Looking for a plugin

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by elexier909, Jul 4, 2011.

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    Hello all, I am a little new to bukkit and its many brilliant plugins, But I have yet to find a plugin that does what I am looking for.

    I am looking for a plugin that makes the dispenser more usfull for the kind of server I am running.

    I would like the dispenser to bsicaly become the allocator block someone has made here :http://getsatisfaction.com/mojang/topics/the_allocator

    It basically picks up items (dependent on the item you set it to) and then "shoots" them into a connected chest/furnace. It can also take selected items out of a chest and put them in another chest.

    I have scanner chests and dwarf furnace running, but unfortunatly they you cannot combine them.

    Does this plugin already exist or can someone do this ?

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