Make mob passenger be higher up on player

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by oceantheskatr, Mar 3, 2016.

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    Hi, when I make a mob ride a player the mob will sit right in the player's head and cause them to not be able to see. I was wondering if I'd be able to make the mob be higher up. The only thing I can think of is to maybe put the mob on some sort of invisible entity, and then make that entity my passenger. I will try to do that now, however help would be appreciated.


    ss+(2016-03-03+at+08.45.29).jpg ss+(2016-03-03+at+08.51.47).png
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    @oceantheskatr I'm not sure if this only applies to minecarts but on them, they have NBT data to adjust on how the passenger sits.
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    @teej107 Okay thanks, I'll look in to that and see if it helps :)
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    @oceantheskatr If that is not the case: Use an invisible Entity between the real passenger and the player
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    I Al Istannen

    @MisterErwin Problem with that is, that the user can only hit the invisible entity. If you hide it completly (packets,...) the client won't recognize it and the orignal rider won't be rendered correctly. You could try using an arrow, as that doesn't occupy that much of the screen. Isn't that fancy though.
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    I changed the way my plugin was set up and implemented the invisible entity suggestion, here it is in action :)

    The different ingots represent different tiers of rabbits, featuring an invisible slime between the ingot and the rabbit!
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    @oceantheskatr How far did you get with the minecart idea? Or did you not want to use NMS?
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    While continuing searching I found this idea so I decided to implement it instead. NMS isn't really something I want to get in to yet.
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