Lobby Plugin

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by debs101, Jul 16, 2013.

  1. Offline


    I own a server that has many worlds. Each world has a spawn and we are planning on making a main lobby with portals to all the worlds. I need a plugin that is really simple and only does /setlobby and /lobby since players from any world can do /lobby and come to the main lobby of the server. Sadly bungeecord only supports multiple servers, not multiple worlds so it would be grateful if you could find a plugin that has these 2 commands or just make me one with just 2 commands . Thanks! :D P.S. If any of you need to know my server ip is so you can also talk to me there. Thanks again! :)
  2. Offline


    I'm pretty sure multiverse has a way to set a global spawn(or essentials, or pretty much any spawn plugin). You could simply add an alias with commandhelper that changes the spawn command to /lobby.
  3. Offline


    I have completed this request, I will be posting on the bukkit forums and will give you a link@debs101
  4. Offline


    Thank you gokarter but will you be able to have colered text like saying welcome and stuff?
  5. Offline


    What other features do you need? I have it to where it sets the lobby in the configuration file when you do /setlobby and when you do /lobby you get teleported there. It will tell you when you've set the lobby and when you get teleported. debs101
  6. Offline


    In the config would you be able to make this point where we can have a custom message when doing /lobby. If not can you just add "Welcome to the Server Lobby! :D" when players do /lobby.
  7. Offline


    Its almost done just working on saving the location when the server restarts or reloads, I have added the following

    /lreoad - Reloads Configuration File
    Added Welcome Message - when you do /lobby, you can customize the message.
    Anything else you need? debs101
  8. Offline


    Thats fine! Thank you so much! :D
  9. Offline


  10. Offline


    Ok thank you!
  11. It says unsupported class version
  12. Offline


    what? I can use it perfectly
  13. I get an error
  14. Offline


    Can you make the plugin so you can make multiple lobbys e.g /setlobby {lobbyname} and the to join the lobby they have to do /lobby {lobbyname}
  15. Offline


    Oh I get one too when I restart the server the lobby doesn't save and I get an internal error.

    There already is a plugin for that. http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/rpg-lobby/

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 3, 2016

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