[Looking for plugin] Unlimited stock shop

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by IAMSRS, Apr 5, 2011.

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    Currently I'm using rshop, but it's kinda trouble some because the shop needs to be owned by a user. ButI'm anticipating the version 2.0 that will actually solve this.
    So is there a plugin that allows unlimited stocks?

    Does Simpleshop 1.41 does this? but I'm guessing it more command based than the actual chest itself.


    EDIT: on second thought, it'll be best if there is plug in that will have a limited number of supply for 1 week. It will auto restock after maybe 1 week of ingame time.

    I'm just guessing there is no such plugin yet. I might try to suggest/request for it.
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    aite thanks for the reply. will look into it as soon as i finish work.
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