Inactive [MECH] CommandSigns v0.9 - Issue commands using signs [953]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Fluff, May 5, 2011.

  1. Offline


    CommandSigns v0.9

    Tired of having to type out the same commands again and again? Want to allow your players to use commands only at certain places? Help is at hand!

    Feature Summary
    • Allows chat commands and chat messages to be send on right-clicking a sign.
    • Allows commands to be run on signs that players wouldn't be able to use through chat.
    • Sign usage can be limited to specific players or groups.
    • Supports 'variables' for player name and x,y,z position.
    • Won't allow users to gain access to forbidden commands without permission (secure).
    • Add a cost to use a sign, or a reward for clicking the sign!
    • Limit the number of times a sign can be used.
    • Enable and disable signs without destroying them.
    • Permissions-friendly
    • Developer API available
    User's Guide

    About The Developers

    Want to ensure your bug or suggestion isn't lost in the thread? Post it on our issue tracker.

    Command Summary (open)

    • /commandsign enable - Enables the next command sign you right-click on.
    • /commandsign enable <x> <y> <z> - Enables the command sign at x,y,z in the current world.
    • /commandsign enable <x> <y> <z> [w:]<world> - Enables the command sign in world <world> at x,y,z.
    • /commandsign enable [a:]<alias> - Enables the command sign at the alias.
    • /commandsign enable <uses> - Enables the next command sign you right-click on with a number of uses.
    • /commandsign enable <uses> <x> <y> <z> - Enables the command sign at x,y,z in the current world with a number of uses.
    • /commandsign enable <uses> <x> <y> <z> [w:]<world> - Enables the command sign in world <world> at x,y,z with a number of uses.
    • /commandsign enable <uses> [a:]<alias> - Enables the command sign at the alias with a number of uses.
    • /commandsign disable - Disables the next command sign you right-click on.
    • /commandsign disable <x> <y> <z> - Disables the command sign at x,y,z in the current world.
    • /commandsign disable <x> <y> <z> [w:]<world> - Disables the command sign at x,y,z in world <world>.
    • /commandsign disable [a:]<alias> - Disables the command sign at the alias.
    • /commandsign alias - Right-click on a block to get the alias of its location.
    • /commandsign alias <x> <y> <z> - Get the alias of the location x,y,z in the current world.
    • /commandsign alias <x> <y> <z> w:<world> - Get the alias of the location x,y,z in world <world>.
    • /commandsign alias [a:]<name> - Right-click on a block to set the alias of its location.
    • /commandsign alias <x> <y> <z> [a:]<name> - Set the alias of the location x,y,z in the current world.
    • /commandsign alias <x> <y> <z> w:<world> [a:]<name> - Set the alias of the location x,y,z in world <world>.
    • /commandsign alias remove - Right-click on a block to remove the alias of its location.
    • /commandsign alias remove [a:]<name> - Removes the alias.
    • /commandsign alias remove <x> <y> <z> - Remove the alias at location x,y,z in the current world.
    • /commandsign alias remove <x> <y> <z> w:<world> - Remove the alias at location x,y,z in world <world>.
    • /commandsign alias [a:]<name> [a:]<newname> - Set the alias of the location at <name> to <newname>.
    • /commandsign config - Lists all the configuration nodes.
    • /commandsign config <node> - Lists the configuration node.
    • /commandsign config <node> <value> - Sets the configuration node to the value.
    • /commandsign exec [a:]<alias> - Executes the command sign at the location pointed to by the alias.
    • /commandsign exec <x> <y> <z> - Executes the command sign at location x,y,z in the current world.
    • /commandsign exec <x> <y> <z> [w:]<world> - Executes the command sign at location x,y,z in world <world>.
    Syntax Summary (open)

    • [command] - use on the first line of a sign to define a command sign.
    • **[title] - use on the first line in place of [command] to customise the title of the sign
    • /command - runs a command as the player using the sign
    • /*command - runs a command as the fictional user &CommandSigns
    • /@command - elevates the player's permissions (using the permissions assigned to &CommandSigns) if necessary to run the command
    • @player/group - commands following (up to the next @) are limited to that player/group.
    • \message - prints the message to chat
    • \\message - prints the message to the player
    • <NAME> / <X> / <Y> / <Z> / <I> - replaced with the using players name/x/y/z-coord/current held item id on running.
    • $;<cost1>[;<costN>] where cost is <item id>,<item number> or <item id>:<item data>,<item number> - adds a cost to the sign
    • $$ - break evaluation of a command sign
    Permission Nodes (open)

    • commandSigns.use - Use a command sign.
    • commandSigns.create - Create, enable, or disable a command sign.
    • commandSigns.super - Create, enable, or disable a command sign using /*command, /@command, @player/group, or $.
    • commandSigns.super.cost - Create, enable, or disable a command sign using $.
    • commandSigns.super.elevated - Create, enable, or disable a command sign using /@command.
    • commandSigns.super.fakeuser - Create, enable, or disable a command sign using /*command.
    • commandSigns.super.restricted - Create, enable, or disable a command sign using @player/group.
    • commandSigns.default.<default group name> - A flag stating that the group is the default group.
    • commandSigns.config - Allows a user to manage the configuration.
    • commandSigns.alias - Allows a user to manage aliases.
    • commandSigns.exec - Allows a user to remotely trigger command signs.
    Reporting a Problem (open)
    The following bits of information are helpful to include when reporting a problem:
    1. Bukkit and plugin version.
    2. Excerpt from server log of the failed command usage, preferably with the debug configuration option set to true.
    3. Complete command sign text.
    4. Command sign configuration file.
    5. Name of plugin that the failed command comes from, preferably with a link to the plugin's forum thread.

    Recommended Plugins
    • With Annotate, you can have CommandSigns on practically any block with an almost unlimited amount of room for commands! They can even activate when pressing a button or a pressure plate!
    • With ScrollingMenuSign, your signs can look even nicer while allowing your users to scroll through a menu of commands!

    Download Latest Version
    MD5: 7f4076eea7198f2c0f17cde3f62f7c1f
    Download 0.8.1i - RB 803 and previous
    MD5: 72a60e16bfd775b3d15a03aca70e86e0


    To Everyone Asking For Redstone Support (open)

    Yes, I also think redstone support would be very cool. Unfortunately, there are some major limitations on what you can do with a redstone-controlled sign. You can read about those limitations in this post, and you can read a rationale about why those limitations exist in this post. Given those two limitations, I don't think redstone support is currently a useful feature to add, especially given what Annotate can do for you. (If you disagree, please post on the issue tracker on how you would use redstone support.) In the (not too distant) future, redstone support may will be added in a separate plugin due to the different nature of redstone command signs.

    Change Log
    version 0.9 - See Post
    • If PEX permissions work, this plugin supports it.
    • Economy redone; added Essentials Economy.
    • Localization support added.
    • Added new command: /commandsign exec
    • Events properly unregistered when plugin is disabled.
    version 0.8.13
    • Default groups should work for real.
    Older Entries (open)

    version 0.8.12
    • Added handling for default groups.
    • Added support for command aliases.
    • Added /commandsign config.
    version 0.8.11
    • Fixed @ directive.
    • Fixed '/commandsign disable' bug.
    • Added aliases.
    version 0.8.10
    • Fixed /@ permissions error.
    • Added exception handling for removing permissions from users.
    version 0.8.9
    • Added PEX and Permissions 3.0 support.
    • Added new placeholders: <N> and <I>
    • Fixed bug with regular / commands.
    • Added new directives: $$ and \\
    • Added additional debug messages.
    version 0.8.8
    • Fixed /* and /@ working without permissions support.
    • Fixed Permissions creating new users with the wrong casing.
    version 0.8.7
    • Fixed command sign creation permissions.
    • Added debug configuration option.
    version 0.8.6
    • Added Permissions checks to developer API.
    • Fixed enabling bug with /* and /@.
    • Updated to work with GroupManager and fake Permission plugins.
    version 0.8.5 - See Post
    • Fixed multi-world Permissions bug.
    • Changed @ group directive
    version 0.8.4
    • Removed support for Permissions 3.x
    • Updated to 818
    version 0.8.3
    • Fixed API bug
    version 0.8.2
    • Updated for Permissions 3.x
    version 0.8.1
    • Fixed GroupManager integration
    version 0.8
    • Added /@ to temporarily elevate a user's permissions.
    • Added developer API.
    version 0.7.1
    • Fixed item data bug - for real, this time.
    version 0.7 - See Post
    • Removed SignReadMore support.
    • Added Annotate support.
    • Added more granular permissions for advanced sign creation.
    • Removed a debug message that looked like an error.
    version 0.6.2
    • Fixed enable bug on sign creation.
    • Fixed item data bug.
    version 0.6.1
    • Fixed berating of users who can't create command signs but were just innocently putting up a sign.
    version 0.6
    • Added SignReadMore support.
    version 0.5.1
    • Can no longer place blocks directly on enabled command signs.
    • Fixed @ directive.
    • Changed fake user network code.
    version 0.5 - See Post
    • Added /commandsign commands.
    • Added finite-use signs.
    version 0.4.10
    • Fixed BOSEconomy support
    version 0.4.9
    • Supports BOSEconomy
    version 0.4.8
    • Trimming commands in hopes it fixes some problems.
    version 0.4.7 - See Post
    • Added cost signs.
    version 0.4.6
    • Hackish solution to 'items not showing up in inventory' bug.
    version 0.4.5 - See Post
    • Updated support for GroupManager.
    • Added configuration option to change the display name of the fake user.
    • Added configuration option to allow command parser to understand // commands.
    version 0.4.4
    • Fixed numerous bugs when not using Permissions.
    • Beginnings of an API for other plugin devs.
    version 0.4.3
    • Added configuration file.
    • Fixed chat command bugs.
    • Rearranged code for simpler maintenance.
    version 0.4.2 - See Post
    • BREAKING CHANGE - The fake user is now named &CommandSigns.
    version 0.4.1
    • Fixed for 740
    version 0.4
    • Bukkit team trying to break everything again
    version 0.35
    • Fixed conflict when using <NAME> in commands overriding permissions.
    version 0.3
    • Added NAME, X, Y and Z variables
    • Added permission filter
    • Allowed creation of signs that call commands user would not usually have access to
    • Allowed customisation of [command] to other text.
    version 0.15
    • Bugfix ("Insufficient Permissions" annoyance bug)
    version 0.1
    • Plugin Released
    Dimochka, c_dric, Flipp and 5 others like this.
  2. Offline


    Heh, no need now, thanks to your reply I figured it out.
    I wasnt giving permissions to the correct user. (I was giving permissions to 'CommandSigns' as it was in the config, NOT to &CommandSigns.)

    So again, thanks

    Edit:Nevermind, it worked for awhile... but it doesn't now. I'll post a log when I can, I guess T_T

    Using latest reccomended version of bukkit, and latest CommandSigns.
    Conflicting plugin is xWarp.

    I've tried this with &CommandSigns op'd and not op'd, though that wouldnt really be necessary since it has '*' permissions.

    Full sign text is:
    log (open)

    2011-06-16 22:28:53 [INFO] . CommandSigns Debug: Command - /@warp Player_KTB1_1
    2011-06-16 22:28:53 [INFO] . CommandSigns Debug: Adding permissions to Player
    2011-06-16 22:28:53 [INFO] . CommandSigns Debug: Adding permission * to Player
    2011-06-16 22:28:53 [INFO] . CommandSigns Debug: Fake player is op; opping Player
    2011-06-16 22:28:53 [INFO] . CommandSigns Debug: Removing permissions from Player
    2011-06-16 22:28:53 [INFO] . CommandSigns Debug: Removing op from Player

    config (open)

    useOldCommandSignsUser: false
    ignoreSpacesAtEndOfLine: false
    allowRunOnCommands: false
    useOldGroupDirective: false
    allowEmptyCommandAsMessage: false
    fakeUserDisplayName: CommandSigns
    writeDebugMessages: true

    At times, the command works, and at times it wont. It also seems to let the permissions linger on afterwards, or it at least seems like that.
  3. Offline


    Is there also a way to run commands on other players using signs? And if there isn't, then is there a plugin to run commands on other players, as if they ran the command?
  4. Offline


    This is a bad way to report versioning; 'latest' can immediately change on a new release. Please post version numbers in the future.

    What permissions plugin are you using? As you can see from the log, the elevated permissions are immediately removed from the player after use, so unless the permissions plugin is doing something odd, the permissions don't linger. It also doesn't make sense that the command works sometimes and doesn't work other times. Can you pinpoint what's being done differently when it doesn't work?
    There is no way to do that with CommandSigns. However, it would be relatively simple to code up a plugin to do what you suggest. If you don't find such a plugin, let me know.
  5. Offline


    I've been searching for ages, but still nothing. I can't find it.

    By the way, what does /*command do?
  6. Offline


    /* runs the command as the fake user instead of the player who interacted with the sign.
  7. Offline


    And what is the "Fake user"?
  8. Offline


    I am also having this problem on my server at the moment.

    Craftbukkit 860
    CommandSigns V0.9
    ScrollingMenuSign V0.4
    iConomy 5.01
    Last versions of permissions 2.74 or something (havent made the jump to 3 yet - is it this?)

    I'm forcing users to go the bank to open accounts, check their balance, deposit and withdraw money e.t.c I've done this by removing the* permissions and then using scrollingsigns to create set deposit and withdraw listed commands with elevated permissions using /@bank deposit <XX>.

    It seems to on each server restart work for one another of the signs or, work for some and not the other. I'm wondering as suggested above ... if permissions are blocking some later commands or something? IF this isn't going to work is there some other way you know of to restrict commands to certain areas?

    Also I as admin with * pemissions have no issues when using the signs even though '&commandsigns' is also set as an admin.

    I am also having this problem on my server at the moment.

    Craftbukkit 860
    CommandSigns V0.9
    ScrollingMenuSign V0.4
    iConomy 5.01
    Last versions of permissions 2.74 or something (havent made the jump to 3 yet - is it this?)

    I'm forcing users to go the bank to open accounts, check their balance, deposit and withdraw money e.t.c I've done this by removing the* permissions and then using scrollingsigns to create set deposit and withdraw listed commands with elevated permissions using /@bank deposit <XX>.

    It seems to on each server restart work for one another of the signs or, work for some and not the other. I'm wondering as suggested above ... if permissions are blocking some later commands or something? IF this isn't going to work is there some other way you know of to restrict commands to certain areas?

    Also I as admin with * pemissions have no issues when using the signs even though '&commandsigns' is also set as an admin.

    EDIT: It seems to be different for each individual player whichever one they do first per server restart. Depositing or Withdrawing... /@bank seems to work regardless of what was selected first. Only the sign which they used the first time seems to work.

    EDIT2: Seems that it really is just random... some users can use all of them, some only one or two of them. The /@bank commands always seems to work though.

    EDIT3: Debug output
    23:51:29 [INFO] . CommandSigns Debug: Command - /@bank withdraw 10
    23:51:29 [INFO] . CommandSigns Debug: Adding permissions to raxxo
    23:51:29 [INFO] . CommandSigns Debug: No permissions added to raxxo
    23:51:29 [INFO] . CommandSigns Debug: Fake user has the following permissions:
    23:51:29 [INFO]
    23:51:29 [INFO]    *
    23:51:29 [INFO] . CommandSigns Debug: End fake user permission list
    23:51:31 [INFO] . CommandSigns Debug: Command - /@bank withdraw 10
    23:51:31 [INFO] . CommandSigns Debug: Adding permissions to raxxo
    23:51:31 [INFO] . CommandSigns Debug: No permissions added to raxxo
    23:51:31 [INFO] . CommandSigns Debug: Fake user has the following permissions:
    23:51:31 [INFO]
    23:51:31 [INFO]    *
    23:51:31 [INFO] . CommandSigns Debug: End fake user permission list
    EDIT4: More Output:
    23:59:04 [INFO] . CommandSigns Debug: Command - /bank join LPMC
    23:59:09 [INFO] . CommandSigns Debug: Command - /@bank
    23:59:09 [INFO] . CommandSigns Debug: Adding permissions to raxxo
    23:59:09 [INFO] . CommandSigns Debug: No permissions added to raxxo
    23:59:09 [INFO] . CommandSigns Debug: Fake user has the following permissions:
    23:59:09 [INFO]
    23:59:09 [INFO]    *
    23:59:09 [INFO] . CommandSigns Debug: End fake user permission list
    23:59:13 [INFO] . CommandSigns Debug: Command - /@bank deposit 10
    23:59:13 [INFO] . CommandSigns Debug: Adding permissions to raxxo
    23:59:13 [INFO] . CommandSigns Debug: No permissions added to raxxo
    23:59:13 [INFO] . CommandSigns Debug: Fake user has the following permissions:
    23:59:13 [INFO]
    23:59:13 [INFO]    *
    23:59:13 [INFO] . CommandSigns Debug: End fake user permission list
    23:59:22 [INFO] time is Up
    23:59:25 [INFO] . CommandSigns Debug: Command - /@bank deposit 1
    23:59:25 [INFO] . CommandSigns Debug: Adding permissions to raxxo
    23:59:25 [INFO] . CommandSigns Debug: No permissions added to raxxo
    23:59:25 [INFO] . CommandSigns Debug: Fake user has the following permissions:
    23:59:25 [INFO]
    23:59:25 [INFO]    *
    23:59:25 [INFO] . CommandSigns Debug: End fake user permission list
    23:59:26 [INFO] [HeroChat] Mentioum -> TeamFluff: check hom out going crazy :) haha
    23:59:28 [INFO] . CommandSigns Debug: Command - /@bank withdraw 10
    23:59:28 [INFO] . CommandSigns Debug: Adding permissions to raxxo
    23:59:28 [INFO] . CommandSigns Debug: No permissions added to raxxo
    23:59:28 [INFO] . CommandSigns Debug: Fake user has the following permissions:
    23:59:28 [INFO]
    23:59:28 [INFO]    *
    23:59:28 [INFO] . CommandSigns Debug: End fake user permission list
    23:59:30 [INFO] . CommandSigns Debug: Command - /@bank withdraw 10
    23:59:30 [INFO] . CommandSigns Debug: Adding permissions to raxxo
    23:59:30 [INFO] . CommandSigns Debug: No permissions added to raxxo
    23:59:30 [INFO] . CommandSigns Debug: Fake user has the following permissions:
    23:59:30 [INFO]
    23:59:30 [INFO]    *
    23:59:30 [INFO] . CommandSigns Debug: End fake user permission list
    23:59:32 [INFO] . CommandSigns Debug: Command - /@bank withdraw 10
    23:59:32 [INFO] . CommandSigns Debug: Adding permissions to raxxo
    23:59:32 [INFO] . CommandSigns Debug: No permissions added to raxxo
    23:59:32 [INFO] . CommandSigns Debug: Fake user has the following permissions:
    23:59:32 [INFO]
    23:59:32 [INFO]    *
    23:59:32 [INFO] . CommandSigns Debug: End fake user permission list
  9. Offline


    I installed it, didn't change any of the settings. I made a Sign...

    It doesn't do anything... When I type "/commandsign enable" and right click on it, it says. "CommandSigns: Command sign not clicked.

    I am opped and admin (*) in permissions. I'll attach a screenshot of the plugins also.

    Attached Files:

  10. Offline


    [Command] != [command]. All lowercase please.
  11. Offline


    Would changing:
    String line0 = e.getLine(0);
    in to:
    String line0 = e.getLine(0).toLowerCase();
    fix that? Or am I missing something?
  12. Offline


    yay! It works!
  13. Offline


    Hey mate. Your localization strings dont work well with String.format. See line55 of
    I was trying to do the /commandsign enable (USES) thing, but when i added a use amount, or alias etc it errored out. You're trying to convert something which isnt convertable and java doesnt like it. I edited the code so the sendMessage was simply "LOL" or "SERVED", instead of the localization string with the Args[0] stuff, just for tests and whatnot you know, and it all works fine. Seems to be since the localization was added. Just a thought :)

    For your benefit
    Error when performing /commandsign enable (anything), but in this instance it was /commandsign enable 1

    It would also appear that even though I dont have enough money, and commandsigns informs me of this, it still takes a use from the sign. Also, when typing /commandsign enable 1, you right click a command sign and the use limit applies nicely, but fails to remove the "wand" from your hand, so you have to click on something else which of course tells you it isnt a command sign, even though you just enabled one. Could be to do with the change i made, but all that was was changing line 55 from the string.format thing to just sendMessage("Served") so I really couldnt say.
  14. Any chance for a cooldown tag, or is that complex/buggy?
  15. Offline


    Indeed, this is my fault due to not understanding the nature of Java format strings. The error is actually in the Locale.dat file instead of in the source. The attached Locale.dat is corrected, and the next version will auto-generate the corrected file as well. (Remember to strip off the .txt extension after you download it.)
    I have fixed the uses being decremented incorrectly due to a variety of causes in the next version. I cannot reproduce the sticky "wand" that you describe with the latest version.
    You may have noticed that the cooldown feature is still on the issue tracker. I still really like the idea, but I'm not certain how to implement it yet. How does this sound:

    Attached Files:

  16. Offline


    Thanks a lot mate. Much appreciated
  17. Sounds good, I just know timers can be tricky, but I guess using Bukkit scheduler it should work stable.
  18. Offline



    Would it be possible to stop a user from consuming food when right clicking a command sign with a food item in there hand? We use localshops and allot of people set up signs with the add all command to stock there shops with the item in there hand. This causes food items to duplicate or be consumed and added to the shop as well.
  19. Offline


    Yes. I'll add this in the next version.
  20. Offline


    After a quick check, CommandSigns appears to continue to work with RB 928. Let me know if you find differently. If you're still running RB 803, please note that 803 is no longer supported. The download link to 0.8.1i will remain in the OP, but it will not be updated.
    So, it is 'possible', but it's not a good idea. To prevent the player from consuming food, I have to cancel the same interact event that's being used to trigger the command sign. There's a way around this, but it's not pretty and (in my opinion) probably isn't the best development practice. I'll think about adding this.
  21. Offline


    Upon further investigating the issue is only there when using certain commands from localshops. The commands that let you sell and deposit items conflict when the item is also eaten causing the issue im experiencing. So if it were possible to block certain commands from being made on command signs that would work to.
  22. Offline


    How would i go about changing my /say command so that when someone uses /say it says [Server] and when someone uses a sign that says /say it uses [Sign]?

    Eg. If i type /say <message> it shows as [Server]:<message>
    But if someone uses a command sign with "[command] /say <message>" is shows something else such as [Sign]:<Message> or [Username]:<message>
  23. Offline


    How can I make it change our group using this plugin? We have group manager :)

    We want this because its a roleplay server, and they can choose jobs from signs.
  24. Offline


    nice mod i did already nice things with it. If an intruders steps in my castle he get a warning message and it begins thundering for instance.

    but is there a way to execute an action if the player cant pay the resources?

    i use annotate

    \\God: I warned you here take your punishment.
    /*mn lightning <N>

    this works but can you make it it dont execute if the intruder can pay?

    i cant get the $$ command under cost condition.
  25. Offline


    I have some issues with this plugin i have installed it but i can't use it. :/

    Attached Files:

  26. Offline



    Bug report: Regardless of your permissions you can make command signs if you have a sign color plugin. Simply put &2[command] on line 1 and it makes a command sign even if you dont have the appropriate node. CS .9 CB 935
  27. Offline


    Works as intended. CommandSigns keeps track of everything using only the data on the sign. If you let players use sign colors, they can get around pretty much everything.
  28. Offline


    I disagree. There should be no way of players elevating their rights. Worst case you'll have to keep a list (persistence or own file) placed command signs.

    Can't you just check for signs that are written/placed with a green [command] (don't do a full line comparison, unless you do that later on too) and remove the color code/clear the sign if the player doesn't have the permission to create a command sign?
  29. Offline


    Yes, this is a good idea. This will be added in the next version.
  30. Offline


    I am having problems with this and permissions 3.1.5 I have my permissions on MySQL.

    It use to work on flatfile but now its telling players that they dont have access to use that command even if I do
    /@ command

    Anyone that already has the permission (admins) can use them but anyone who cannot it doesnt work for, seems to be an issue with this plugin and permissions on MYSQL.

    I am using this with annotate .

    Sign says

    /@permissions <NAME> w:world perms add test.perm

    '&CommandSign' has the permissions.* permission but it does not work unless the player using the sign already has the permission needed.

    Any tips?
  31. Offline


    I get a Group Manager error when I put the '&CommandSigns' (and &CommandSigns) on it.

    148 recipes
    16 achievements
    15:03:26 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version Beta 1.6.6
    15:03:26 [INFO] Loading properties
    15:03:26 [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on *:25565
    15:03:26 [AVISO] The server will make no attempt to authenticate usernames. Bewa
    15:03:26 [AVISO] While this makes the game possible to play without internet acc
    ess, it also opens up the ability for hackers to connect with any username they
    15:03:26 [AVISO] To change this, set "online-mode" to "true" in the server.setti
    ngs file.
    15:03:26 [INFO] This server is running Craftbukkit version git-Bukkit-0.0.0-823-
    gb9d0b04-b860jnks (MC: 1.6.6)
    15:03:26 [INFO] Preparing level "World"
    15:03:26 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 0
    15:03:27 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 77%
    15:03:27 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 1
    15:03:28 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 52%
    15:03:29 [INFO] ControllerBlock: 1.18 by Hell_Fire
    15:03:29 [INFO] ControllerBlock: Using IRON_BLOCK (42) as ControllerBlock, loade
    d 0 disallowed types from config
    15:03:29 [INFO] [Annotate] 1.2.4 enabled.
    15:03:29 [INFO] Annotate: Integrated with Permissions v2.7.2
    15:03:29 [INFO] BedHome version 0.1 - Copyright 2011 - Shannon Wynter (http://fr is enabled :)
    15:03:29 [INFO] BOSEconomy: Located Phoenix Permissions 2.7.2.
    15:03:29 [INFO] BOSEconomy 0.6.2 enabled.
    15:03:29 [INFO] ButtonWarp 1.0 is enabled!
    15:03:29 [INFO] [ButtonWarp] Successfully linked with BOSEconomy 0.6.2!
    15:03:29 [INFO] CakePort version 0.4 has been enabled.
    15:03:29 [INFO] CommandBook 1.5.2-customized enabled.
    15:03:29 [INFO] CommandBook: Maximum wrapper compatibility is enabled. Some feat
    ures have been disabled to be compatible with poorly written server wrappers.
    15:03:29 [INFO] CommandBook: 1 banned name(s) loaded.
    15:03:29 [INFO] CommandBook: 1 kit(s) loaded.
    15:03:29 [INFO] CommandBook: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permissions plug
    in for permissions.
    15:03:29 [INFO] Register: Payment method found (BOSEconomy version: 0.6.2)
    15:03:29 [INFO] [CommandSigns] 0.9 enabled.
    15:03:29 [INFO] CommandSigns: Integrated with Annotate v1.2.4
    15:03:29 [INFO] CommandSigns: Integrated with Permissions v2.7.2
    15:03:29 [INFO] CommandSigns: Integrated with GroupManager v1.0(alpha-5) [Zombie
    -Version, please switch to Permissions 3]
    15:03:29 [AVISO] ControllerBlock: Edit dupe protection has been disabled, you're
    on your own from here
    15:03:29 [INFO] ControllerBlock: Enabling full redstone check
    15:03:29 [INFO] ControllerBlock: Events registered
    15:03:29 [INFO] CraftBookCommon 21-5607b73 enabled.
    15:03:29 [INFO] CraftBookCommon: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permissions
    plugin for permissions.
    15:03:29 [INFO] CraftBookMechanisms 21-5607b73 enabled.
    15:03:29 [INFO] CraftBookMechanisms: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permissi
    ons plugin for permissions.
    15:03:29 [INFO] 1 cauldron recipe(s) loaded
    15:03:29 [INFO] CraftBookVehicles 21-5607b73 enabled.
    15:03:29 [INFO] CraftBookVehicles: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permission
    s plugin for permissions.
    15:03:29 [INFO] [DwarfForge] Loaded Permissions, version 2.0
    15:03:29 [INFO] [DwarfForge] Version 0.9 enabled.
    15:03:29 [GRAVE] Error occurred while enabling GroupManager v1.0(alpha-5) [Zombi
    e-Version, please switch to Permissions 3] (Is it up to date?): The following fi
    le couldn't pass on Parser.
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The following file couldn't pass on Parser.
            at org.anjocaido.groupmanager.dataholder.WorldDataHolder.load(WorldDataH
            at org.anjocaido.groupmanager.dataholder.worlds.WorldsHolder.loadWorld(W
            at org.anjocaido.groupmanager.dataholder.worlds.WorldsHolder.initialWorl
            at org.anjocaido.groupmanager.dataholder.worlds.WorldsHolder.initialLoad
            at org.anjocaido.groupmanager.dataholder.worlds.WorldsHolder.<init>(Worl
            at org.anjocaido.groupmanager.GroupManager.onEnable(
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManage
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(
    Caused by: mapping values are not allowed here
    in "<reader>", line 14, column 34:
            group: Default  &CommandSigns:
            at org.yaml.snakeyaml.scanner.ScannerImpl.fetchValue(
            at org.yaml.snakeyaml.scanner.ScannerImpl.fetchMoreTokens(ScannerImpl.ja
            at org.yaml.snakeyaml.scanner.ScannerImpl.checkToken(
            at org.yaml.snakeyaml.parser.ParserImpl$ParseBlockMappingKey.produce(Par
            at org.yaml.snakeyaml.parser.ParserImpl.peekEvent(
            at org.yaml.snakeyaml.parser.ParserImpl.checkEvent(
            at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.composeMappingNode(
            at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.composeNode(
            at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.composeMappingNode(
            at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.composeNode(
            at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.composeMappingNode(
            at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.composeNode(
            at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.composeDocument(
            at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.getSingleNode(
            at org.yaml.snakeyaml.constructor.BaseConstructor.getSingleData(BaseCons
            at org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml.load(
            at org.anjocaido.groupmanager.dataholder.WorldDataHolder.load(WorldDataH
            ... 15 more
    15:03:30 [INFO] Incantatio v1.2.1 successfully loaded.
    15:03:30 [INFO] [Incantatio] Permissions plugin found, using that hierarchy.
    15:03:30 [INFO] JumpBlock version 1.0 is enabled!
    15:03:30 [INFO] Lockette version 1.3.8 is being enabled!  Yay!  (Core version 1.
    15:03:30 [INFO] Lockette: Detected craftbukkit build [860] ok.
    15:03:30 [INFO] Lockette: Linked to GroupManager plugin version 1.0(alpha-5) [Zo
    mbie-Version, please switch to Permissions 3]
    15:03:30 [INFO] Lockette: Using ops file for admin permissions.
    15:03:30 [INFO] Lockette: Ready to protect your containers.
    15:03:30 [INFO] [Prefixer] v1.6 has been enabled.
    15:03:30 [INFO] Showcase version 0.6.4 is enabled!
    15:03:30 [INFO] [Showcase] registered type [basic] (11 items loaded)
    15:03:30 [INFO] [Showcase] registered type [finite] (0 items loaded)
    15:03:30 [INFO] [Showcase] registered type [infinite] (5 items loaded)
    15:03:30 [INFO] [Showcase] registered type [exchange] (0 items loaded)
    15:03:30 [INFO] [Showcase] Payment method found (BOSEconomy version: 0.6.2)
    15:03:30 [INFO] [ThunderTower] Loaded 0 Towers for World, active : true
    15:03:30 [INFO] [ThunderTower] Loaded 0 Towers for World_nether, active : true
    15:03:30 [INFO] [ThunderTower] Plugin ThunderTower, by Rominos2, version 1.2.1,
    is enabled.
    15:03:30 [INFO] Got worlds: ALL
    15:03:30 [INFO] Tossers: Loaded plugin version 1.2!
    15:03:30 [INFO] [VoxelSniper] Config loaded
    15:03:30 [INFO] VoxelSniper version 4.721 is enabled! Snipe away.
    15:03:30 [INFO] vStopFire version 1.4 is enabled!
    15:03:30 [INFO] WorldEdit 4.6 enabled.
    15:03:30 [INFO] WorldEdit: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permissions plugin
    for permissions.
    15:03:30 [INFO] WorldGuard: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permissions plugi
    n for permissions.
    15:03:30 [INFO] WorldGuard: (World) Single session is enforced.
    15:03:30 [INFO] WorldGuard: (World) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
    15:03:30 [INFO] WorldGuard: (World) Lighters are PERMITTED.
    15:03:30 [INFO] WorldGuard: (World) Lava fire is blocked.
    15:03:30 [INFO] WorldGuard: (World) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
    15:03:30 [INFO] WorldGuard: Loaded configuration for world 'World"
    15:03:30 [INFO] WorldGuard: (World_nether) Single session is enforced.
    15:03:30 [INFO] WorldGuard: (World_nether) TNT ignition is PERMITTED.
    15:03:30 [INFO] WorldGuard: (World_nether) Lighters are PERMITTED.
    15:03:30 [INFO] WorldGuard: (World_nether) Lava fire is blocked.
    15:03:30 [INFO] WorldGuard: (World_nether) Fire spread is UNRESTRICTED.
    15:03:30 [INFO] WorldGuard: Loaded configuration for world 'World_nether"
    15:03:30 [INFO] WorldGuard 5.0-alpha10 enabled.
    15:03:30 [INFO] [xAuth] Loading player accounts..
    15:03:30 [INFO] [xAuth] Done! Loaded 2 Accounts!
    15:03:30 [INFO] [xAuth] v1.2.5 Enabled!
    15:03:30 [INFO] Fake Permissions version 2.7.2 is enabled!
    15:03:30 [INFO] CommandBook: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permissions plug
    in for permissions.
    15:03:30 [INFO] WorldEdit: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permissions plugin
    for permissions.
    15:03:30 [INFO] WorldGuard: Permissions plugin detected! Using Permissions plugi
    n for permissions.
    15:03:30 [INFO] Done (0,424s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
    15:03:30 [INFO] ControllerBlock: Loaded v4 data - 1 ControllerBlocks loaded

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