Making Super Craft Bros. Work with Bukkit

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by XavierHorovitz, May 9, 2013.

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    This is a big thing I'd like to figure out. As a server owner running Essentials, Multiverse and the whole shebang, I think it'd be awesome to allow user to run through a portal to teleport into SCB. Obviously the portal takes them to the starting room, and that's all fine and good. The game can start as normal and it plays rather well. The problem starts when someone dies. They respawn back in the beginning room, because that is the world's spawn point. ​
    Then, you have these pretentious server owners who refuse to release plugins that help it to work because they know that without it, they'd be nothing. Has anyone had any luck, be it through plugin or configuration?​
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    No, you have these server owners who refused to release a plugin that they likely paid a lot for to the public for free, notwithstanding the developer's wishes.

    If you want a plugin so bad, pay for one or do it yourself.
    fredghostkyle1 likes this.
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    the server owners have their reason for NOT releasing their plugins. like
    said. Also if you want it that bad, make it yourself or get someone to. (Bukkit dues NOT support paying for plugins/support in any form)
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