Looking for plugin, like "playergroup1 allowed in area X"

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Williamsson, May 22, 2011.

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    I know there's a plugin around that allows for the definition of certain groups, and then defining regions where they may build.

    For example:
    New player joins, he is automaticly in the group "Guest".
    He can then only build in a specified Guest-area.

    The group "Standard" however can build almost anywhere*. To be a standard-member one has to be promoted by an admin/OP.

    And then one could add another group, for example "VIP" that also can build in specified VIP-areas.

    * = Except for VIP-areas.

    What plugin is it? I have no idéa of the name of the plugin, I've visited a server that has the system above, and my server would really need a system similliar to that.
  2. Offline


    Im not sure, but I guess worldedit + worldguard would give you such a feature. You can define regions and add groups (if Im not misstaken). And you will need Permissions (or at least Essentials fake permissions).
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    Oh how stupid I am :3

    Ofcourse it's them, wich we already have. Thanks so much! :)

    And I'd guess groupmanager works as well as Essentials, will try :)
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