Inactive [MECH/ADMN] HideLogin v1.11 - Hide Login/out Messages [1.0.1-R1]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Celeo, Jun 24, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Hide your login/out or
    remove the messages altogether
    Version: 1.11
    • Hides login message from player logging in
    • Allows players to hide their login/out message from everyone
    • Allows admins to toggle login/out messages on/off for the server
    • /hideme - Hides player's login/out message from everyone ('hidden.hideme')
    • /showme - Shows player's login/out message to everyone ('hidden.hideme')
    • /hiddenlogs - Shows the players (all OPs) currently hiding their login/out messages ('')
    • /togglelogs [on|off] - Toggles login/out messages for everyone ('hidden.toggle')
    • /fakelog - Mimics a logout ('hidden.fakelog')
    To do:
    • Need something? Post below!
    • 1.11: Updated for CB 1.0.1-R1
    • 1.10 : Updated for CB 1317 | Code cleanup and bug fixes
    • 1.9 : Updated for CB 1060 | Added fakelog command
    • 1.8 : Updated for CB 1000
    • 1.7 : Updated for CB 953
    • 1.6 : Updated for CB 935
    • 1.5 : Added different nodes for all the commands, changed commands slightly, now blocks logout messages as well as the original login messages
    • 1.4 : Permissions is supported, but not required
    • 1.3 : Allows a full toggle for login messages
    • 1.2 : Players no longer see their login message
    • 1.1 : Fixed error with loading of names from config.yml
    • 1.0: Initial Release
  2. Offline


    update pls!
  3. Offline


    I second this idea, my server generates huge amounts of spam.
  4. Offline


    Could you change the A has logged B, because any players where their names start with a or b it'll change to in/out
  5. Offline


    I got Error (404) when i try to download this plugin.
  6. Offline


    I've been learning how to write plugins by forking and fixing this. I'm building for a tekkit server though so irs 1.2.5-R4.0, but this plugin is so simple I cant imagine much conflict upstream.

    Fixed a lot of SILLY bugs (like replacing 'B' in the username for the log'in' or 'out' action. REALLY??)
    Added Vault support
    Added better permissions
    Added economy support (charge to: /hidelog, /hidelogs (others), /logout)
    Customize your global login or logout message
    Hide logins OR logouts globally
    Logout with a custom message!

    allow colors in custom msgs
    add sql support & move to sqlite backend
    hide: login/logout for individual user or group
    one-time custom logout (+ eco support)
    hide logins OR logouts
    configurable timeout to squash logins/logouts (for laggy users)

    Running for a day now on 3 servers no problems yet..
  7. Offline


    Oh cant wait thanks for looking into the plugin! Good Luck!

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