lootable zombie corpses

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by xXSilverswordXx, Jun 28, 2014.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: Fun, mechanics

    Suggested name:Lootable Zombie Corpses (or LZC for short :3)
    What I want: what id like is a plugin that- when a player kills a zombie, (and the zombie drops to the side in that puff of smoke while red) that the zombie corpse does not vanish. It lies on the ground for a while (i know this is possible because this happens on shotsbow with player corpses) and if rightclicked, it opens up a hopper gui with the name "Zombie Corpse". inside there is 5 random items that are selected randomly from a "zombiedrops chest" (i would do /zomcor chest) and then break the chest to set which chest. Include empty spaces. Zombies can drop ANYTHING from in the chest, but only one item. The corpse will despawn after 2 minutes,

    Ideas for commands: /zomcor chest (op default-) sets which chest the zombie drops will come from.

    Ideas for permissions: player.setzomcor. (sets if a player can use /zomcor chest.

    When i'd like it by: Soon as possible as all projects generally are. Within a month is fine though because im not really in a rush.

    need any more info? just ask

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2016
  2. Offline


    xXSilverswordXx Please read the README first and use a Plugin Request Format!
  3. Offline


    JordyPwner Is right. Read the Sticky and then edit this request and then well help you =) (Atleast on a better way)
  4. Offline


  5. Offline


    Ok, now I understand more of what you want =)
    Sorry to break it to you but i don't know how to code, and if I did, not stuff like this atleast 0_0
    But the idea seems nice =)
  6. Offline


  7. Offline


    I would be able to do almost everything but the zombie laying on it's side :l.
  8. Offline

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Gerov It is something :p
  9. Offline


    gerov that would be great! ive seen the zombie corpse staying on its side and not despawning done before on SHOTBOW, WASTED (their minigame). i think the zombie is continuously spawned on its side and the smoke particles are removed.

    well, the corpses are player corpses. maybe have the CITIZENS plugin hook in to spawn a dead citizen with zombie skin? idk.

    i cant help with any suggestions as to how the death smoke would be removed.

    oh Also, if anyone can help (i know this isnt the best place to post it)
    how do you do the suggested texture pack thing for players? Thanks
  10. I can take it. It's pretty easy to do. IDK when ill start working on it though.
  11. Offline


    thanks! sometime within the next month or so would be nice, maybe 2 months
  12. Offline


  13. Didn't start on it.
  14. Offline


  15. Offline


    xXSilverswordXx I could only do this by placing down a chest with certain items in it when it dies. I have no clue as to the laying corpses. Also for anyone who will do this, what should be in the gui?
  16. Offline


    i think the corpse just spawns a dead zombie in position, as to the chest, would it be possible to make it an invisible immovable chest minecart that will delete itself (along with the corpse) after 30 seconds?

    thanks if you can do this
  17. Offline


    It would be best to have this as a minecart, therefore when a zombie is next to a chest block when it dies, it won't cause errors like a normal chest would... But, it is possible to spawn a chest minecart, and most likely with items, as this already happens in mineshafts.
  18. Offline


    would it be possible to make that minecart invisible though? MomsKnife
  19. Offline


    The chest would be invisible, too.
  20. Offline


    cool! how would a zombie corpse lying down be done? (no problemo if the corpse is red)
    my guess would be solidly spawning dead zombies in the same place, but then they would lag, as well as spawn lots of smoke. Is there a way around either of these?
  21. Offline


    xXSilverswordXx I'll pretty much say: Please don't bump within 24 hours...
  22. Offline


  23. xXSilverswordXx That wasn't 24 hours :p anyway for the dead corpses i'm not sure if you can spawn a dead zombie if so if someone makes this here is a good way to do it check if a zombie dies get its location spawn a dead one then also spawn a invisible minecart with items in.
  24. Offline


    i deleted the 24hr post.

    is it possible to constantly spawn the zombies on zero health in the spot so they dont make smoke?

    it is done with players here

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2016
  25. Offline


  26. Offline


    xXSilverswordXx They are sending a packet that says the player is sleeping you cant do that with a zombie.
  27. Offline


    You would be able to do this if you could set a player's skin to a zombie, send a packet that sets the player to sleeping and remove the nametag - then if the player right clicks on the corpse the corpse would disappear and it could open an inventory with random items in it.

    Not sure how optional skins are atm because of the uuid switch
  28. Offline


    so could i use my brothers account (mouse44) which i now own to do this?
    so it sets its skin to mouse44?
  29. Offline


    I don't know if skins even work in plugins now with uuids.
  30. Offline


    is there any substitute?

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