Plugin Help McMMO

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by OSSIEOSTLER, Apr 6, 2017.

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  1. Offline


    Im almost at completion of my new prison server.

    I would like to add the plugin in (McMMO) i think its called. that allows you to lvl up skills and use right click to for example ready pickaxe.

    Im struggling to get this to work does anyone have any tips, I've watching nearly all youtube I must be missing something quite simple thats effecting it.

    when i type /pl it shows up in red so something must be a miss

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    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 6, 2017
  2. Offline


    If there is any errors in console, please post it here. Are you using the right version for your server?
  3. Offline


    There are no error messages for McMMO in the console.

    I know i don't have any McMMO permissions set not sure if this would cause it to disable. i have * so shouldn't effect myself
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 6, 2017
  4. Offline


    Could you post a list of all the plugins you have?
  5. Offline


    I have noticed that the lvl cap is set to (0) on the skills should this not be so

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    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 6, 2017
  6. Offline


    I can't see any plugins that may interfere with McMMO :/

    Just a little tip,
    SellSign, Easy Warp and Warp Signs are already implemented in EssentialsX :3 (You can use /warp, /sell & make warp signs. [Warp], [Sell] and why have 3 warp plugins? ))
  7. Offline


    yeah theres a few plugins on that list I've manually disabled

    this is mcmmo config

    #  mcMMO configuration
    #  Last updated on 1.5.00-b3547
    #  Settings for mcMMO in general
        Locale: en_US
        MOTD_Enabled: true
        # Amount of time (in minutes) to wait between saves of player information
        Save_Interval: 10
        # Allow mcMMO to report on basic anonymous usage
        Stats_Tracking: true
        # Allow mcMMO to check if a new version is available
        Update_Check: true
        Prefer_Beta: false
        # Allow mcMMO to inform other plugins of damage being dealt
        Event_Callback: true
        Power_Level_Cap: 0
        # Should mcMMO print out debug messages?
        Verbose_Logging: false
        # Should mcMMO over-write configs to update, or make new ones ending in .new?
        Config_Update_Overwrite: true
        # Play level-up sounds
        LevelUp_Sounds: true
    #  Settings for the mcMMO scoreboards
        # Display player's power levels below their names?
        Power_Level_Tags: false
        # Allow players to use "/mcscoreboard keep" to keep the scoreboard up
        Allow_Keep: true
        # Add some more color on the board :)
        Rainbows: false
        # Settings for each type of scoreboard
        # Print: Should the command output be printed in chat?
        # Board: Should the command output be displayed in the scoreboard sidebar?
        # Display_Time: Amount of time (seconds) to display in the sidebar before clearing.
        # To display permanently, use "/mcscoreboard keep" or set to -1
            # Settings for /mcrank
            # The sub-options (Print, Board, Display_Time) are the same for each type.
                Print: false
                Board: true
                Display_Time: 15
            # Settings for /mctop
                Print: true
                Board: true
                Display_Time: 15
            # Settings for /mcstats
                Print: false
                Board: true
                Display_Time: 15
            # Settings for /inspect
                Print: false
                Board: true
                Display_Time: 20
            # Settings for /mccooldown
                Print: true
                Board: true
                Display_Time: 41
            # Settings for /<skillname> (e.g. /mining, /unarmed)
            # No "print" option is given here; the information will always be displayed in chat.
            # It should also be noted that this display is pretty dang cool.
                Board: true
                Display_Time: 30
                # Should the board be shown when a player levels up, and for how long?
                # It is recommended to NOT have LevelUp_Time be -1, as this may confuse players.
                LevelUp_Board: true
                LevelUp_Time: 5
        # Display_Type: Default display for mob health bars - HEARTS, BAR, or DISABLED
        # Display_Time: Amount of time (in seconds) to display. To display permanently, set to -1
        Display_Type: HEARTS
        Display_Time: 3
        # Amount of time (in hours) to wait between database purging
        # To only run at server start, set to 0
        # To never run, set to -1
        Purge_Interval: -1
        # Any user who hasn't connected in this many months will be purged from the database
        # To never purge old users, set to -1
        Old_User_Cutoff: 6
    #  Settings for Backups
    #  Allow mcMMO to create zip backups for config files and flatfile data on shutdown.
        Enabled: true
            Last_24_Hours: true
            Daily_Last_Week: true
            Weekly_Past_Months: true
    #  Settings for using a mySQL database
        Enabled: false
            User_Name: UserName
            User_Password: UserPassword
            Name: DataBaseName
            TablePrefix: mcmmo_
            Port: 3306
            Address: localhost
    #  Settings for Hardcore mode
    #  Players will not lose stats when their level is below the Level_Threshold
            Penalty_Percentage: 75.0
            Level_Threshold: 0
                Acrobatics: false
                Alchemy: false
                Archery: false
                Axes: false
                Excavation: false
                Fishing: false
                Herbalism: false
                Mining: false
                Repair: false
                Swords: false
                Taming: false
                Unarmed: false
                Woodcutting: false
            Leech_Percentage: 5.0
            Level_Threshold: 0
                Acrobatics: false
                Alchemy: false
                Archery: false
                Axes: false
                Excavation: false
                Fishing: false
                Herbalism: false
                Mining: false
                Repair: false
                Swords: false
                Taming: false
                Unarmed: false
                Woodcutting: false
    #  Settings for SMP Mods
        Tool_Mods_Enabled: false
        Armor_Mods_Enabled: false
        Block_Mods_Enabled: false
        Entity_Mods_Enabled: false
    #  Settings for mcMMO items
            Enabled: true
            Cooldown: 240
            Warmup: 5
            RecentlyHurt_Cooldown: 60
            Prevent_Use_Underground: true
            Use_Cost: 1
            Recipe_Cost: 5
            Item_Name: FEATHER
            Sound_Enabled: true
    #  Settings for Parties
        # Amount of time (in hours) to wait between automatically kicking old party members
        # To only run at server start, set to 0
        # To never kick old users, set to -1
        AutoKick_Interval: 12
        # Any user who hasn't connected in this many days will get kicked from their party
        Old_Party_Member_Cutoff: 7
        # Settings for party share modes
            ExpShare_bonus_base: 1.1
            ExpShare_bonus_increase: 1.05
            ExpShare_bonus_cap: 1.5
            Range: 75.0
        # Party members level up their party by earning individual experience
        # Newly created parties will not immediately have access to all the party features
        # and have to level up the party a bit before they can use them.
            Level_Cap: 10
            # Uses the regular XP formula but is multiplied by <amount of party members> + <Xp_Curve_Modifier>
            Xp_Curve_Modifier: 3
            Near_Members_Needed: false
            Inform_All_Party_Members_On_LevelUp: false
            Chat_UnlockLevel: 1
            Teleport_UnlockLevel: 2
            Alliance_UnlockLevel: 5
            ItemShare_UnlockLevel: 8
            XpShare_UnlockLevel: 10
    #  Settings for Abilities
        Enabled: true
        Messages: true
            Only_Activate_When_Sneaking: false
            Berserk: 240
            Blast_Mining: 60
            Giga_Drill_Breaker: 240
            Green_Terra: 240
            Serrated_Strikes: 240
            Skull_Splitter: 240
            Super_Breaker: 240
            Tree_Feller: 240
            Berserk: 0
            Blast_Mining: 0
            Giga_Drill_Breaker: 0
            Green_Terra: 0
            Serrated_Strikes: 0
            Skull_Splitter: 0
            Super_Breaker: 0
            Tree_Feller: 0
            Tree_Feller_Threshold: 500
            # Use more tool durability while using abilities. Set Durability_Loss to 0 to disable the extra durability damage.
            Durability_Loss: 1
    #  Settings for Skills
    #  Level cap of 0 for no limit
            Enabled_For_PVP: true
            Enabled_For_PVE: true
            Prevent_AFK_Leveling: true
            Max_Tries_At_Same_Location: 3
            Prevent_Dodge_Lightning: false
            # Prevent earning Acrobatics XP a few seconds after teleporting
            XP_After_Teleport_Cooldown: 5
            Level_Cap: 0
            # Allow Hoppers to transfer ingredients and brew Rank 1 Alchemy potions
            Enabled_for_Hoppers: true
            # Prevent Hoppers from transferring ingredients into Brewing Stands
            Prevent_Hopper_Transfer: false
            Level_Cap: 0
            Enabled_For_PVP: true
            Enabled_For_PVE: true
            Level_Cap: 0
            Enabled_For_PVP: true
            Enabled_For_PVE: true
            Level_Cap: 0
            Level_Cap: 0
            Level_Cap: 0
            Drops_Enabled: true
            Override_Vanilla_Treasures: true
            # Always catch fish, even when treasure is found
            Extra_Fish: false
            Level_Cap: 0
            Prevent_AFK_Leveling: true
            Level_Cap: 0
            Detonator_Name: FLINT_AND_STEEL
            Level_Cap: 0
            Anvil_Messages: true
            Anvil_Placed_Sounds: true
            Anvil_Use_Sounds: true
            Anvil_Material: IRON_BLOCK
            Salvage_Anvil_Material: GOLD_BLOCK
            Salvage_tools: true
            Salvage_armor: true
            # Ask for a confirmation when a player tries to repair an enchanted item
            Confirm_Required: true
            Level_Cap: 0
            Enabled_For_PVP: true
            Enabled_For_PVE: true
            Level_Cap: 0
            Enabled_For_PVP: true
            Enabled_For_PVE: true
            Level_Cap: 0
                # Item_Material: Material of the item needed to summon the pet
                # Item_Amount: Amount of items required to summon the pet
                # Summon_Amount: Amount of pets to summon when using Call Of The Wild
                    Item_Material: BONE
                    Item_Amount: 10
                    Summon_Amount: 1
                    Item_Material: RAW_FISH
                    Item_Amount: 10
                    Summon_Amount: 1
                    Item_Material: APPLE
                    Item_Amount: 10
                    Summon_Amount: 1
                # Range to check for nearby pets when using Call Of The Wild, 0 will disable the check
                Range: 40.0
            Enabled_For_PVP: true
            Enabled_For_PVE: true
            Level_Cap: 0
                SmoothBrick_To_CrackedBrick: true
            Tree_Feller_Sounds: true
            Level_Cap: 0
    #  Settings for Double Drops
            Brown_Mushroom: true
            Cactus: true
            Carrot: true
            Cocoa: true
            Crops: true
            Melon_Block: true
            Nether_Warts: true
            Potato: true
            Pumpkin: true
            Red_Mushroom: true
            Red_Rose: true
            Sugar_Cane_Block: true
            Vine: true
            Water_Lily: true
            Yellow_Flower: true
            Coal_Ore: true
            Diamond_Ore: true
            Emerald_Ore: true
            Ender_Stone: true
            Glowstone: true
            Gold_Ore: true
            Iron_Ore: true
            Lapis_Ore: true
            Mossy_Cobblestone: true
            Netherrack: true
            Obsidian: true
            Quartz_Ore: true
            Redstone_Ore: true
            Sandstone: true
            Stone: true
            Acacia: true
            Birch: true
            Dark_Oak: true
            Generic: true
            Jungle: true
            Redwood: true
    #  Settings for commands
            # If true, when using partial names in commands mcMMO will try to look for a match from
            # the offline players. Enabling this might slow the server down if there are a lot of offline players.
            Match_OfflinePlayers: false
            # Database command cooldown in milliseconds, cannot be changed below the default value. (1750)
            # Prevents players from spamming /mctop or /mcrank
            Player_Cooldown: 1750
            Donate_Message: true
            Max_Distance: 30.0
            Cooldown: 120
            Warmup: 5
            RecentlyHurt_Cooldown: 60
            Accept_Required: true
            Request_Timeout: 300
            # If true, require players to have a[WorldName] permission
            # to teleport to, from, or within any given world.
            World_Based_Permissions: false
            Chat_Prefix_Format: '[[GREEN]]([[WHITE]]{0}[[GREEN]])'
            Use_Display_Names: true
            Chat_Prefix_Format_Ally: '[[GREEN]](A)[[RESET]]'
            Chat_Prefix_Format: '[[AQUA]][[[WHITE]]{0}[[AQUA]]]'
            Use_Display_Names: true
    #  Settings for particles
        # These settings determine if fireworks should get launched when a player activates/deactivates an ability
        Ability_Activation: true
        Ability_Deactivation: true
        # Determines if the fireworks should be a large ball or a small one
        LargeFireworks: true
        # Use particle effect when these abilities trigger
        Dodge: true
        Bleed: true
        Greater_Impact: true
        # These settings determine if fireworks should get launched when a player levels-up,
        # this will happen by default for every 100 levels.
        LevelUp_Enabled: true
        LevelUp_Tier: 100
    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 6, 2017
  8. Offline


  9. Offline


    Currently Running [​IMG]Bukkit 1.11.2
  10. Offline


    On the spigot download page for McMMO it says;
    Maybe it doesn't work on 1.11.2.
  11. Offline


    do you know of another, i basically want the ability to ready pickaxe/axe/fists ect and for super breaker ect
  12. Offline


    That should not be the case.

    If it comes up red, most likely an error occurred while it was loading. Post the full start-up log.
  13. Offline


    ADMIN EDIT: Please stop double posting repeatedly.

    fixed McMMO, i had to second to latest version not the most recent. For future reference if anyone is reading this, you have to manually add it using filezilla on mcprohosting servers.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 6, 2017
  14. Offline


    And you do not need to manually add it :p Probably just as I earlier said, wrong version :p
  15. Offline


    No on mcpro it has a bukkitplugin option were it automatically installs the plugin, but uses a wrong version
  16. Offline


    Yep.. "wrong version" :p I used mcpro before, I know how it works :p for some plugins you are able to change the version to install.
    Anyway, it works and thats everything.
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