This post is going to have many small plugins I need, and would be greatly appreciated if they're done. 1) Ore Spawn Rate:I need a plugin that changes for a certain world the spawn rate for Ores...It's as simple as that! 2) Ban On Death:Before any of you post on this one, please read below!What I need for this is a ban from THAT world that they died in...I do not want them banned from the server. I also want it where when they try and go into the Multiverse portal, they get teleportedback to the main HUB spawn, with a message displaying how muchlonger they will be banned for... I also need it where they can donate to be unbanned, so, I needa command that can unban them from that world... 3) World Protection With Titles:I know this one exists, just can't find it, anywhere!I don't want anyone to create it, it's there somewhere, I just can't find it!Basically, the plugin works like, when you enter that region, itdisplays it in your chat box! With colours, etc. It would also protection the landscape, and things you can mess with.Configurable. That's all for now! Thanks.
iPadHD 1. Possibly mineral manager or maybe terrain control 2. Not to sure on this one. 3. World guard has a flag for entering and leaving messages.
Mmm, uh. Worldguard is good. However, MineralManager makes it so you can make it so minerals respawn... And, Terrain Control, there is no option for the ore spawnrate in the config.
Sorry for late reply, I think I got what I need... Testing it out now... But if it doesn't work... Then, Multiverse and portals. They would be teleported, then, on death, banned for a week.