Plugin Help Maxbans help

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by FunkKing, Nov 5, 2015.

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    I have been wondering for awhile how to setup maxbans for my bungee server, for 5 different game-modes. There are few tutorials, and even fewer good ones. The only one that could've helped, was a 13 minute German Tutorial, though I don't speak German. If someone could link me to one, or just tell me what I need to do that would be awesome! I will make en English tutorial for what I need too, so questions like these don't pop up for anyone, or the developer(s).

    Kind regards,

    - funkemunky
  2. Offline


    This thread will be locked, Offline mode isn't supported on the bukkit forums
    Your server is running bungeecord
    This requires offline mode :)
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