Lockette Unlock

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Blooby, Mar 10, 2018.

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    Plugin category:


    Minecraft version:


    Suggested name: ExamplePlugin


    What I want:

    I feel as if this plugin might be fairly easy, but I'm not too sure. I need a plugin that allows a player to remove a lockette sign off of a chest, or any other supported lockette item, when the player who previously owned the chest no longer owns the property. Properties will be ran through AreaShop and Worldguard.

    How this works is, if a player officially rented the property, or buys, they will be able to go up to the sign the does NOT say there name and right click it. When they have right clickled it, they'll get a message in chat saying, "&eTo remove this sign, type /signremove to continue!". After they've typed this command, the sign will be dropped and they will be able to access the chest as it normals functions.

    A player will not be able to use this command unless they own the property, if they go into a property that isn't owned by any body, and is currently rentable... they will not be able to access the sign. When right clicked in a region that's NOT theirs, they will not get any sort of prompt.

    AreaShop: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/areashop.2991/

    The lockette I use: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/lockettepro-uuid-support.20427/

    Latest version of worldguard is being used!

    Ideas for commands:

    Just the, /remove sign command. There should be no permissions, should all be default.

    When I'd like it by:

    Preferably within 2-3 months.. but honestly; whenever is fine.

    Thank you to whomever attempts this!
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