[MECH/ADMN] ButtonLock v1.3.4 - Locking able Buttons and Levers for Minecraft [2520]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by MrX13415, Jun 24, 2011.

  1. Offline


    I dont think that this is a problem, because I wrote my own parser (means it supports special charters)
  2. Offline


    Oh, that's good.
    What about Line 150 in LockedGroupsConfig.java? In the source of 0.4 I have (which does not have a problem with clearing the LockedBlocks.yml) it looks like it deletes the config, and makes a new one every time? But the newest version doesn't do this, why? :confused: (Again, please excuse my lack of Java knowledge.)
  3. Offline


    No problem about your Java knowledge. :D

    Line 150: It does not seem to be necessary to delete the file ...

    but about the bug:
    sometimes i get an error at saving the config while stoping the server ...

    [ButtonLock] Error: An error occurred while saveing all locked groups

    I currently working on it :)
    thx for finding that bug. - fixed

    Version 0.7.2 is out! - recommanded

    Version: 0.7.2
    • FIX: locked-groups-config bug: sometimes there were empty groups.


    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  4. Offline


    Awesome! I'll get it on my server, and report back here as soon as I know! :D

    EDIT: It works! I've, quite roughly, restarted and reloaded my server and ButtonLock's config, and it's held out! :D
  5. Offline


    nice to hear :D
    the bug was that, the server sometimes tries to save empty locked group, which cause an error
  6. Offline


    Ah, I can see how that might cause an error. :p

    I even managed to somehow brick my server yesterday, and the LockedGroups.yml didn't clear, even with a forced restart!
  7. Offline


    You've probably been asked a billion times but does this work with pressure plates?

    also, when I had this mod activated, it made my redstone torches just turn off, and all my pistons wouldn't work. anyone else have this?
  8. Offline


    I haven't had this issue, did you add redstone torches and/or pistons to your config.yml? I didn't, so it could be the source of the issue. Also, what other plugins do you have? And what version of CraftBukkit are you running?

    I don't know about the pressure plates, sorry.
  9. Offline


    seems that I forgot to handel the presure plate event :/
    going to fix that ...

    sorry currently not :/
    I hop it will work in the next version ...

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  10. Offline


    that's okay :D I'll be waiting. very nice plugin though
  11. Offline


    Version 0.7.3 is out !
    • FIX: Locked-groups-config issue (again :()
    preasure plates doesn't work yet ...

    I recommand to Upgrade and reset all locked blocks ...

    1. use the command '/buttonlock reset' to reset buttonlock
    2. set all your locked Blocks again ...

    sorry but thats the best way to fix that issue :(

    Now I have tested all situation for this damn locked-blocks-save-file ...
    I hope there are no more bugs ...

    about the issue:
    It cause that blocks move between locked groups in the file ...
  12. Offline


    Luckily I have the Improved Chat mod that lets me bind commands to a key; I was able to lock all my blocks again quite easily! :D

    I forgot to look in the LockedGroups.yml to see if this issue was present, but oh well! I hope, for your sanity, that save file issues are a thing of the past! ;)
  13. Offline


    nice mod ... mhm i think i install this mod too :D

    I hope so too ...
  14. Offline

    King Pyro

    suggestion maybe for a permission node for a by-pass so a user doesnt have to put in a password?
  15. Offline


    posible and mybe I add an option so you only must enter the password once at login

    added with version: 0.8
  16. Offline


    Wonderful mod.
    I've used it to make a journey for my friend in the Mines of Moria with locked rooms and secret passwords hidden in the mines.
  17. Offline


    Nice :D
  18. Offline


    Version: 0.8 is out !
    its recommand to delete the configfile at and set all setting new ...

    [​IMG] Download

    Version: 0.8
    • ADD: Password by-pass
    • ADD: IConomy by-pass
    • ADD: Settings to enable/disable by-pass
    • ADD: You only need to enter the password once after login
    • ADD: Command to change the cost of a group
    • ADD: Command to add/remove blocks from a group
    • ADD: Command to enforce a password every time from a group
    • FIX: Protectable-Blocks list getting longer and longer sometimes
    Preasure Plates:
    There is currently no way to get this working, but if somebody knows a way, please let me know ...

    very important !:
    have lots of fun ! :D
  19. Offline

    Robert Pendell

    Is this plugin compatible with LWC? I'm looking at possibly using this to fill in the protection gaps that LWC doesn't cover.
  20. Offline


    Yes it is :)

    Thx for using my plugin :p
  21. Offline


    The link is sending me to an error page.
  22. Offline


    hmm... the Download link works at the moment ...
    mabe there was a down-time at github ?
    pls try it again it should work now ...

    [​IMG] Download
  23. Offline


    Ah, now it works. Thanks.
  24. Offline


    CraftBukkit 1.8 [1097] Test: successfull

  25. Offline


    ButtonLock will be on BukkitDev soon ...
  26. Offline


  27. Offline


    Thx for doing this :)

    I will start creating plugins when minecraft is released and bukkit wont release new versions that make plugins incompatible every day, hope that will happen, dont have the time to code plugins all day^^
  28. Offline


    No problem ...
    I aktualy made this because your plugin was very awesome ...
    and i could not let die this good plugin idea ... :D

    hopefull minecraft releases in November this year (2011) ^^
  29. Offline


    Hello, I update buttonlock by just replacing the jar file. The console don't do any mistake or problem when I launch the server. But in game I can't interact with the plugin...

    Thanks for your answer !
  30. Offline



    What do you mean with "I can't interact with the plugin" ?
    Does the commands not work or is there an other problem?
    And did you have all the permissions to use it or not ?

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