Plugin category: Fix / Anti-Grief / Mech Suggested name: GameMode Lock Permission What I want: I want a plugin that locks a player into a gamemode and to be specific, AdventureMode. Even if they log-out and log-in they will still be in adventuremode or the selected gamemode. But Creative, Survival is good too Ideas for commands: Hmmm It's not neccessary but it would be great if you could add those permissions in-game, example: /lockgm [group] [gamemode] or /lockgm [gamemode]
I mean, I want to lock people into a specific gamemode, No admins or mods can change it (like /gamemode player 1) And even if they logout and login again, they will still be in that specific gamemode which has been added to their group in the permission group file, permissions: - lockgm.adventuremode (If that is there or is set to : true then they will always be in that gamemode, [adventuremode] )
no, im done already people with GM.lock permissions have creative all the time, doesnt matter if a admin does /gamemode 0 it brings them back at gamemode 1 just tell me if you need anything else EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
I will be soon uploading my Force GameMode plugin to bukkit dev if you want to check it out
Love it...But...You maybe weren't reading the post...I was also referring to adventuremode...So that would be good if you implement it...
So I tried to edit this myself but couldn't get it to work. Basically are you able to change it so it makes it gamemode 0 instead of 1? this has it all lol, no need for asking for more nonsense
Ah, This post should be closed. A lot of those gamemode 'forcers' has been made. Thank you all for creating a plugin that made some servers possible!