Solved [MATH/VELOCITY/VECTORS] How can I make JumpPads always boost up the Player?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by OHQCraft, Aug 9, 2014.

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    I want to make my LaunchPads always boost the Player up, but my current code doesn't do this unless their pitch is higher than 0. How can I do this? This is my current code:
    1. event.getPlayer().setVelocity(event.getPlayer().getLocation().getDirection().multiply(3));
    2. event.getPlayer().setVelocity(event.getPlayer().getVelocity().add(new Vector(0, 1, 0)));
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    If you set the y position to 1 instead of adding 1 you should get the wanted result.
    OHQCraft likes this.
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    Thanks, that worked.
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