Looking for a /1v1 plugin

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by ACCoker, Sep 13, 2014.

  1. Offline


    Plugin title: ACCPvP-1v1

    Plugin features: Players type /1v1 and they are teleported to the 1v1 waiting room/lobby. Every player spawns there with configurable items in their inventory, that when you right click on another player with any one of those items in their hands, it will send a message to that player saying "[Username] challenged you to a [TypeOf] 1v1" (Message is configurable). And then when the other player does the same thing to the person that challenged them, they are teleported to an arena where they are all alone and can 1v1 peacefully without interference. Another thing I would like to mention is that if the same arena is used for everyone when they 1v1, it would be nice if there was no one else there when they were 1v1ing. Like even though everyone uses the same arena, they always had the arena to themselves whilst 1v1ing.
    Another thing that would be nice is, if people received a certain amount of money every time they kill someone, and the amount the players get can be edited in the config. Also if the money was integrated with the Vault/Essentials economy, that would be nice. If that's not possible, it's no problem. I'll figure out something else for a reward and let you know later.
    As I mentioned before, it would be cool if the players could choose what type of 1v1 they wanted to do. So for instance, if they had a diamond sword in their inventory, and they right clicked on another player with the sword, it would say to the other player that they were challenged to a SoupPvP 1v1. When they type /1v1 and spawn in the waiting room/lobby, all players spawn with configurable items in their inventory. Each of these items represents a certain kit. So like a diamond sword would be a normal SoupPvP 1v1, an instant health 2 potion would be a PotPvP 1v1, etc (All this can be edited in the config). As for the kits, I have an idea. So like, when a player challenges another player to a 1v1, and the other player accepts, they both get instantly teleported to the 1v1 arena. But when they get teleported, they instantly get the kit (the armor is put on automatically and the potion effects are given and the items that spawn in your inventory can be edited in the config). Or if the kits could be integrated with a plugin called KitPlugin, that would work too (that is what I'm using for the kits).
    That's about it for the features. If you have any other questions, I'll be happy to answer them.

    When I'd Like This Plugin By: As soon as possible. I know this plugin is sort of complex and it might take a while, so if anyone is willing to make this plugin for my server, feel free to take your time. No rush :)

    Thanks for reading and I hope this plugin is possible and is a success :D

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