Solved Load schematic above build height(Cant be done[?])

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Link_Awesomesause, May 26, 2016.

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  1. I have a small problem/issue/worry anyway to the point, I am making a minigame plugin and need to load an arena into the world. I want there to be a bare minimum of dependencies, and so I would like to know a good location to spawn/load in the arena.

    Will I be able to spawn the arena ABOVE the build limit of 255? That is my main question...
  2. No if I understand your question. There can't be any blocks above the build limit, it doesn't matter how the blocks are set. Minecraft's world is only in the x and z dimensions infinite, the height is from 0-255 and thats it.
  3. Aww, I thought that we could load a schematic above the build height so that no player could reach it and potentially grief it. Because other than this the way to do it is to check every block break event and check if it is within the co-ords of the arena and then cancel it.
  4. That's how it's done all the time. A simple check if the coords are within are box and if they are cancel the event - easy.
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