Inactive [MECH][ADMIN] bZone v1.3.3 - Simple zone control [1.2.3-R0.1]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Brad811, May 1, 2011.

  1. Offline


    bZone - simple zone control
    Download: bZone BukkitDev IMPORTANT: The creatures section of the config file now controls which creatures can NOT spawn inside the zone!
    If you like the work I've done, or would like to see more features and improvements, please consider donating!
    Version: v1.3.4

    OzRavenheart - $10
    JemiloII - $5

    • customizable zones
    • control which creatures can spawn in each zone
    • control who has rights in each zone
    • multi-world support
    • healing
    • build protection
    • chest protection
    • fire protection
    • explosion protection
    • wilderness control
    • custom messages upon entering zones
    • custom messages upon protection actions
    Known Issues:

    • you can place doors and one or two other items in build protected zones
    Try it out!

    /zone - tells the player which zone they are currently in

    Define your zones like in the included example zones.yml file. Anything outside of all known zones is the wilderness, and is protected.

    YML settings explained:
    __[zone name or zone owner's player handle]: if a player has the zone's name as their minecraft name, they will have rights in this zone
    ____world: [world name] which world this zone is in
    ____enterMsg: [message] OPTIONAL, message to player upon entering zone
    ____min: [x,y,z] minimum coordinates of the zone (bottom left corner of your zone, basically)
    ____max: [x,y,z] minimum coordinates of the zone (top right corner)
    ____healing: [true/false] whether this zone should heal players while they are in it
    ____pvp: [true/false] whether this zone is pvp or not
    ____players: other player that have rights in this zone
    ______- 'playername1'
    ______- 'playername2'
    ____creatures: list of creatures NOT allowed to spawn in this zone
    ______build: [true/false] OR [true/false],[msg] whether other players can build in this zone (if not owner and not listed in players list)
    ______explosion: [true/false] OR [true/false],[msg] whether explosions are cancelled in this zone
    ______chest: [true/false] OR [true/false],[msg] whether other players can open chests in this zone or not
    ______fire: [true/false] OR [true/false],[msg] whether fire is cancelled in this zone or not

    Wilderness Control:
    The wilderness can be controlled by a zone named "wilderness" in the config file.
    The only differences are that it has no min or max coordinates and has the property hurting instead of healing, which sets whether players will be damaged while in the wilderness. Players listed in the players section of the wilderness will not be harmed while in the wilderness, and will have rights in the wilderness.

    • Added pvp option
    • Added optional customized messages upon entering zones
    • Added optional customized messages upon protection actions
    • Changed from creatures allowed to spawn, to creatures not allowed to spawn
    • Now protects against placing water and lava
    • Simplified coordinates input (automatically fixes out-of-order coordinates)
    • Wilderness options added
    • Initial release!
    rameil and megaman0122 like this.
  2. Offline


    When I try to put a player in the line player, he cannot always build and to make nothing, this line is not sensible to be the players of exception?
  3. Offline


    This section of the settings is for players who are allowed to build in the zone if there is build protection. Is the player name typed incorrectly? Do you have any tabs in your yml file?
  4. Offline


    Nop, it's type correctly, I do like this:

    Tell me if have some error please

    world: world
    min: -100,0,-50
    max: 200,128,150
    healing: false
    - 'MasterTEX450'
    - 'cow'
    - 'chicken'
    build: true
    explosion: true
    chest: true
    fire: true

    And when i made a zone it's not working, i take my coordinate with F3 and it's not working ...

    Can i have an fast answer please ? :(

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
  5. Offline


    Can you post your actual yml file in code tags, or even an attached file? What is your console output?
  6. Offline


            world: world
            min: -100,0,-50
            max: 200,128,150
            healing: false
                - 'MasterTEX450'
                - 'cow'
                - 'chicken'
                build: true
                explosion: true
                chest: true
                fire: true
        Chateau dAlendra:
            world: world
            min: -119.65328920203937,65.62000000476837,57.404448772375716
            max: -214.5,65.62000000476837,-4.5
            healing: false
                - 'MX89'
                - 'MasterTEX450'
                - 'pig'
                - 'cow'
                - 'chicken'
                build: true
                explosion: true
                chest: true
                fire: true
            world: world
            hurting: false
                - 'MX89'
                - 'pig'
                - 'cow'
                - 'chicken'
                - 'skeleton'
                - 'creeper'
                - 'zombie'
                build: false
                explosion: false
                chest: false
                fire: false
    like this ?

    The first zone name brad working, but the one name Chateau dAlendra not working and the players things like i was sayong before.
  7. Offline


    Oh, well for one thing your min X is bigger than your max X, your min Z is bigger than your max Z, and your min Y and max Y are the same value. Try fixing those, like perhaps:

    min: -214,0,-4.5
    max: -119,128,57
  8. Offline


    but it's not gonna make what i want, it's not the same place it's gonna give ??

    Cause my coordinate supose to be more like this:

    -214,65,-4.5 ( why you write 0 ? Cause it's 65.62000000476837 )
    -119,65,57 ( why you write 128 ? Cause it's 65.62000000476837 )

    It's difficultto understand seriously
  9. Offline


    Well that means the player will ONLY be in this zone if their Y coordinate is EXACTLY 65.62000000476837. If they go up or down 1 block (or even 0.000000001 blocks), they will no longer be in that zone. I would suggest something, like 65 to 66, but its up to you. But at least you know what the issue was now. The min and max were reversed.
  10. Offline


    And why the players section does'nt work ?

    I type the name correctly but i can't build in the zone :/

    (my zone coordinate working now, but same problem here ...)
  11. Offline


    Are you able to build in the brad811 zone when you're logged in as MasterTEX450?
    If you can't build in Chateau dAlendra its probably because you've defined a zone that is zero blocks tall (goes from 65 to 65), meaning you can't build at any height.
  12. Offline


    but in 'Y' i write 0 and 128 i dont write 65 and 65, i write what you give to me

    So what i should write in the 'Y' coordinate ?
  13. Offline


    I have sent you a private message so we don't fill up pages on here.
  14. Offline

    Geko X

    I too am having problems.

    Im trying to make a building where there is mass spawning of mobs, but on the rest of my server, have no mobs. I have gotten the F3 co-ords for the building, but mobs keep spawning outside of the building and everywhere else.

    Here is the config:

            world: TFSV
            hurting: false
                build: true
                explosion: false
                chest: false
                fire: false
        Horde Dome:
            world: TFSV
            min: 141,62,84
            max: 197,76,130
            healing: false
                - 'zombie'
                - 'spider'
                - 'skeleton'
                build: true
                explosion: false
                chest: true
                fire: false
    Any fix?

    PS: I'm also using mobSpawner to spawn the mobs, using a redstone system to activate the mass-spawn.
  15. Offline


    Actually I think I found the problem. Let me know if it works for you now with the new version!
  16. Offline

    Geko X

    No, sorry, still not working.
  17. Offline


    How about now? (updated to 1.1.2)
  18. Offline

    Geko X

    All good! Thanks for the quick work! :)
  19. Offline


    I just test all my plugins, and the bzone just not working, i don't have any other plugins and it's not working rofl ...

    The last version not working too
  20. Offline


    This is great! i love your plugin, very simple. The min/max settings could be explained a bit better, but i figured it out eventually.

    One thing i'd like to see is control for lava placement and water placement in the zones, that would be great


    ______build: [true/false] whether other players can build in this zone (if not owner and not listed in players list)
    ______explosion: [true/false] whether explosions are cancelled in this zone
    ______chest: [true/false] whether other players can open chests in this zone or not
    ______fire: [true/false]
    ______lava: [true/false]
    ______water: [true/false]
  21. Offline


    Hi - I've been trying to get this plugin to make a private house zone where only the owner has permission to build.
    I named the person in the zone name and added them to the player list of that zone, but everytime i turn on build protection he is unable to make any alterations to his house.
    Is build protection supposed to block people on the player list too?

    Also is the build protection able to work within another zone? like making a zone for your walled city so that monsters don't spawn and then making build protected zones inside that for players?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
  22. Offline


    Does this person have capital letters in their player name? This has been proving to be a problem recently, so I'll have to fix that soon.

    I believe it should, if you have the higher priority zone first in the config file. So the bigger, surrounding zone should be last. I ::THINK:: that would work, I've never actually tried it though. Lemme know if you do!
  23. Offline


    Yes, his name starts with a capital letter.

    I tried making another zone for myself with my name in both the name and player list and being an op and still nothing.

    *Edit 2*
    I merely changed the name to have no capitals in it in the config file and it started working properly.

    Oh and by the way I tested out your theory and yes, if i make the smaller/child zones higher up on the list than the bigger/parent zone, then the settings seem to over-ride the ones in the larger zone. this way i can have a build protected city with zones inside that are buildable for certain players :D

    Thanks for the assistance :3

    I have found a bug that you might not be aware of.

    When you specify a min and max value co-ordinate for a zone, the name will pop up correctly when you walk inside the zone you specified, but the bounding box for zone protection will actually protect an extra block above the maximum co-ordinates outside the zone specified.

    I noticed this when i was setting up my build protected areas for my city as blocks placed outside the fence on the south and west side kept getting returned.

    the bug doesn't happen on the minimum co-ordinates though.

    Here, i drew up a little diagram to illustrate the problem.
    I'm not very good with diagrams, but i tried to provide an example so that you could see what was going on.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
  24. Offline


    Haha I was actually just going to come tell you this temporary solution. Glad you figured it out!

    Ahh, woo! Awesome, I'm glad it worked for you.

    Ah, so you're saying there's a 1-square discrepancy between where a zone is protected and where it is announced. Ok, I'll check into that. I like the diagram, haha
  25. Offline


    how do i allow all creatures to spawn in the wilderness like normal?
    is there any way to just disable wilderness options completely?

    it seems to have disabled creepers and wolves altogether, am i doing something wrong?
    How do i get the world to spawn wolves and crepeers again?

    okay....if i just leave out all of the wilderness options altogether, it spawn everything in the wilderness correctly, but creepers don't blow up, almost as if explosion protection is on by default for wilderness.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2016
  26. Offline


    I have a problem in this.. I have a NPCx, when I protected my zone and no remove all creature in town, all my NPC are disappearing..
  27. Offline


    Hi, me again :D
    I Found a solution to the discrepancy bug:
    subtract 0.001 from the maximum co-ordinates.
    Apparently the reason why it occurs is that minecraft math makes whole numbers specify the block to the south west of that point. If you altered the code for the plugin to subtract 0.001 from the maximum co-ordinates when it loads them from the config file it should repair this problem.

    I created a test plot to confirm this works:
    min co-ordinates: 0,0,0
    max co-ordinates: 9.999,9.999,9.999
    specifies a 10 block cube for both zone protection and zone names

    min co-ordinates: 0,0,0
    max co-ordinates: 10,10,10
    specifies an 11 block cube for zone protection and a 10 block cube for zone names

    Also, creepers in explosions enabled AND explosions disabled zones hiss at you and then just dissapear rather than exploding. Several other creeper plugins have been broken by the 1.6 update, so it may need to be updated to use the new creeper commands
    I tested this by removing all the plugins in my server and confirming that creepers function properly and then loading up bZone and changing wilderness to "explosion: false". the creeprs simply hiss and flash breifly before simply dissapearing. same for "explosion: true".

    Oh and if there's time whilst you're tinkering with the creeper code, I'd love to see a third option for explosions to do player/mob damage but not destroy terrain.

    Keep up the great work! This is one of the best area protection plugins I've found for using with a permissions-free server and I'd love to see it continue to grow.
    *Edit* Donated $10 =D
  28. Offline


    any reason why it's stealing my bedrock
    (BTW: other plugins are epic)
  29. Offline


    Ah, awesome, that's very interesting. I'm glad you looked into this! That sounds like a simple enough fix.

    Hm, ok, I'll do a little debugging with creepers and see what's happening.
    I'll look into keeping creepers from destroying terrain but damaging players. If I can't get it quite right, I think there's some other plugins that do this at least.

    Well thank you very much! I'll put your name in the original post if you don't mind. That's awesome, I really appreciate the support.

    What do you mean by stealing it? (And if that's a compliment to me thank you very much! And if not oh how embarrassing for me... haha)
  30. Offline


    How long roughly until pvp is configurable?
  31. Offline


    I'm confused. It seems the multiworld support is not working very well. I added a new zone "Adventurescape" for another world "adventurescape" and now this zone seems to overwrite the wilderness zone. If I leave "Town" in world "world" I'm suddelny in the "Adventurescape" zone instead of "wilderness".

    And I tried to add a second wilderness for the second world but bZones crashed while loading.

    Is there something wrong with the config?

            world: world
            min: 4,0,-152
            max: 388,128,284
            healing: true
                - 'player1'
                - 'player2'
                - 'pig'
                - 'cow'
                - 'chicken'
                build: true
                explosion: true
                chest: true
                fire: true
            world: world
            hurting: false
                - 'player1'
                - 'player2'
                - 'pig'
                - 'cow'
                - 'wolf'
                - 'skeleton'
                - 'creeper'
                - 'spider'
                - 'zombie'
                - 'slime'
                build: false
                explosion: false
                chest: false
                fire: false
            world: adventurescape
            min: -65000,0,-65000
            max: 65000,128,65000
            healing: true
                - ''
                - ''
                build: false
                explosion: false
                chest: false
                fire: false

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