Looking for old versions of plugins

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by iwilkilalzmBs, Jan 8, 2015.

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    Hey there, I recently started up a Minecraft Beta 1.5_01 server using crafbukkit-806 and I can't seem to find any versions of plugins that go back that far. I was looking for things like worldedit and some extra commands mods, but they I can't find any versions for this version of bukkit. Is there a better place to search, or are there any places where these files might be stored? Or is it not worth trying to find anything?
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    @iwilkilalzmBs Some plugins simply don't go back that far. Some plugins do. For the ones that do, you can click on "Files" tab up at the top and then you can see every file that has been uploaded. Here is WorldEdit's file page.
    iwilkilalzmBs likes this.
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    Alrighty thank you very much
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    @iwilkilalzmBs Google would be your best shot, search the plugin and the version of the file you want.
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    @Zanecdavis Or just go to the plugin page and click on "Files"... :p
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