Looking for developpers for a town management plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Josvth, Jan 9, 2013.

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    I've finally started a project I wanted to do for a while. Creating a modular town management plugin.

    The core of the plugin would be a like any other town plugins; creating towns, assigning plots etc. But without any restrictions like having to build inside chunks. For example a cool feature would be that the town region would be defined by the things build in the city and grows in the direction of where new buildings are build.

    Also this plugin would be able to have is own addons ( maybe just other plugins that hook into an API ). An addon could be something simple like adding a shops or it could add more complicated things like nations and wars.

    I'm looking for developers that would want to contribute to this project. If you are interested let me know in the comments or send me a PM. Also add some information about your experience in developing plugins.
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    I think he didn't put it there because he's the dev for it. I'm interested as a dev. By the way, developer only has one 'p'.
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    Just get towny, or factions. This is a lot of work lol.
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    Ah, I see you don't like a challenge. Thats okay.

    I've considered posting there however I though that sub is for requesting plugins, not for requesting developers ;) Also this sub has as a description: "Need help developing a plugin?" which is what I'm searching for.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 8, 2016
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    So are you developing the plugin, and need help? Then post what coding help you need.
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    Nice to hear that someone is interested! I'll see if I can contact you tomorrow.
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