load world

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by iwitrag, Feb 17, 2015.

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    my request is simple:

    Can you please make a plugin, which will load all worlds from list in config when server starts?

    No perms, no commands. Just on startup it will find folders with worlds from config and attempt to load them, just as default "World" does... after World.

    (I don't want to/ can't use multiverse plugin and I have my own solution for teleports between worlds, inventories, etc...)

    Thanks a lot
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @iwitrag Why not ask the developer of your teleport / inventory plugin to add this? Because you are pretty much asking for a multiworld plugin here
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    I'm using skript - and I need to load all my worlds before skript actually starts, or it will erase all my location variables, which are world-dependent.

    I'm not asking for multiworld plugin - all I need is load worlds which already physicaly exists to memory on load. Thats all :)
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @iwitrag Can't you load it with skript then?
    And if you have a multiworld plugin then you can make it load before skript, can help you set that up if you want.
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    Multiworld plugin is too heavy for me - I want only 1 feature of XYZ features which multiworld plugins provides. Skript itself with addons is multiworld plugin - but without feature to load world before it loads itself.

    I need to load it before skript actually loads itself, because when it does, it removes all location variables leading to non-loaded worlds.

    I have asked this question on skript forums too - but they have no solution for me.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2015
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