration options of NoCheat in the file "descriptions.txt" in your "plugins/NoCheat" folder
    00:35:26 [INFO] (NoCheat) Did you know? You can deactivate these Messages in the config file, if they annoy you.
    00:35:26 [INFO] [NoCheat] version [1.11] couldn't find CrafTIRC plugin. Disabling logging to IRC.
    00:35:26 [INFO] [NoCheat] version [1.11] is enabled with the following checks: moving speedhack flying fastswim
    00:35:26 [INFO] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it
    00:35:26 [INFO] Done (0.602s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
    00:35:26 [INFO] [Showcase] Autosaved
    00:35:26 [INFO] [FalseBook Block] 0 Bridges successfully loaded.
    00:35:26 [INFO] [FalseBook Block] 0 Doors successfully loaded.
    00:35:26 [INFO] [FalseBook Block] 46 protected gateblocks successfully loaded.
    00:35:29 [INFO] [FalseBook IC] Loaded selftriggered ICs: 5 done
    00:35:29 [INFO] [FalseBook IC] Loaded selftriggered ICs: 0 failed
    >showcase reload
    00:36:16 [INFO] [Showcase] Registered type [infinite] (0 items loaded)
    00:36:16 [INFO] [Showcase] Registered type [basic] (83 items loaded)
    00:36:16 [INFO] [Showcase] Registered type [tutorial] (0 items loaded)
    00:36:16 [INFO] [Showcase] Registered type [exchange] (0 items loaded)
    00:36:16 [INFO] [Showcase] Registered type [finite] (0 items loaded)
    Best regards,
  3. Offline


    how dos this work? "$;<cost1>[;<costN>] where cost is <item id>,<item number> or <item id>:<item data>,<item number> - adds a cost to the sign"

    on a sign?
    Kc0rb90 likes this.
  4. Offline


    Hello, i have read the description of your plugin but am having a little trouble understanding it. If i had a command: /rank Player Group, would i be able to set up signs that do the command with the players name who hit the sign and put them in the group that would be on the sign? would it be possible to make the sign a one time use per player as well?
  5. Offline


    does this plugin have redstone support?

  6. Offline


    @Fluff : CB# must be latest RB, and only one. No ranges. Changed it to #953 for you.
  7. Offline


    how do you do the group only allowed settings thing ?

    using '@' Syntax?
    it is like this?
    /time day @g:Newbies
    It doesnt say i can't do it, neither does it say I did do something help please... I'm using this with annotate too :/
  8. Offline


    How can i make a larger command?
  9. Last edited by a moderator: May 15, 2016
  10. Offline


    alright, I've tested this out.

    /@time day
    and it's still not working >.>, i've already switched to the Newbies group and still nothing. :confused:. Does the group-commands, work with permissions 3.X and having different permission groups if you have multi-verse?

    Problem Fixed O_O
  11. Offline


    Please update this to support PermissionsBukkit.
  12. Offline


    Hum yeah... you should state in your first post that the quotes are required...

    So I gave the user admin powers and even myself as an admin, trying to use use a sign that has /@mvtp world on it does nothing, while a sign with /mvtp world works fine.
  13. Offline


    Nice plugin, but I have a request.
    Being able to do different commands depending on player name/don't do the command for specific player.
    Player could maybe also be a permission group.

    Builders: /Give <player> 4 64
    Zalastax: /tp MyFriend Zalastax
    Default: /kill
  14. Offline


    i got a new problem. since i am using mcmyadmin (wich makes my server way more stable) and i want a buy rank system, i need to use the mcma inbuild rank system. (addmember delmember)

    i got it working with /* (/@ wont work) and its also working most of the time, but since i have some special ranks i am forced to first delete all users from every group then add them to the group i or better they want.

    the problem now is, i use commandhelper to issue macros, but it seems like commandsign has a lower priority than commandhelper wich results in-> using macro1 -> using macro 2 -> then issue commands....
    means for some weird reasons its mixing up add member sometimes before delmember and the result is person gets added to a group and then after that deleted.

    this sometimes appears and sometimes not, is there a way to force the sign to use first 1 and then the secound command?
    btw i additional use annotate :)

    this is my console output and CH is commandhelper, u see hes running a macro and before the command is issued by the sign its using next macro. my macros are 2 commands 1 preparing rank (deleting users from groups) and adding rank (add user to group). i post this here because it should be more commandsign side, because commandsign should handle the issuing of the commands, the commands itself are seperate. and this could also mean that if i want to do a row of teleportings for example maybe its not the teleporting order i wanna do and its mixed up.

    2011-08-05 06:37:18 [INFO] CH: Running original command ----> /panadoidpre panade
    2011-08-05 06:37:18 [INFO] on player &CommandSigns
    2011-08-05 06:37:18 [INFO] &CommandSigns issued server command: delmember Everyone panade
    2011-08-05 06:37:18 [INFO] &CommandSigns issued server command: delmember Regulars panade
    2011-08-05 06:37:18 [INFO] &CommandSigns issued server command: delmember Moderators panade
    2011-08-05 06:37:18 [INFO] &CommandSigns issued server command: delmember Administrators panade
    2011-08-05 06:37:18 [INFO] &CommandSigns issued server command: delmember Panadoidplus panade
    2011-08-05 06:37:18 [INFO] &CommandSigns issued server command: delmember Prominer panade
    2011-08-05 06:37:18 [INFO] &CommandSigns issued server command: delmember Profarmer panade
    2011-08-05 06:37:18 [INFO] &CommandSigns issued server command: delmember Profighter panade
    2011-08-05 06:37:18 [INFO] &CommandSigns issued server command: delmember Protrader panade
    2011-08-05 06:37:18 [INFO] &CommandSigns issued server command: delmember Prowood panade
    2011-08-05 06:37:18 [INFO] &CommandSigns issued server command: delmember Proart panade
    2011-08-05 06:37:18 [INFO] CH: Running original command ----> /panadoid panade
    2011-08-05 06:37:18 [INFO] on player &CommandSigns
    2011-08-05 06:37:18 [INFO] &CommandSigns issued server command: addmember Regulars panade
    2011-08-05 06:37:18 [INFO] There's no player by that name online
    2011-08-05 06:37:18 [INFO] Unknown console command. Type "help" for help.
    2011-08-05 06:37:18 [INFO] There's no player by that name online
    2011-08-05 06:37:18 [INFO] Unknown console command. Type "help" for help.
    2011-08-05 06:37:18 [INFO] There's no player by that name online
    2011-08-05 06:37:18 [INFO] Unknown console command. Type "help" for help.
    2011-08-05 06:37:18 [INFO] There's no player by that name online
    2011-08-05 06:37:18 [INFO] Unknown console command. Type "help" for help.
    2011-08-05 06:37:18 [INFO] There's no player by that name online
    2011-08-05 06:37:18 [INFO] Unknown console command. Type "help" for help.
    2011-08-05 06:37:18 [INFO] There's no player by that name online
    2011-08-05 06:37:18 [INFO] Unknown console command. Type "help" for help.
    2011-08-05 06:37:18 [INFO] There's no player by that name online
    2011-08-05 06:37:18 [INFO] Unknown console command. Type "help" for help.
    2011-08-05 06:37:18 [INFO] There's no player by that name online
    2011-08-05 06:37:18 [INFO] Unknown console command. Type "help" for help.
    2011-08-05 06:37:18 [INFO] <*Console*>: User 'panade' is now in group 'Regulars'
    2011-08-05 06:37:18 [INFO] Unknown console command. Type "help" for help.
    2011-08-05 06:37:18 [INFO] [Permissions] All worlds reloaded.
    2011-08-05 06:37:18 [INFO] Unknown console command. Type "help" for help.
    2011-08-05 06:37:18 [INFO] <*Console*>: User 'panade' is no longer in group 'Regulars'
    2011-08-05 06:37:18 [INFO] Unknown console command. Type "help" for help.
    2011-08-05 06:37:18 [INFO] [Permissions] All worlds reloaded.
    2011-08-05 06:37:18 [INFO] Unknown console command. Type "help" for help.
    2011-08-05 06:37:18 [INFO] There's no player by that name online
    2011-08-05 06:37:18 [INFO] Unknown console command. Type "help" for help.
    2011-08-05 06:37:18 [INFO] There's no player by that name online
    2011-08-05 06:37:18 [INFO] Unknown console command. Type "help" for help.
  15. Offline


    Is there a way to pass color codes to the messages sent through the syntax \\, when the block used for CommandSigns is through Annotate (a button)?

    Nevermind, I had my syntax within Annotate incorrect. It now accepts color =)

    Use Annotate as it gives you a longer string to add commands to. Your annotate entry would be as follows:

    /ann line1 [command]
    /ann line2 /geo find crater_spires

    You can already accomplish this partly, if you use Annotate. The annotate entries would be:

    /ann line1 [command]
    /ann line2 @g:Builders
    /ann line3 /@give <NAME> 4 64
    /ann line4 @MyFriend
    /ann line5 /tp Zalastax

    The above will set up a sign where if the person is part of the "Builders" group they will get 64 Cobblestone. If the person using the sign is not part of the Builders" group but is "MyFriend" it will teleport them to the user "Zalastax".

    You will need to make sure the user '&CommandSigns' has access to the /give command for the above to work.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 15, 2016
  16. Offline


    This plugin doesn't seem to function correctly using PermissionsBukkit. Specifically the '&CommandSigns' permission node.
  17. Offline


    I find it rather stupid, being the grammar freak that I am, that when you capitalize "[Command]"on the sign... it doesn't work -.-
  18. Offline


    To developer, when searching the chests, convert all characters to lower case, that will solve it all.
  19. Offline


    Sorry if this seems stupid to ask, but I don't partularly understand how to allow users to use a command they could not normally use, as far as I am aware, though, I need to add the fictional user '&CommandSigns' (which I did) into my Permissions config, and then use the syntax /@<command> to enable the user's use of a command w/o the permissions to use it. However, this does not appear to work, but generates no error in the server-log (that I can see)

    For reference, here's my Permission config file
            system: default
            default: true
                prefix: '&7'
                suffix: '&7'
                build: true
                rank: 1
            - modifyworld.*
            - commandbook.motd
            - commandbook.who
            - commandbook.rules
            - commandbook.kit.list
            - commandbook.time.check
            - commandbook.spawn
            - commandbook.msg
            - commandbook.whereami.compass
            - commandbook.slap.other
            - creaturebox.dropspawner
            - creaturebox.placespawner
            - lwc.protect
            - localshops.user.*
            - multiverse.list
            - multiverse.portal.list
            - iConomy.access
            - iConomy.list
            - iConomy.payment
            - iConomy.rank
            - iConomyChestShop.command.iteminfo
            - nSpleef.member.creategame
            - nSpleef.member.deletegame
            - nSpleef.member.join
            - nSpleef.member.leave
            - nSpleef.member.list
            - nSpleef.member.wager
            - worldguard.region.claim
            - worldguard.region.redefine.member.*
            - worldguard.region.flag.flags.*
            - worldguard.region.flag.member.*
            - worldguard.region.remove.member.*
            - falsebook.ic.standard
            - falsebook.blocks.lift
            - falsebook.blocks.bridge
            - falsebook.blocks.cauldron.use
            - falsebook.blocks.gate
            - falsebook.blocks.hiddenswitch
            - falsebook.blocks.lightswitch.create
            - falsebook.blocks.readbooks
            - falsebook.ic.detection
            - falsebook.ic.standard
            - falsebook.ic.selftriggered
            - falsebook.cart.*
            - regionmarket.sell
            - regionmarket.offer
            - regionmarket.accept
            - regionmarket.remove
            - regionmarket.list
            - nSpleef.member.join
            - nSpleef.member.leave
            - nSpleef.member.list
            - nSpleef.member.wager
            - commandSigns.use
            - commandSigns.exec
            default: false
                prefix: '&b'
                suffix: ''
                build: true
                rank: 10
            - Default
            - bb.admin.rollback
            - citizens.admin
            - permissions.manage
            - permissions.manage.users.permissions
            - permissions.manage.membership
            - commandbook.give
            - commandbook.give.other
            - commandbook.intro
            - commandbook.more
            - commandbook.time
            - commandbook.spawnmob
            - commandbook.teleport
            - commandbook.teleport.other
            - commandbook.motd
            - commandbook.return
            - commandbook.say
            - commandbook.clear.other
            - commandbook.rocket.other
            - commandbook.barrage.other
            - commandbook.shock.other
            - commandbook.thor
            - commandbook.thor.other
            - commandbook.whois
            - commandbook.kick
            - commandbook.bans.ban
            - commandbook.bans.unban
            - commandbook.bans.isbanned
            - commandbook.spawn
            - lwc.mod
            - localshops.manager.*
            - worldedit.*
            - iConomy.admin.account.create
            - iConomy.admin.account.delete
            - iConomy.admin.reset
            - iConomy.admin.stats
            - iConomyChestShop.admin
            - nSpleef.admin.define
            - nSpleef.admin.deleteanygame
            - nSpleef.admin.deletearena
            - nSpleef.admin.forceready
            - nSpleef.admin.forcejoin
            - nSpleef.admin.forceleave
            - worldguard.region.define.*
            - worldguard.redefine.own.*
            - worldguard.region.list
            - worldguard.region.flag.own.*
            - worldguard.region.setparent.own.*
            - worldguard.region.remove.own.*
            - worldguard.heal
            - worldguard.heal.other
            - falsebook.cart.*
            - falsebook.blocks.lightswitch.use
            - falsebook.destroy.blocks
            - falsebook.blocks.hiddenswitch.create
            - falsebook.ic.worldedit
            - jail.command.jail
            - jail.command.unjail
            - jail.command.jailtransfer
            - jail.command.jailtransferall
            - jail.command.jailcheck
            - jail.command.jailtelein
            - jail.command.jailteleout
            - jail.command.jaillist
            - jail.command.jaillistcells
            - jail.command.unjailforce
            - jail.command.jailmute
            - jail.command.jailstop
            - nSpleef.member.creategame
            - nSpleef.member.deletegame
            - commandSigns.use
            - commandSigns.exec
            default: false
                prefix: '&c'
                suffix: ''
                build: true
                rank: 20
            - '*'
            group: Admin
                prefix: ''
                suffix: '&e'
            group: Admin
                prefix: ''
                suffix: '&e'
            group: Police
            group: Admin
            group: Police
            group: Police
            group: Default
            group: Default
            group: Default
            group: Police
            group: Default
            group: Default
            group: Police
                prefix: '&bC'
                suffix: '&f(&2$&f)&b'
            group: Admin
                prefix: ''
                suffix: '&2'
            group: Admin
                prefix: ''
                suffix: '&6'
            group: Police
            group: Police
            group: Police
            group: Police
            group: Police
            group: Admin
    Again, sorry if I am wasting anyone's time here, but I am rather busy setting this up as a new yet-to-be-*officially*-released server, and this is pretty-much the only issue I have had so far.

    Thanks in advance.
  20. Offline


    I'm trying to use CommandSigns as a way of making players choose what permissions group they want to be in, so an admin doesnt have to be online for them to be promoted, and i have the &CommandSigns fake user as an Op in the file and an Admin in permissions, and the signs i have up are "[command] /@pr <NAME> promote t:(track)" obviously with the track being the one i want, but it still does not work for the players, but it comes up with "Promotion/Demotion failed" for only admins, and nothing for normal players. could somebody tell me what i;m doiung wrong?
  21. Offline


    I'm pretty sure you can use PermissionsBridge with plugins that don't support PermissionsBukkit to allow it to use PermissionsBukkit until the plugin supports it (if it ever will)
  22. The /@command feature broke with PEX 1.13, not sure if the issue is in PEX or if this needs updating :/
  23. Offline


    I am having a problem using the /@command. I wanted it to be able to transport players to a no rules pvp world using multiverse. The command is '/@mvtp PvP'. However it will only allow players that have the /mvtp command to use the sign. I've Oped &CommandSigns, I've added it to the permissions file and gave it the admin group and even tried giving it the - '*' permissions node. It still doesn't work, it just tells people they don't have access to the command. I am using permissions 2.7.4 as I feel permissions 3 is redundant as hell.

  24. Offline


    I used to LOVE this plugin, but for the craftbukkit build 1000, and on Linux, It is completely non - funcional. Help?
  25. Offline


    It does but the @ command or the * command aren't able to find the permissions file so they don't work.
  26. Offline


    ok, now it's working, exept the fictional use &CommandSigns is not working. Commands on the sign such as '/*spawn' do not work. I'm receiving no error report. I've attempted many other commands with the fictional user and it does not work.

    CB build 1000
    Sign text:


    Failed command plugin: Essentials.jar

    The config file is the default, the fictional user's name is &CommandSigns

    I logged into that user (with a cracked launcher), applied '/manuadd &CommandSigns admin', and '/op &CommandSigns'.

    OS type: Linux - Puppy Linux 5.2.5

    Please help me?

    and now i just re-generated the config, and now it's default. Same issues, both &CommandSigns and CommandSigns are Op and admins.

    Still no awnser?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 15, 2016
  27. Offline


    HI, I commented before on the fact my fake CommandSigns user (&CommandSigns) is not working, and I should've checked earlier - but here's an error I found

    2011-08-08 18:56:36 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PLAYER_INTERACT to CommandSigns
    java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.nijiko.permissions.PermissionHandler.getUserObject(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/nijiko/permissions/User;
        at com.omggamingonline.minecraft.common.PermissionsInterface.getPermissionNodes(
        at com.edwardhand.commandsigns.CommandSigns.runCommandString(
        at com.edwardhand.commandsigns.CommandSignPlayerListener.runCommand(
        at com.edwardhand.commandsigns.CommandSignPlayerListener.onPlayerInteract(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.event.CraftEventFactory.callPlayerInteractEvent(
        at net.minecraft.server.ItemInWorldManager.interact(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.Packet15Place.a(SourceFile:57)
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:105)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
    I am using Bukkit 1000, latest CommandSigns version, and Permissions version 3.0b, with PermissionsPlus (this is due to issues with my host running the latest version(s) of Permissions).

    This is the only problem I have seen with my Permissions, apart from the latest version of iChat not working (but that is to be resolved from my host soon). I don't think this is caused by my outdated Permissions version, however, as I see others reporting similar problems with the fake user; &CommandSigns does not work.

    I hope you can come back to this, as this plug-in is very useful, and rather powerful - I would die if it becomes inactive :eek:
  28. Offline


    If you use colorsigns anyone who can make a colored sign can create a fully functional sign by coloring the [commandname] on the first line and putting whatever they want on it afterwords. Thankfully BigBrother logs it and I searched for instances of /@ - found users promoting/demoting themselves and giving themselves access to world edit commands and such. Posted in the bug tracker, but can't tell if it's been viewed/acknowledged.
  29. Offline


    Try assigning the '&CommandSigns' user the explicit node to execute the command.

    I HIGHLY recommend that people do not assign the '&CommandSigns' fake-user OP status, or a group which has access to all commands. You are just setting yourself up for some headaches, and possible breaches of security. Your users' ingenuity will surprise you.

    Without information no-one can help you. You need to provide what the issue is in detail, what plugins you have installed, and how you are executing the CommandSigns commands.

    The fake-user needs to be enclosed within single quotation marks. The user within your users.yml file or DB should read '&CommandSigns' not &CommandSigns.

    Limit what the '&CommandSigns' user can accomplish. I HIGHLY recommend you don't give the user OP status or a access to all commands on the server by the use of the '*' wildcard.

    Edit: As for the Dev, Talk to other developers such as the Essentials team for assistance on checking sign creation.

    Are you using CommandSigns with Annotate or ScrollingMenuSigns? Looks like what you entered into the sign was not what CommandSigns was looking for. Give us an example of what you were attempting to accomplish.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 15, 2016
  30. Offline


    How can I create a teleport sign that tp user who use the sign to desire location?

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